
Dragon Age: King of the Beasts

The last of a long since forgotten race journeys across Thedas.

TrapcardD · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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13 Chs

Chapter 4

The night had ended fine. The soldiers had been removed from the Tavern sometime during the night, and Nicolas and the staff of the Tavern retired to their beds without further fuss.

However, the next day would be a very different story for the young man.

Nicolas woke up early, as he did every morning, and headed down to the Tavern where Dana had already begun business.

It turns out that when you run a business, you were required to be prepared much earlier than usual.

" Good morning, Nicolas. Hope you slept well." Dana told the man.

" Of course, thank you again for allowing me to stay the night." Nicolas replied.

" No thanks required. So, what are you going to do now?" She asked.

" I don't know really. I just left home. Why don't you tell me about those monsters who attacked you." Nicolas asked.

" Darkspawn." Dana replied.

" I know. But Darkspawn are usually down in the deep roads are they not? What are they doing so far above?" He asked.

" An Archdemon has arisen. They are a result of the Fifth Blight." Dana replied.

" So, the Blight has begun. And what of the Grey Wardens? Are they not fighting the creatures?" Nicolas asked the woman.

" They were. Along with the help of King Cailan. However, according to Teryn Loghain, the new Regent, the Grey Wardens betrayed King Cailan and his forces during the battle of Ostagar." Dana explained.

" What? Why would the Grey Wardens do such a thing? Surely you're mistaken." Nicolas asked. He had heard stories from his father of the Grey Wardens, how they were heroes most of them, and how they fought to protect the innocent from the Blight. Why his father even told him stories of fighting alongside the Wardens. And his mother, well. She had once traveled alongside the wardens and his father.

" I'm afraid not, though that is only what Lord Loghain has stated. Some believe there is more to what he says." Dana explained.

" Why is that?" Nicolas asked.

" Well, I've heard talk that during the battle lord Loghain pulled his men from the battlefield and allowed the Grey Wardens and King Cailan's forces to fall." Dana explained.

" And he is now declaring himself the Regent. Things aren't adding up. This Loghain is withholding information. I cannot imagine the Grey Wardens suddenly becoming traitors to Ferelden." Nicolas stated.

" Well, it's all he said she said for now. The only thing that is a fact is that lord Loghain has declared the Grey Wardens traitors. And has put a bounty on their heads." Dana stated.

" Beowulf, guide me." Nicolas whispered.

" What was that?" Dana asked. She couldn't make it out, but she heard Nicolas whisper something.

" Nothing. Just still surprised is all. None of this makes sense...." Nicolas was quiet for a few moments. " Thank you." He suddenly said. " I'm gonna take a look into this mess."

" What?" Dana asked.

" I'm gonna see what's going on. Someone's lying. And I just don't think it's a coincidence that King Cailan and his forces get crushed and Loghain is suddenly named Regent. It doesn't add up." Nicolas explained. " I'll be back later. If anything happens, send Syril or the other guy to get me and I'll be back." Nicolas told the woman. He stood up from the bar, and without saying another or listening to Dana, he left the tavern.

Nicolas, wandered around the small town asking for information from the townspeople. Some were kind enough to answer his questions, while others simply ignored him.

" I'm getting nowhere. They either have the same answer or don't answer at all. Maybe I'm doing this wrong." Nicolas stated.

" Sir. Excuse me, sir." Nicolas retreated from his thoughts long enough to greet a small elf family. A man and woman along with their daughter.

" Yes, how can I help you?" Nicolas asked

" Well, our family was attacked by a group of bandits, on the road here. They took nearly everything we owned." The man spoke.

" I'm sorry to hear that." Nicolas told the family. " Don't worry, I'll go get it back." Nicolas told the trio. He then started walking towards the road that led into Lothering."

" W-Wait! Where are you going?" The man asked.

" I'm going to get your stuff back." Nicolas told the man.

" But it's dangerous... We don't want you to get hurt. We were only going to ask if you could spare change, just enough for us to find a place to sleep tonight." The man explained.

Nicolas gave the man a slight chuckle and then reached into his robe and pulled out a handful of gold coins.

" Here, that should keep you fed long enough for you to find your place. And don't worry, I'll be back soon with your things." Nicolas told the man.

" Thank you, sir. Thank you!" The man yelled.

