
Dragon's fire: Heir to the Kingdom Of Night

The story follows Young Night'Tail, Hide, who's fleeing from his mother as she arranges his future wife for him. He's been too difficult for his mother to deal with, so now, she's tried tying him down to one of the three princesses of the Ocean. How will he escape? Where will he go? Who will he meet?

Your_local_author_ · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 14

Hide raced his way out of the Sandbear castle, hearing fast wingbeats behind him. He knew that he and Tai could make it if they tried. Tai was a fast sand dragon. Even though she had a small figure, she was fast enough to outfly an entire army.

They raced down the long corridor, their wingbeats filling the room's sound. Kathban had been waiting by the estate's doors, for his outpost was at the gates.

"Wha-" He began.

Hide raced past him, while he stood there like a confused dog. He gave a signal to Tai, forcing her to lead him away and to her in-city home. Tai noticed the gesture Hide had made, shooting herself ahead of him. They made sharp twists and turns, until they made their way back to her house. It's tinted windows made for the perfect temporary hiding spot.

As they darted their way in, Hide quickly scrambled around the room, looking for anything Tai would need. She did likewise.

While they were searching the room, they heard wing-beats. These ones were slightly different. They were a lot slower, had more grace in them. Hide knew immediately who these dragons were, and it wasn't good.

He peeked out of Tai's ragged door, to see Kira, Arison, and their troop flying towards the Sandbear castle. He knew immediately what there were there for, and he didn't like it.

"Tai, we have to find things faster. I can explain why at a later day, but you have to help me." Hide begged.

"What? Why do I HAVE to help you? You're the one who basically got me banished from my home." She shot at him.

Hide knew how she felt. She knew now, what it felt like to be on the verge of being hunted down like water in a drought. To be fair, he was the one who started it. He knew forgiveness was a tall order, but he had no choice. He didn't know his way around the Kingdom of Sand.

"Please. I'll leave you and your fellow dragons alone for the rest of my life, but please." Hide pleaded.

Tai's tail jerked, and as Hide patiently waited for a response, he heard a gasp from the door. Hide quickly jerked his head to face the door, seeing Kira. His emerald eyes were wide in fear.

"Master Hide! What are you doing here?!" He whispered, trotting his way over in concern.

"Don't come closer." Tai said, pointing her sharp, shovel-like tail at him.

Hide slowly put her tail down. He smiled, and rushed to Kira. His faint smile was enough to light his world up like the sun. His emerald eyes were beautiful. Even though Kira wasn't acquainted well with Hide, he knew he could trust him.

"Tai, this is a friend of mine, Kira." Hide whispered.

Tai pulled Hide back to where she was standing.

"How do you know you can trust him? What if he rats you out?" She whispered.

Hide sighed, knowing her intelligence was as sharp as her tail.

"I'm really sorry, but I know this dragon. I'm more likely to trust the ones from my home than anywhere else." Hide whispered harshly.

"Good luck getting to you're friends." Tai shot.

Hide's eyes slightly widened. The thought of his friends waiting, and waiting for him to come back, without knowing he was lost? It was a no-brainer who he had to trust right now. But what about Kira? He was a young dragonet, who had the chance to come with him, and help the others. Help Takashi, and Tsuki. Get the life Hide always dreamed of.

"Fine. But we have to take him with." Hide whispered.

Tai shrugged a slight smile on her face.

Hide walked over to Kira, taking him by the talon, and flying out of the house, Tai right behind him. They flew out of the door fast, making sure Kira was still holding on.

Kira was a small, and weak dragonet. He was a black dragon, like Arison, but he had grey patches that had a fizzling affect. The markings were on his legs, and back. He still had the star-pattern that everyone else did, but even still. It made him stick out. Only royals in the kingdom, were able to have special markings, due to Hide's mother decreeing the rule during her first few months of rule. However, since Kira's brother was Arison; the guard for the royal family, Arison had begged and pleaded for his brother not to be exiled due to markings he couldn't control. Reluctantly, the queen agreed, and here he was. Kira was allowed to live.

Kira was a slow grower, and learner, compared to his peers. He could barely fly until he reached a year old. His tail was unlike everyone else. Instead of having a fin of some sort, he had a smooth tail. Like a salamander. Walking was no different. He couldn't walk until he was a few months old. Most dragons walked after a month of living. He was like completely different dragon compared to everyone around him. Not to mention his nose.

Kira's nose was incredible. It could smell anyone or anything from a mile away. He worked in the police cloud with his brother, before most dragons could work. He was truly blessed and cursed. Cursed with the ridicule of others who were 'normal' and forced to work a job he never wanted, because of his incredible sense of smell.

They flew the entire way, until they reached the outpost den, Tai leading them. They're trip took around half an hour. When they landed, the moon was directly above them, at it's peak. Kira looked inside, looking uneasy. Meanwhile, Hide was in awe, finding Takashi and Tsuki snuggling. Takashi always radiated heat, similar to Tai. Especially in frigid nights, it was kind of amazing to have someone so warm.

Hide made a gesture for Kira to walk in with Tai behind him. Tai gave him a threatening poke forward, as Kira jumped.

"Don't be so cruel, he's young." Hide harshly whispered.

Tai just nodded, and smiled.

She walked in along-side Kira, as he timidly stepped forward. His eyes scanned the room, finding Takashi. He let out an ear splitting shriek, trying to fly away. Kira ended up realizing he was in a small cave, and hit his head on the ceiling. He fell into the sand, his eyes closed. Takashi and Tsuki woke up the disaster.

Tsuki's eyes fell on Hide, and she smiled wide.

"You're back! Welcome!" She said, jumping happy jumps.

He smiled an awkward smile.