
Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan

I died... who cares? Now I have the opportunity to reach beyond the gods ... of destruction Yes… Due to the bad luck of dying, to the good luck of dying at the right moment, to be deceived by a god almost on top of the realities and know how to bargain with him… I was able to reincarnate in the body of the Legendary Super Saiyan Broly However, unlike him, I will take the reins of my own destiny. In addition, this time not only has anger and muscles ... I understand the structure of this universe ... and of the entire multiverse. I know its entire immensity I know how insignificant I have been ... and how insignificant I am still. I don’t plan to feel that way again… HaHaHa Gods? Wait for me Beerus Wait for me Daishinkan. Wait for me Zeno. I WILL BE ABOVE ALL OF YOU! -------------------------------------------------- This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Dragon Ball. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. PDT: Read the manga of Dragon Ball Super, the history has more sense

Meralman · Tranh châm biếm
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281 Chs

It wasn't me, I was found not guilty decades ago

"I'm the guy who's fucking your mother"

Unforeseen words that caused everyone who was drinking their coffee to expel it through their nose

Deadly words that froze the hearts and minds of all who heard them….

Causing a long and uncomfortable silence ...

A long and uncomfortable silence that the person most affected by that comment was in charge of breaking


"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING STUPID" Bulma yelled as she slapped her boyfriend in this timeline.

A slap that almost caused a heart attack to the entire audience

Bulma had just hit the most dangerous guy in the universe ...

The guy who was so angry a few seconds ago he almost destroyed the world

And he almost destroyed the world upon discovering that a future alternate Bulma had slept with a future alternate Vegeta and they had had a child.

Had she become mad?

Luckily for everyone, Broly's reaction was much more pathetic than they imagined

"But ... honey ..." Broly said turning to Bulma, making the same face as a child being scolded for something he didn't consider his fault




IN FRONT OF MY SUPPOSED SON WHO I JUST MET!" Bulma scolded Broly as if she was a bloodthirsty ogre ... well, as if she was Chichi

And Broly obviously tried to justify his excessive statement "But ... honey ... it's obvious that we've done it many times, we've been dating for years ... and"

But Bulma wasn't going to negotiate or listen to his explanations "DON'T REPLY ME !!"

"Wow ...

Only Bulma would have so much courage to do something like that" Krillin said, representing the whole group upon seeing how she had hit and was scolding the most dangerous guy they have ever met.

[I see…

Even Super Abominations have their weaknesses] Piccolo thought somewhat happier

It was the first time he saw the almighty Broly suffer and that gave him indescribable pleasure and happiness

And some time later, when it seemed like the reprimand to Broly has ended ...

The expert in receiving and observing scolding (Gohan) asked something quite well reasoned "Broly-sensei…

So you also come from the future?"

A question that made everyone, even Bulma look at Broly with inquiring eyes

"No, I am not and I am innocent of all charges.

The Gods already investigated me years ago and it was shown that I am not a traveler from the future or from the past or from another timeline" Said Broly while hugging the annoyed Bulma in the hope that she would forgive him

"Ehhh ?! What? The gods?" Everyone asked with great surprise and alarmism, since they had no idea what he was talking about ... even Bulma, who was trying to stay angry with Broly had no choice but to change her expression and ask


It happened when I was still a child, just when I traveled with your sister and Jacko ...

Some divinities of universe 6 and 7 couldn't believe that I was so intelligent and powerful ...

So they thought I was a time traveler or something similar, so they did a hard, long and sloppy investigation ...

So after beating them up, showing evidence that I hadn't created a new time ring and using the Dragon balls from universe 6 to make sure I wasn't lying ...

It was deduced that I was innocent" Broly said explaining one of his fascinating stories ... but only half of it and telling only the information that seemed convenient ... and lying

[Did he beat up the gods?

Does that have to seem normal to us?] Piccolo thought, who more or less knew what that implied.

"What is a Time Ring?" Trunks asked, who was unaware of the implications of creating one

"A Time Ring is a device used by the gods to travel between timelines

Every time someone changes the past or the future a new timeline is created and with it a new Time Ring

The gods are very touchy about this topic

They may not have done anything in millennia, but if someone creates one ...

PUF ...

They get to work pathetically and blame the first super strong handsome guy with three eyes they find…" Said Broly, explaining a little the workings of the universe and partially a problem from his past


Does that mean that in each of those timelines there are others of us?

Are there more Broly's like you? " Yamcha asked, who began to feel dread when he thought that another Broly's could come to this Earth.

"Not like me…

Apparently this timeline was created by the first mad scientific who invented a time machine millions of years ago in another universe ...