Nicolas smirked and continued walking.

" So much for benefit of the doubt." Nicolas groaned. He figured the men from before were up to no good. But they hadn't committed a crime per say. But now, after robbing a family, Nicolas knew he had to take care of them.

It was a short walk to the road, and when Nicolas got there, he was quite stumped. The Bandits were already dead, and their bodies were placed along the side of the road along with a trunk of items.

" Well, that solves that problem then. Sorry, fellas. But that's the game isn't it. You reap what you sow." Nicolas grabbed the trunk and started walking back to the town.

By now, the day was ending once again, the sun was setting, and Nicolas hadn't gained anything of worth. But in his mind, at least he could help a family out.

It took Nicolas sometime, but eventually he did manage to find the family that had asked for his help.

" Hey, folks." Nicolas called out to the trio and when they saw him their faces lit up.

" Our family trunk. You found it! Thank you so much! Thank you!" The man exclaimed.

" No problems sir. Luckily the people who took it from you were already taken care of when I found them." Nicolas told the man.

" We know." He said.

Nicolas scrounched his face up into a confusing frown.

" You know?" He asked.

" Yes, there was a group of people who came in shortly after you left. Two men and a woman. The man said he had already taken care of the Bandits. Me and wife were just gathering what we purchased to go and look for our belongings, but you've brought them back to us already." The man explained.

" Is that right? Well, good on them. Do you know where they went?" Nicolas asked. He was glad to hear there was someone other than himself that was willing to help the people. He wanted to meet these people.

" Yes, I do believe they went to the Tavern. Not too long ago." The man replied.

Nicolas smiled and waved at the man and started walking towards the Tavern.

" Uh, Thank you again, sir!" The man yelled.

Nicolas looked back and smiled.

" Don't mention it." He said to the man. He didn't know why, but Nicolas suddenly felt as though his world was about to change. Like he was about to be drawn into something bigger than he imagined.

Nicolas walked into the tavern to the sound of a commotion. The soldiers from before were now hackling a group of strangers. The man up front was tall himself, but still shorter than Nicolas was. He had short auburn red hair, and he was certainly fit. He had large arms, sure. But he wasn't a brute. The other man had short blonde hair and stood nearly the same height as his friend. Though he wasn't as muscular. Still, he was in shape. Both of them wore essentially the same knightly armor. But what was more prolific, was the woman they were traveling with. She black hair tied up by a ponytail. Her clothes left little to imagination, and she carried a staff. Nicolas noted she was most likely a mage. But what really brought his attention to her, were her piercing bright yellow eyes.

" Hm, two men and a woman. I do believe I've found who I was looking for." Nicolas smirked. " But it looks like the idiots have returned." Nicolas muttered. He stood still, silent and listened as the group confronted the new refuges.

" Didn't we spend all morning asking about a fellow that fit this description? And everyone said they hadn't seen him." One of the soldiers spoke.

" It seems we were lied to." The leader stated. He eyed the large red-haired man, but before anything else could be said a chantry sister approached the two groups and stood between them.

" Gentlemen, surely there is no need for trouble. These are no doubt simply more poor souls seeking refuge." The sister stated.

" They are more than that. Now out of our way sister. You protect these traitors, and you'll get the same as them." The lead soldier told the woman.

Things were beginning to be heated. Nicolas watched the two groups with intrigue, curious to see what the men in armor would do.

Then the red-haired man spoke up.

" Please stand back, miss. I don't need your help." The man told the sister. He wasn't being arrogant or rude. He was just warning her that he would be fine. Nicolas could feel the confidence in his voice. And from the look of ease on the man's face, he could tell that he was certain he could handle himself.

" You don't need my protection. But these men will follow their master's commands unto death." The sister replied.

Now the sister was different. Though she posed as a sweet and caring woman, Nicolas feel the gaze of a predator from her. Oh yes, she was no ordinary woman.

" I am not the blind one! I served at Ostagar, where the Teryn saved us from the Grey Wardens treachery! I serve him gladly!" The lead soldier exclaimed.

" Grey Warden? Seems Lord Beowulf has shined upon me greatly." Nicolas sneered.

" Enough talk. Take the warden into custody. Kill the sister and anyone that gets in the way!" The commander yelled.

" Right! Let's make this quick." One of the men exclaimed.

