
My Office

I grunted softly as a shoulder came into contact with me, slightly shoving me to the side. My internal dreams to be one of the people down on the sidewalk, quickly vanished into the air. I hated every second of it. The waves of claustrophobia came in the form of tsunamis. I just wanted to shrink into my own little bubble so I wouldn't have to be surrounded by so many people. Not to mention, these people where so aggressive as they pushed through each other. Those that were slow, where brushed aside, and those that where faster seemed to trip over everyone else. It was chaotic and I wasn't use to this amount of chaos.

I stumbled as another shoulder came into contact with me, pitching me sideways. A firm hand grasped my shoulder. I looked up surprised to find that the mystery man had still followed me. He set me right on my feet, a stoic look pasted to his face. I watched him stare down at me, like he was getting ready to scold me. I felt like a tiny human in his arms, and it was very demeaning.

"You are very clumsy. What are you five?" Despite his sharp words, I couldn't sense any anger in his tone. But I could feel myself bristle in response to his insult. I yanked away from his grasp, pulling my coat tighter around my shoulders as I aggravatedly pushed my way through the crowd.

"I didn't ask you to watch me or follow me for that matter. Feel free to turn around. I don't need a sitter." I said over my shoulder. Who was he to call me a five-year-old, he didn't even know me. Sure, right now I was a bit wobbly, but you would be too if you concussed yourself one day and where walking around the next. That and the eight years that I lived here, I never once stepped foot in the plaza.

"You clearly need someone to watch you. You can't even keep your footing safe. Hey watch out!" He gruffly said as he shoulder a man to the side before he could collide into me. I sighed grumpily, my mood turning sour with every step we took. At this point, I just really wanted food and my bed. My body had hit the max for physical activity for one day. The guy at Loui's really sent me over the edge.

"If you don't like the way I walk, then why don't you do something about it!" I said smiling to myself. Of course, he wouldn't do anything, he didn't know me. Maybe it would even put him off and I could walk in silence. But unfortunately like the last few days, things did not go my way. I felt a solid arm wrap around my back, and then swiftly another arm wrapped around my legs. Before I could protest, I was lifted into the air. I hissed and winced in pain, my body turning into an aching ball of fire. I didn't even have the energy to hit him to release me.

"Are you in pain? Did that guy hurt you?" The mystery man asked hurriedly as he carried me through the crowd. I pulled the beanie over my eyes as I tried to hide my face, embarrassed that he was so bold to carry me in public. With how easy he could pronounce every word; I could tell my weight was no problem to him. Almost like he was lifting a giant feather.

"Although he did wear me out, my pain is not caused by is aggressive behavior. I got into an accident yesterday and I haven't had any time to recover. Now please put me down, this is rather embarrassing." He said nothing as he continued to stroll effortlessly through the crowd. I felt like every set of eyes we passed where on me, watching intently. If a paparazzi where to get a picture of this, they would have a field day. I was known in the tabloids as a cold-hearted female and hater of men because I refused to be in any kind of relationship.

"Just tell me where you are going and then I will leave you alone. I can tell you are exhausted." I felt the arms of other people brush against him as he continued to try and divide the crowd. He did his best to hold me to his chest as he faced the onslaught of rushing people. I gritted my teeth nervously, not wanting to tell him that I was on my way to Phoenix Creations. I wasn't sure what his stand on our company was, and I didn't want to be treated differently after he found out. But I wouldn't be able to force him to let me down, so I was out of options.

"Phoenix Creations. A close friend of mine works there and will be bringing me home." I could feel his hands tighten around my legs and back, but he didn't say another word as he effortlessly made his way through the zoo of people. It seemed to only get more dense the further along we walked through the Plaza. Although he seemed tense after discovering my place of work, I could feel myself getting tired in his arms. My eyes started to feel sluggish and heavy with every step he took. Against my better judgement, I could feel my body relaxing against his sturdy chest.

The gentle murmur of those around me, slowly lured me in to a semi state of sleep and awareness. Like when you are so over tired, your body fights to stay awake and your brain still tries to shut down. A restless and frustrating state of sleep that made you feel no better asleep than awake. Even if I opened my eyes up now, I would still feel like it had been an eternity since I had actually slept. In this state of sleep, I could hear the soft gentle murmur of my name reaching to me. It was alluring and tempting. Like a soft warm blanket made from the softest silk.


"Rose! Rosaline Meredith Freed! Will you please wake up!" No one called me by my middle name. Only my parents had that privilege, and they were dead. And there was only one person who would dare use my middle name.

"Aaron, how many times have I told you that only my parents are allowed to call me by my middle name." I grumbled as my eyes slowly creeped open. The light from the sun came blaring down on me, making me flinch at the sudden brightness. Two heads peered down at me from above, keeping the light from blaring down on me directly. While my eyes where adjusting to my surroundings, I found that I was in an office. More than just an office, my office. I sighed and waved Aaron and the mystery guy from my view.

"Oh good, you're up. I was starting to worry I'd need to bring you to the hospital after all." Aaron said blandly. He straddled my black rolling chair, his arms crossed over the head rest. His silver hair was disheveled. Like he was running his hand through it over and over again. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to grace his response with a retort. I pulled myself up into a sitting position on the couch I kept towards the door of my office. The gray walls kept the aura bland and neutral. There was a few simple designs of singular flowers hanging from my walls. The tiled floor glared brightly from the sun blaring through my glass wall.

"I wanted to say thank you again Damien. You will be compensated for your escort of my designer. Her lack of obeying commands will be punished." I flinched inwardly at the sound of Bastion's passively aggressive angry tone. I'd probably be forced to work more overtime as my punishment. Not like I already didn't slave over this place anyway.

"Before we get to that, Bastion. Why don't you explain to me why our venue is in the air. I had that place secured months ago." I said turning to glare at Bastion who was leaning casually in the door way. Although he didn't show it, I knew that I had hit a sore spot. His posture didn't waiver, but his eyes where giving away the guilt. With a long and deep sigh, he pushed off the door. While striding over towards me, the mystery man who I assume is Damien passed him. He gave a single clap on his shoulder before walking to the door.

"Be sure to take care of her." He stopped in the door way, and then turned his head to smile. A wicked grin turning my insides cold. " I am sure you and I will meet again, Ms. Freed." With that he left, leaving me more uncomfortable than I was before. I hoped I never saw him again. He had a very strange way about him that made me feel more cautious than I ever felt before.

"Don't mind him. He really is a nuisance." Bastion said sitting down next to me. He acted like he knew him personally. I know our director led a private life not even Aaron and I knew, but how did he know this weird and strange man?

"I see the look in your eye. All I will tell you, is that we are unfortunately stuck together and to be nice to him in the future. He is a very powerful man, and an important figure to the fashion industry. As long as you behave, he won't bother you." Bastion said gruffly as he rolled his white sleeves of his shirt up before buttoning them. I decided not to question him further. The relaxed, but tense posture he made as he crossed his legs and laid against the head rest of the couch told me he wouldn't explain further. Unfortunately for me, it definitely meant that I would probably be seeing him again, and I wasn't' exactly thrilled to hear that.

"Start explaining to me about the venue again before I start making phone calls." I demanded quietly. If I was here, I might as well get some work done