
Dragon Ball RE

12 years after the events in Dragon Ball Z, we check in on the lives of gang. Kicking off with Pan at the Martial Arts Tournament.

Im_Jihi · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Mei Jueku

In the age of 796, the fight had barely begun when a figure, swift as a comet, delivered a kick that sent Mei Jueku sprawling to the stadium's floor. The air roared with spectators from all across the world for the 32nd World Martial Arts Tournament. Great Yen, stood tall—a specter in black, his presence alone a challenge to the bravest of hearts. 

"The sheer force of Great Yen's attack sent Mei Jueku crashing down!" boomed the announcer, his voice cutting through the din. "It appears this battle might be a steep climb for our pink warrior!

Powerful? No, that move was pretty lame, but Piccolo's gonna flip when I get back to the waiting room. Mei Jueku thought to herself as she rose with the spirit of a warrior. Donning a pink bandana and qipao, symbols of her unyielding spirit, she locked her gaze on Yen, her determination unspoken yet palpable. 

"Not bad, but you'll have to do better than that," she whispered, a smirk playing on her lips, her stance ready, inviting the next storm.

Fighters have gotten stronger lately, but there's no way he'd handle a Kamehameha wave. Mei mused.

"So the little girl's still standing," Yen taunted, his voice dripping with a blend of amusement and scorn. "Perhaps you're in need of another lesson."

Mei paused for a beat, letting the silence stretch, her eyes narrowing with a mix of defiance and amusement. "No, I was just yawning," she finally replied, her tone light, laced with mockery. "Your moves are so slow I almost fell asleep."

The crowd erupted into a mixture of gasps and stifled laughs, the tension momentarily broken by Mei's bold retort.

Yen's face darkened, a storm brewing in his eyes. With a roar, he lunged forward, his fist aimed like a missile straight at Mei's heart. Yet, she barely moved, sidestepping with such grace that Yen's attack met nothing but air.

"See? Like I said, yawningly slow," Mei quipped, now fully embodying the role of the untouchable fighter, her voice carrying a confidence that echoed around the stadium.

Yen's frustration bubbled over. "You just got lucky!" he spat out, his stance defensive yet ready to strike again.

Mei tilted her head, her smirk widening. "Lucky?" she echoed, her tone teasing. "Come on, then. Show me what you've really got, or was that it?"

This time, the silence that followed was charged, the audience hanging on the precipice of the next move. Yen seemed to gather himself, his eyes narrowing as he studied Mei's stance, perhaps looking for a weakness.

"What's the matter?" Mei taunted further, sticking out her tongue in a childlike gesture that belied the steel in her gaze. "Scared of a little girl?"

The announcer's voice broke through the tension, "Oh, folks, it seems Great Yen is at a loss for words. Will he rise to the challenge or has our pink warrior already won the mental battle?"

Yen, his face was red. His fists moved like a meteor shower. Mei's lips curved at the challenge. There we go, now we're talking. She moved like a leaf in the wind, Mei danced around his attacks. Each of Yen's strikes met only air. "Dang it! Why can't I hit you!"

"The fury of Yen's attacks unfolds, but Mei dodges like a ballerina," the announcer narrated, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Leaping back, Mei performed a celebratory bow for the audience. 

The crowd caught up in the drama, began to stir with anticipation, their cheers and jeers melding into a cacophony of excitement. "Go on, Mei! Show us some of that girl power" someone shouted from the stands, while another added, "Great Yen, more like Average Yen, am I right… Guys?"

The crowd went silent.

At the center of the ring, Mei's eyes glinted with the fire of challenge. "Was that luck, or are you still getting warmed up?" she taunted, her voice a velvet dare.

Silence was Yen's only retort, his breaths heavy, betraying his fading stamina. "Tired already? Then let's end this," Mei declared, her energy surging, an invisible force enveloping the arena, the air itself holding its breath.

"So far, all Mei has done is dodge, she's still yet to throw a punch." The announcer said.

In a blink, she was a tempest, her fist the thunderbolt that struck with devastating precision into Yen's core. The impact was an earthquake, reverberating through the coliseum, as he crumbled, defeated.

"10, 9, 8..." the countdown began, but Mei was already turning away. "Hey! Where are you going?" The announcer asked. Mei turned back "Don't worry, he won't be getting back up" She said giving a wink. Skipping away giggling she left the ring.

The roar of the crowd still echoed in her ears as 'The winner of the quarter-finals is Mei Jueku!' boomed through the stadium's speakers. Mei allowed herself a brief moment of triumph, her heart racing from the thrill of victory.

But as she slipped through the throngs of spectators and entered the quieter halls leading to the fighters' area, her mind shifted from the adrenaline of battle to the repercussions of her actions.

Pushing open the door to the waiting room, she was immediately met with the stern gaze of a tall green figure. Piccolo stood there, his arms crossed, a frown playing on his lips, "Pan," he said, a bit sternly.

"Shh!" she quickly responded, putting a finger to her lips. "Let's keep it down, okay? I'm not exactly supposed to be here, and I don't want to get busted."

If Mom finds out I'm skipping school to be here I'm dead. Just hope Oolong can play a convincing role. pan thought.

"Fine, but don't let your guard down again," Piccolo replied, sounding a bit annoyed. "You got lucky this time."

"Please, as if anyone here could actually beat me," Pan said, full of confidence.

Piccolo pointed towards a girl dressed in a maid outfit, with blonde hair and red eyes. "That one, Maid Dragon, her power is close to yours."

Pan glanced over and saw Maid Dragon shivering a bit before she headed to the stadium. "She doesn't look so tough to me," Pan judged too quickly.

Curious, Pan moved closer to the entrance to watch Maid Dragon's match.

"Begin!" The announcer said.

As the battle commenced Maid Dragon stared down her opponent Ishappa. Closing her eyes she flailed her arms in the air wildly, moving like two noodles in the wind.

"What is she doing?" Pan asked herself.

"She reminds me of someone I fought in the 23rd Martial Arts Tournament," Piccolo said.

"I guess every tournament has at least one weirdo." Pain said a chuckle escaping her lips.

"No, he was hiding his true power and she might be too," Piccolo explained

"Are you sure?" Pan asked taking a closer look.

Dragon Maid's arms continued to flail. Ishappa laughed along with the crowd.

One slap to the face landed sending Ishappa flying out of the ring and crashing into the audience. The audience's eyes bulged seemingly in shock from Dragon Maid's power.

Putting a hand on Pan's shoulder piccolo advised. "Look Pan, she made it to the semi-finals and now we know why. Don't underestimate your opponent."

Pan's fist crashed into her hand. "It doesn't matter who I'll fight I'll be the strongest."

I hope you enjoyed, leave a comment and thank you!

Im_Jihicreators' thoughts