With things about to break loose, Nicolas decided now would be a good time to make himself known.

" Gentlemen! Do we really have to fight to the death? Can't we settle this over a pint?!" Nicolas exclaimed. He had walked through both groups and had grabbed a mug off the counter, much to Dana and Syril's shock and stood one arm on the bar staring at the soldiers.

" The criminal from last night! Get him!" The commander yelled.

More soldiers stood up and drew their swords. In every definition of the word the wardens and Nicolas were surrounded.

" No? ALRIGHT THEN!" Nicolas raised his mug and emptied the contents into his stomach, he then turned the mug upside down and smashed it over the head of one of the soldiers who tried attacking him.

" Get them!" The commander yelled.

The soldiers erupted with fervor, they all let out a loud chant and attacked the wardens and Nicolas.

Nicolas ducked one sword swung at his neck and grabbed the woman's arm and threw her over his shoulder. She went crashing into one of the Tavern's tables. Nicolas then spun around and kicked the next man in his chin with enough force to drop him.

The Grey Wardens and the sister were impressed by the man's fighting. And Nicolas the same.

Nicolas watched as the two Grey Wardens easily disarmed and knocked out the soldiers, hitting them with their swords hard enough to knock them down, but not hard enough to actually do any crippling damage. The sister, however, was much more vicious with her attacks. She didn't kill the soldier attacking her, but she did stab him in a few places that would definitely be concerning for any man. The mage used some kind of magic, what it was Nicolas didn't know. With a wave of her staff, the men would either fall over or get sent flying.

" Haha! This is fun!" Nicolas ducked one last swipe from a random sword and used his right hand to lift the man up and off the ground by his leg, making him spin in the air. When the man came back up straight, Nicolas slammed his fingers into the soldier's chest and slammed him on the ground.

Nicolas turned around and glared at the commander, who was approaching him from behind, and growled.

The man stood still, suddenly finding himself frozen in fear. He looked around for help but found that his men had been thoroughly dealt with.

" I do believe, you're the only one left. I hope you make things more interesting than your friends did." Nicolas told the man. " Be a soldier, commander. Draw your sword, hit me, fight me!" Nicolas approached the man, with a terrifying smile on his face. His two fangs looked as if they were growing, and his eyes suddenly looked sharper and more intense than before.

" Wait! I surrender! You've won!" The commander exclaimed.

Nicolas' smile disappeared and he frowned.

The sister then stepped forward and stood in front of Nicolas.

" Good. They've learned their lesson. We can all stop fighting now." The sister stated.

" Yes, yes. We're done! Just don't kill us." The commander begged.

The red=haired man sheathed his sword and then approached the commander.

" Send a message to Loghain for me." He spoke.

" What do you want me to tell him?" The commander asked.

" There's a few things. First, he's going to have to do better than this. The second thing is: We know what really happened. And now, we're coming for him. He's going to pay for what he did. Make sure he gets that message." The man spoke.

" I'll tell him. Right away! Thank you!" The commander stated. He then quickly scurried away from the Tavern, a rat.

" Coward, he's no leader of men." Nicolas grumbled. He was severely disappointed in the commander for leaving his people behind. Nicolas huffed.

" Sorry for interfering but I couldn't sit by and not help." The sister suddenly spoke.

" So, I, see? And where does a sister learn to fight like that?" The red-haired man asked.

" I wasn't born in the chantry you know. Many of us lived colorful lives before we joined." The woman explained. " Let me introduce myself. My name is Leliana. I am one of the sisters gathering here at the chantry. Or I was." Leliana explained.

" And what about you sir?" The red-haired man asked Nicolas, who was still calming down.

" Heh! Nicolas Hauzer. And you Grey Warden are just the man I was hoping to find." Nicolas told the man.

" Really, now?" The man asked.

" Absolutely." Nicolas replied

" Well, Nicolas. My name is Thomas. Thomas Cousland. But my friends call me Tommy." Thomas explained.

" I'm Alistair. I am also a Grey Warden." The Blonde spoke.

" And my name is Morrigan, a pleasure." The woman spoke. Her voice was smooth, and yet the slight bit of sarcasm snuck through.

" Well, Thomas, Morrigan, Alistair. It looks like we're going to get along just fine." Nicolas sneered.