
Reincarnating with 2 identities.

It was normal day as always. I was going to school with my friend, we was chatting with him. Then we saw some problems around school, there was police. My friend steped on the road and truck was going for him, but i pushed him in the right moment and then everything white.

I was thinking about "Where i'm?" and "Did i die?". Then appeared a strange guy that siting on the chair next to table."Welcome! I'm a God this place and your dimension also!". "This explane lots of things" I said to him. Then sit infont of him and asked "Why i'm here?". "I wanted to kill your friend but you saved him so this is an incedent" Said God. "Oh. Now i will be revived or reincarnated?" I asked. "Strange but you calm when other will get mad or scared but yes you will be reincarnated due to rule " Said God while eating cookies that he second before created. "What rule?" I asked. "Rule is when you die by incedent or failure of god you will get second chance in other world or dimension also you will get some options to choose and 3 wishes" Said God with angred tone. 'So i can do my dream and reincarnate in Dragon Ball world!' I thought. "So first you need to know rules i will say them when it needed" Said God at the same moment he ended on table appeared tabled out of nowhere. "Here you can choose dimension and other stuff".After hour i created everything.

Race: Sayian

Appearence: 30% Goku black 70% Custom

1st Wish: I want to have Legendary Super Sayian bloodline.

2nd Wish: I want to have system like from 1 novel.

3rd Wish: Fast mastery.

Dimension : Dragon ball

Place: Planet Sadala, Universe 6, 20 years before Goku Born.

When i said everything that i wanted God Said " Sorry but your 1st and 2nd wish cant be granted due to them both cost 2 high-level wishes when you got 3 middel-level wishes." I was shocked but still now know where is a wish limit. "Also your identity will be fused with someone you has more 20% similar to some person and you got it 30% so your identity will be fused with Goku Black" Said God while waiting to me get out. I was very happy that my favorite character from Dragon Ball will be fused with my identity. "Other is okay" Said God.

New 1st Wish: I want to have great ape abilities when in normal form and great ape multipler 40x.

New 2nd Wish: I want to have ability to create easy matterials and weak dragon balls.

After i finished making new wishes i gave tablet to God and he sayed "Okay your wish will be granted but Planet Sadal is very dangerous place and it Don't exist in my dimension of Dragon Ball so you will be on Planet Vegeta" After he ended i was shining and teleported in the other place it looked like hospital.

After i appeared in this place the Goku Black identity thoght " You was born little shit" i thought " So this is other identity this is good i can talk with someone."

Sorry for Grammar and my stupid logic if u like my thing you can review it.

Thestupidboicreators' thoughts