

After another day of sitting in the hospital, I was finally released. But not before Doctor White had pulled me aside. Her face was grim and tired after watching over me the past few days. She has told me that watching me suffer, also brought back some painful memories of that night. She wouldn't let me leave the hospital without giving me her number and telling me to keep in touch. With a few proud pats on the back, I was released back into the wide-open space of the city. I couldn't remember any other time I felt so overjoyed to be out and about.

"I never thought I would miss the outside world so much. I feel so cramped and stuffy from being forced to sit behind those four walls the past two days. Not to mention I am so far behind on work." I moaned on the long walk back to Aaron's car. He couldn't help but chuckle as I continued to rant about the poor hospital food and lack of good television. I never realized how spoiled I was until I ended up sitting in the hospital.

"How about I take you out for a good meal. I know you need to rest, but proper food is for the best as well." Aaron said with a wink. I rolled my eyes at him, not swayed by his words. I just wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed. Maybe make a few phone calls and try to get my models on my team. There was a lot of work to do with touching up the dress designs and formulating a plan for whom was to wear what. It was becoming overwhelming between my recent wave of bad luck, and lack of progression with my models.

"Can I just go home. I really miss Leo. I know he is probably still angry with me for what happened, and I need to make it up to him." I said sheepishly scratching my head. I still had a promise I made to myself that I needed to keep. Gathering information on this weird Damien character.

"I wouldn't be too worried about his attitude. He has spent the last few days moping around. I think he misses you greatly. I also went and bought your house groceries since you are still on house arrest. I hope you don't mind." A wide spread grin appeared on his face. He was so shameless. Why does he buy me food when I am capable of buying my own?

"You better have bought me some alcohol on your trip out, I am going to need it after the week I have had. I still have to pay you back for towing my car, and now I have to pay you back for groceries. What kind of man are you anyway? Don't you have someone you are pining after? Wouldn't she find it suspicious that you are treating me so well?" I said glaring at him. He stuck his hands up defensively, a wide grin on his face. He placed a careful hand on my shoulder, more reassuring than anything else.

"That hole point of an ex, is that she is in the past. Besides I just worry about you because of the week you had. You are still my friend, and an important aspect to the company. I don't think Bastion could find a good replacement that is outstanding like you. So just bear with the hospitality a little longer until you are back at the company." Aaron let go of my shoulder, and I couldn't help but let a small smile spread across my face. It felt so nice to have his support. It's been so long since I was cared for so deeply. It was starting to wear away at the dead weight my heart was feeling for so long.

Was it really okay to allow myself to break my walls with these people? What if something happens to them too? I don't know if I could take the heart break I would receive if something did happen to me. Which is why I told Aaron; I wasn't capable of loving another person. At first, I thought it meant with friends and lovers, but now I know that I just don't want to find someone to be romantic with. I feel that the love of a friend, would heart less than the love of someone who spent every waking moment with.

"Quit dragging your feet and let's go. I am hungry too, and I know the best stir fry recipe on the internet." Aaron called back to me. The parking lot wasn't very big, but the distance between us, and the fact I was still healing made a huge impact on my body. I was so lost in thought that I didn't see him getting ahead of me.

"Jeez, I don't think I could trust you with a meal from a recipe book, let alone the internet. Are you sure you aren't trying to lead me to my demise Mr. Blake?" I said catching up to him. I huffed loudly as I reached his side, out of shape and out of strength. I could feel my legs starting to shake, and Aaron looked down in time to see me fall forward. I gave him a sheepish grin to try and distract him from my weak moment. But this time he rolled his eyes and tucked his free arm under my legs, holding me like he did the day I got into that accident.

"I think you will lead yourself to your own demise with how clumsy you are before I can do so. So, rest assured you won't die from my cooking." I couldn't help but weakly giggle, knowing that what he said was true. Lately I was a walking bad luck charm, and the only one affected by it was me. Of course, poor Leo was too, getting hurt by me. Such a pitiful thing shouldn't have an owner like me.

