
Dragón x Fénix Chains

This story tells the legend of two mythological beings, the Dragon and the Phoenix, those who together were supposed to bring a time of peace and prosperity to the people and loved each other very much... or that's how it used to be, but that story was not repeated with those who inherited their wills. Two clans known as the Dragon and the Phoenix, devoted to both mythological creatures: the Ryunaki Clan and the Hōkarui. The first ceased to exist due to the action of the second; The Hōkarui clan destroyed all those who belonged to the Ryunaki clan. Or so it was thought, but after a long time, it turns out that a descendant of that clan appears many years later. His name was Sorato and he had a friend he was in love with named Sayuri, but he was completely unaware that she was a descendant of the clan that wiped out all of his people. But how will their story end? In the same way as their clans, or would the two of them be able to break that chain of hatred? Find out yourself

Toruyam · Lịch sử
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We begin this story with a children's story titled.

The Dragon and the Phoenix.

On a hill illuminated by the sun, a blue egg began to break.


From the egg came a blue dragon, which when born shook its body, removing the rest of the shell.

But oh no, the dragon shook so hard that he ended up losing his balance and falling backwards down the hill.


He would fall rolling like a ball.

The dragon would not be the only one to be born at that time. From an orange and golden egg, a bird's leg came out.

—Piopiopio POOOOOO!

Oh no, poor thing, she didn't give him time to remove the shell. The dragon just fell behind her and took her away, both of them rolling together.

They rolled and rolled until SPLASH! They stopped when they fell at the same time onto a lake.

The dragon would come out drying itself by shaking its scales, wetting the bird a little.


The bird would say "What's wrong with you, why do you fall on me like that, and then splash me on top of it?!"

The dragon, upon receiving his scolding, retreated and sought refuge between its own wings, covering its face.

The bird would view this with bewilderment, circling him to find out why he was behaving like this. Later she would notice that he was crying a couple of tears.


The dragon burst into tears and lay down on the floor throwing a big tantrum.

The bird, realizing that perhaps it had gotten out of hand, would try to calm it down by talking to it or approaching it, but it would get no results.

Until a little far away he would see a large tree full of apples, a certain idea coming to him. She would go to him.

Since the dragon couldn't stop crying, the solution could be to get it something to eat. The bird thought.

Therefore, "Aletao", even though she was a newborn, already knew how to fly and would get one of the apples.

Then she would return to the dragon kicking the apple with her paws.


She asked him to uncover himself and look at what she brought him. The dragon, in his timidity, would open his wings a little.

The phoenix would bring the apple a little closer to him, and the frightened dragon would carefully bring its snout closer to him.

She would examine the fruit for a while, and...


In one bite he would swallow it.


He would be very happy after eating it, and he would be grateful and at the same time ask for forgiveness for what happened previously, lowering his head several times.

The phoenix would say that "it's okay, but next time wait until she finishes removing her shell."

The dragon would not feel worthy of his apology yet, and he would also see the tree and attack it hard.

"Grooooah!" All the apples fell on him.

She, scared, would help him by checking if he was okay. And under the apples, the dragon stuck his snout out, barely touching her beak.

They saw themselves in that position. Later laughing between them in a comical way at what happened.



It would be the first time they would laugh together, and the beginning of a friendship that would become something deeper.

Called love.

Together they would return to the top of the hill to admire the world in which they were born even higher.


Admiring together from so high a bright blue sky, a beautiful forest and they would assume quickly.

"That they were born in a beautiful world."

Those were the first pages of the story.

The Dragon and the Phoenix, two mythological creatures revered as divine beings, find themselves in a new cycle of reincarnation, this time inhabiting two young people: a boy and a girl.

The Dragon God, a supreme being feared and admired alike, carries ancient wisdom and limitless power. His presence inspires serenity, and together with the Phoenix, they are responsible for bringing "prosperity to the world."

The Phoenix Goddess, with her body as hot as the Sun itself, radiates a light of hope. Recognized as the most beautiful and peaceful creature, she and the Dragon work together to maintain peace.

However, we must not forget the most fearsome side of her. Both are capable of devastating the planet in the blink of an eye. The Dragon God possesses the most destructive force, and his wrath against those who disturb him is relentless.

The Phoenix Goddess, for her part, emanates a heat comparable to that of the Sun, capable of incinerating and creating cataclysms. Her fire reduces to ashes anyone who stands in her way.