Fleeing from the gods he ended up in this universe and continued experimenting with other things, such as genetic modification ...

And it so happened that one of those recessive genetic modifications is me

Proof of that is my third eye

The other Brolys from the other timelines were also powerful mutants, but not as mutants or as powerful as me ...

And above all not so smart or successful in life ...

As they were so strong, King Vegeta banished him to a seedy planet when they were babies because there was a possibility that they would overshadow his dwarf heir" Said Broly explaining another great mystery of his life as he peeked at Vegeta again ... this day

"Wow ... what a coincidence ..." Ginger said, highlighting the obvious

"And that explains why you hate me so much" Vegeta said, which began to connect the dots.

"Although now I think he will hate you even more from now on" Muten Roshi said, highlighting the obvious too

"Not only him..." Yam said with a murderous look, she was still very angry at that hypothetical alternative infidelity

"Wait! I haven't done anything and don't intend to.

How can you be so irrational?" Vegeta protested for obvious reasons

And before the situation got out of control once again with another couple's argument, Bulma, who had studied time in almost all its facets for years, said "Wait…

But this still doesn't make sense ...

Let's suppose that everything my boyfriend says, whom I love very much and I'm never going to cheat ... it's true and let's suppose that Trunks belongs to a totally different timeline than this one in the future in which I end up dating Vegeta ...

Since not even drunk or crazy I'm not going to mate with Vegeta in this timeline ... and I don't know what my other self was thinking when she did that ...

A timeline in which Broly by chance wasn't mutated, therefore he was exiled on a shitty planet and could do a lot of things before the planet Vegeta was destroyed…

That's why Ginger and Yam are here and many of the things that have happened are different because of Broly…

It doesn't make sense for Trunks to travel back in time to come here ... to this timeline

He should have created a new timeline based on his own timeline, where Broly didn't influence our lives so much

It doesn't have much logic"

A fairly complete and complicated comment of which ... our hero didn't understand anything

"Eee .. Eeeeee ... I think I haven't understood anything at all" Goku said while touching his head, which had overheated

Dad… I'll explain later… but what Bulma says makes sense" Said Gohan, another from the smart club consoling his father

"Maybe this time machine is not just a time machine ...

Maybe it allows you to travel between timelines on a specific date and not just create a timeline based on the timeline in which the trip begins" Said Doctor Brief, another of the smart people in the group proposing new theories

[Thanks father-in-law, if you say so, it makes me less suspicious] Broly thought, liking his in-laws more everyday


It's possible… it's the first trip after all… and mom warned me that time travel is something quite unpredictable" Said Trunks, who more or less accepted his grandfather's theory

"Broly-san ...

Didn't you say you knew everything?

Why don't you try to find out with your super intelligence what happened? " Piccolo asked, who was enjoy this moment like no other

"For a simple reason Piccolo…


Why the heck should I help my stepson from an alternate future?

That's the responsibility of his father from the alternate past ...

I'm not even supposed to be here ...

I am just an accident that has broken a future relationship and prevented a life from being born!

If you'll excuse me, I'll go clean the dishes ...

I know when to spare" He said as he fled the scene at high speed and excessively melodramatic while pretending to cry from his three eyes

A scene that impacted like a Kamehame on everyone's mind


Especially in Bulma



Don't be like that!

You don't spare anywhere!


How can you be so strong and smart and at the same time so jealous and childish?" Said Bulma, who tried to try to follow him for a fraction of a second, but decided that it would be better to leave him alone for a few seconds to calm down

And obviously there was silence

No one had expected this reaction from Broly ... and they didn't know for sure if they liked that side of him or not ...

Or what to do or say to resolve that situation ...

But someone had to break that awkward silence again


I think I do know when to spare ...

Son-san, when you start to suffer the symptoms of your illness take these pills ...

See you in three years ...

My mother won't believe it…" Trunks said as he handed the medicine to Goku and fled there just like Broly…

And after a few seconds ...

With the absence of Broly and Trunks, the rest tried to appear normality and began to make plans for the possible future that awaited them in three years.

"So in three years ...

We will have to train hard again" Ten Shinhan said, crossing his arms as he thought about how to improve his daily routine.

"Yes, this time the enemy is more dangerous than ever…

And I don't think we can count on Broly at the moment

If you aren't sure of yourselves and your abilities, you better stay away" Piccolo said as he looked at the earthlings, who obviously wouldn't be able to contribute anything.

Rather they would be a hindrance ...

"Yes, I suppose this time we will have to try harder..." Krillin said, who despite being aware of how little he would improve in 3 years didn't want to be left out of the game yet.

