
Dragon Age: King of the Beasts

The last of a long since forgotten race journeys across Thedas.

TrapcardD · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

Later in the day, word came out from a chantry official that spread throughout town. News of a Darkspawn invasion seemed to cause quite the commotion in town. Of course, there were some dissenters. People who came forward and spoke against an evacuation.

Saying that the rumor was exactly that. A rumor and nothing else. And slowly the murmuring in the town began to fade away.


" Damnit! Those bloody fools are going to get themselves killed." Nicolas exclaimed. He slammed his fist on the bar.

" I mean, can you blame some of them? A lot of people have lived here their whole lives. This town is all they know. And almost none of them know what a darkspawn attack looks like." Dana told the man. She and the other workers in the tavern were busy packing their things up, bringing valuables and other wares for the road. " And then a stranger they've known for a day shows up and tells them they're about to be attacked? If I didn't know you, I don't think I'd believe you either."

" I know. But still, even why would you want to take the risk? It's just crazy. I even offered to escort them out of town personally." Nicolas spoke.

" Who knows, maybe they won't attack. Maybe things will work out just fine." Dana argued. " Anyways, you can't save everyone."

" Yeah, I know that. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. I know what's gonna happen to this town, and the people. Just rubs me the wrong way you know." Nicolas explained. He rubbed the back of his head and sighed. Frustration was running through his entire body at this point.

" Well, we're packed up and ready to go." Dana told the man.

" Good, you three go get some sleep. I'll wake you in the morning and then if no one else comes along we're leaving before anything happens. If you have anyone you want to say goodbye to, I suggest you do it now. Otherwise, I'll be outside." Dana, Syril, and the other man that worked in the tavern, all nodded and ascended the stairs. Meanwhile, Nicolas carried the bags and crates they had all packed up and outside and loaded up the carriage they would use on their trip. Their destination was Redcliffe. A town to the far north.

As he settled the bags down on the carriage, he felt a shiver run up his spine. The time was drawing nearer. With each passing moment, it came closer.


Nicolas stood guard outside the Tavern, all through the night. He was no stranger to all nighters. Part of his childhood training was learning how to survive alone in the wilds. The only part that is ever truly a pain is biding his time, until the sun rises.

Nicolas stood guard on top of the tavern roof, watching the roads and the forest all through the night.

The way the trees shifted, from the wind was unsettling. The way the wind blew carried any scent he might have been able to pick up away from the village, meaning he was flying somewhat blind tonight.

" The wind is blowing away from the town. Damnit means I won't be picking up anything from the forest or the roads. At least not until it gets close enough. I don't like being blind. Not at a time like this. Shame too. This town is actually quite beautiful." Nicolas looked at the town from above. The lanterns lighting up the streets made the city glow. " Maybe I am wrong. It would be nice. Not to leave this town to be destroyed. Even I can't fight an entire army. And Poor Dana, in the span of a few days she loses her family and now, her home." Nicolas felt bad. He had to admit, the idea of leaving a whole town to slaughter and worse, didn't exactly please him. But he did give them a warning. Whatever happened now, was beyond him.

Time would continue passing and for a while, things seemed to be fine. But then as the moon began to pass over the town of Lothering, the wind began to slowly die down, and with the wind gone, the scents in the air began to flow back into the town.

Nicolas began taking in deep whiffs of the air, even with the wind gone, he still had to search through the different scents for anything suspicious.

He searched the smells. The smell of fish, the smell of urine and feces, the smell of bread and meats, the smell of the civilians, some of which were stronger than others.

" Seriously some of these people need to wash themselves." Nicolas complained from the foul stench, but he kept going, nevertheless, and then it hit him. Yes, he could smell it coming. The smell of darkness and death. Though thankfully, it was still quite some distance away from the village, meaning, he had time to at least get the others out of harm's way.

" Good, some ways out. At least we'll be gone by the time they arrive. I'll give the people one last warning before we leave, and if they don't take the help, then whatever happens next won't be on my head." Nicolas took one more deep breath and then waited.

And soon enough the time arrived. The sun began to rise and Nicolas knew the hour was upon him.

" Time to go."