Aaron carried me the rest of the way in the full parking lot. We passed many rows of vehicles, all different shapes, and sizes. It felt like I was being walked through a car dealership. I missed my little Rio. I missed being able to drive myself places. Soon I would be back on my feet, and I would be unstoppable. No one will even remember that I was hurt.

"Alright Rose, this is where I set you down. Please be careful entering the car. Your head has taken enough beatings this week, I think. I don't know if you will continue to live you are injured again." He was half joking as he opened the white Lexus door. I stuck my tongue out at him before ducking into the car and buckling up. Ensuring that I was safely strapped in, he shut the door and walked to the other side. After getting in the car himself, he carefully pulled out of the parking lot. The car was filled with silence as he made his way through the packed lot.

When we arrived on to the main road out of the city, we continued to sit in silence. It wasn't a bad silence, in fact I enjoyed peacefully staring at the large buildings towering over us as we drove. Advertisements where the most interesting things to look at. Advertisements for make up where the main things. Almost every one of them where about Dragon's Eyes makeup industry. They were well known for the long-lasting products, but they were super expensive. We have been trying to catch their attention for months without any yielding.

"Aaron, do you think that maybe with this new theme, maybe we can attract the eye of Dragon's Eyes? I mean we have been trying so hard for months. Maybe if we can show them, we can step outside out comfort zone, maybe then they can accept us." I spoke softly, distracted by the view of bright orange lipstick being advertised on the board. Then it switched once again, but this time it was to a more distressing image.

"Well Rose, I think we can accomplish anything as long as we work as a team. The more diligent we are the better. Why are you making that horrified face?" He slowed to a stop at a light and ducked low enough to find what I was staring at. Staring at the board, I saw Damien standing tall next to the twins Illia and Lilah. It was about the show case coming this next week, on the same day we were supposed to be showing off our products as well. He looked smug in his picture, like he was ready to conquer the world.

"You dirty dog, you try and get close to me, but your real intentions where just exposed." I took a picture of the billboard and sent it to Bastion. Let's see what he has to say about this traitor he was so close with. I bet he won't like you anymore after this. I was seething now, beyond angry.

"What point is there in sending a picture to Bastion? Damien Golding is the most influential amongst the fashion industry, and the most sought after with woman and businesses. People are all lining up to kiss his shoes. He is just another rich kid on a gold plate. I don't know the relation between the two, I just know that they are close, but don't necessarily like each other. So, sending that to him is a moot point." Aaron said blandly. I gritted my teeth, not realizing that Damien was so high up on the totem pole.

"What exactly has he done to warrant such a high status? I thought he was only good for ruining moods." I crossed my arms across my chest angrily. The light turned green, and Aaron continued down the road, and away from the traitorous board. He sighed loudly, clearly not wanting to talk about Damien any further.

"That's because he is the C.E.O. of Dragon's Eye Industry. With his looks mixed with his skill with crafting makeup, he can raise or destroy buildings with a snap of his fingers. No one dares to touch him." The distaste in his tone told me there was a deeper reason for his rage. But I didn't want to push it. Something told me he wouldn't tell me about it anyway, so I just resumed in watching out the window silently. Each board was more depressing than the rest, knowing that all of these belonged to my now enemy.

I wish there was a way to silence this big typhoon. There had to be a way to do it passive aggressively. Like maybe posting an ad of our own and showing off our designs. We still had the second most powerful makeup industry at our backs, and they were just about neck and neck when it came to sales with the Dragon's eyes. As the plan continued to formulate in my head, I felt an evil smile creep across my face. This jerk wad wanted to come talk to my face about having known me, yet support the competing team, then I was going to knock him down a peg.

"Quickly drive home. I think I have a wonderful idea to build the suspense leading to up to the show. This will sure make him regret not signing with us." I said evilly. Aaron did nothing but glance over sideways at me. I'm coming for you Damien, just you wait.