"You are very right Piccolo…

You should stay behind and not get in the way" Vegeta said in an excessively boastful way, mostly to camouflage all the frustration he had stored up earlier today.

"You know Vegeta ...

I can't get completely angry when a Super Saiyan tells me ...

Oh ... wait ... you're not a Super Saiyan "Piccolo said, who knew he was much stronger than Vegeta currently and had no problem showing it…

And of course not offending Vegeta precisely with his biggest complex today.

"What have you said!

I will be very soon and you will regret it!" Vegeta yelled as he faced Piccolo, wanting to break his face somehow

"Easy, easy" Goku said while trying to separate his new friends and old ex-enemies

It was at that moment when someone for a change made the most sensible proposal that had ever been made in the entire history of this manga ...

And that person was obviously Bulma "¿Hey, know what?

I was just thinking…

What if we get rid of this Doctor Gero, the one who creates the Artifcial Humans, right now?"


Obviously that lodge and efficient solution surprised everyone for more than one reason

And Bulma, seeing that they were paying attention to her continued to develop her idea "Even if we don't know where he is, we could use the Dragon Balls and ask Shen Long.

He'll be sure to tell where he is.

If we do that, then we won't have to bother going through all that agony in three years"

"Hey, yeah! That's right, Bulma-san

If we do so, we sure won't have to fight later!


Way to go, Bulma-san!" Krillin said with great joy, who sensibly supported that idea, which would allow them to easily and safely avoid the apocalyptic prophecy

Unfortunately for everyone ...

There weren't many like him in the group.

"If you pulla n uncalled-for stunt like that I'll kill you!

You got that?!" Vegeta yelled as he threatened the woman of the most dangerous guy in the universe, the same guy that right now was very angry with him

"Oh ...

Kill her?

You wouldn't have been wrong and you actually meant ...

FUCK HER?" Yam yelled in a very threatening way to Vegeta, obviously she hadn't forgotten the Bulma-Vegeta alternative relationship

"Please Yam, don't continue with that..." Vegeta begged, not wanting to argue about something he hasn't done again.

"Hey Ginger ... has your sister always been so spiteful and irrational?" Wispered Muten Roshi, who didn't fully know this side of her

"Yes, always, I once ate her dessert and she hasn't forgotten it for three years ...

Day after day he reminded me " Ginger answered in the most discreet way she could so that Yam wouldn't hear her and remember about the dessert

"But I agree with this cheater, it wouldn't be fun..." Yam said to Bulma, even though he didn't want to make direct eye contact with her

"What do you mean?

This isn't a game you know!

The fate of the earth is in the balance!" Bulma yelled at Vegeta, outraged by how irresponsible they were being… before turning to Goku for help, the most irresponsible of all "Son-kun, you agree with me, don't you?"


To be honest…

I want to fight them…

Besides that… this scientist hasn't even built anything yet, how can we take him out?" Goku said half apologizing to Bulma, since his instincts prevented him from doing something reasonable like ending immediate threats to his life and that of others before they happened.

"I agree with Goku

If we finish them off now I won't have the chance to show how strong I have become again" Said Ginger, as excited as Goku to fight against strong enemies

And obviously that Saiyan unconsciousness despaired of Bulma "¿WHATTT??!!!



We don't have to go along with these Saiyans!

They're just a race of fighting maniacs!"

"I'm going to fight too.

I want to see what I'm capable of

If I die… then I'll concde that tha's all I could do" Said Ten Shin Han, negatively influenced by the Saiyans and negatively influencing all the Earthlings, Half Earthlings and Namekians who for a moment thought rationally



I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!" Bulma shouted again upon realizing how unconscious all her friends were, especially the earthlings, who were precisely the ones who were most likely to die.

And from there another discussion began ...

And Gohan ...

Considering that Bulma was scolding her father and her mother was still passed out while her grandfather and Bulma's parents tried to revive her ...

And because he had an internal conflict due to his half-Saiyan genetics ... decided to distance himself for the moment "This ...

I think I'll go see Broly-sensei"

So without hardly anyone noticing, Gohan entered the house and searched several rooms in search of his gigantic teacher ...

Until he finally found him ... where he should have gone looking for him in the first place ...

In the kitchen, cleaning the dishes, as he had announced previously...


He wasn't cleaning the dishes ...

Broly was ...

"Broly-sensei ...

Is it what it looks like or...

Are you projecting a movie onto the kitchen wall using your third eye as a projector while cleaning dishes with telekinesis? " Gohan asked describing what he was seeing ...

Strangely enough ...