The history of it dates back millions of years, and continues to this day. They are said to reincarnate every 500 or 250 years, choosing a new human body.

The Phoenix, seeking purity, always chooses to reincarnate into the noblest and kindest human. In this way, she ensures that her powers will not be used for evil.

The Dragon, on the other hand, has a different approach. In his search for wisdom, he prefers to reincarnate as someone imperfect. He wants to observe how a human being forges his own path, demonstrating the value of learning and improvement.

"But although love arose between them, between those who were their subjects and revered them... the opposite arose."

In the Sengoku era, there were different clans that inhabited the world. These clans were represented by mythological creatures based mainly on Japanese folklore.

Two of these clans were the Phoenix and the Dragon.

The Phoenix clan was a very prestigious clan and recognized by the other clans. He had great wealth, fertile lands and a powerful army. Members of this clan were known for their pacifism and their desire to keep peace between other clans.

The Dragon clan, on the other hand, was a very mysterious clan and unknown to most other clans. Its members were peaceful and had no interest in territorial disputes.

One day, the Phoenix clan discovered the Dragon clan's hideout. We don't know how they managed to find it, but they did.

The Dragon Clan massacre was not an act of open war, but a sneaky and cowardly attack carried out under the shadow of night. The members of the Phoenix clan, taking advantage of the darkness and trust of the Dragon clan, infiltrated their territory, moving like shadows between the houses and trees.

The night was quiet, broken only by the chirping of crickets and the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves. However, that peace was abruptly broken as screams of terror and the sound of swords clashing against metal filled the air.

Members of the Phoenix clan, armed with swords, spears and bows, broke into the homes of the Dragon clan, wreaking chaos and destruction. Torch fire illuminated scenes of horror: terrified families, crying children.

They showed no mercy or compassion in their attack. They killed men, women and children without distinction. Blood ran everywhere, mixing with the mud and forming puddles that reflected the moonlight.

An elder of the Dragon clan tried to protect a defenseless baby from attackers. He stood between them, his staff raised, but he was no match for the strength and brutality of the Phoenix clansmen. He fell to the ground, pierced by a sword, while the baby cried inconsolably over his limp body.

A mother, her face bathed in tears, begged for the life of her little son, praying that only she would be killed. She knelt before the Phoenix clan members, but her words had no effect. A warrior snatched the child from his arms and stabbed him mercilessly.

The leader of the Phoenix clan justified this entire massacre as a necessary act to protect the other clans from the threat posed by the Dragon clan.

In his own words.

"The act must be done regardless of the circumstances," he proclaimed that day in a firm, icy voice. "The Dragon clan and its existence pose a threat." Its annihilation is necessary, inevitable, "for the good of the entire world."

The leader's words resonated with the force of thunder, conveying unwavering determination. It did not matter if other clans had wanted to intervene, nor if any voice had been raised in defense of the Dragon. The Phoenix had spoken and his sentence was final.

Rumors of the annihilation of the Dragon Clan spread like wildfire across the grassland, whispers that carried with them a chill of terror.

The massacre left a deep scar in the history of the clans.

"However, they did not consider the consequences that this barbaric act would have in the future."

One day, without warning, a huge evil dragon emerged from the depths of the earth, darkening the sky with its gigantic wings. Its deafening roar echoed throughout the territory of the Phoenix clan, spreading panic and despair among its inhabitants.

The dragon descended upon the Phoenix villages, wreaking chaos and destruction in its wake. Its burning flames reduced houses to ashes and its sharp claws tore apart warriors who tried to defend themselves.

Everything became a scene of horror. Defenseless women ran with their children in their arms, seeking refuge in vain. The dragon pursued them mercilessly, incinerating them with its fiery breath.

The children cried in terror, not understanding the tragedy that was unfolding before their eyes. Many of them were orphaned when they saw their parents being devoured by the flames of the Monster.

The Phoenix army, despite its power and experience, was not prepared to fight such a powerful creature. Many bravely faced the dragon, but without success.

"They would pay for their sin by disappearing too, but that's when..."

In the midst of chaos and destruction, a young warrior from the Phoenix clan, armed with courage, decided to confront the dragon. He was a skilled and experienced warrior, but he knew that he could not defeat him alone.

He needed the help of his companions, who, despite their fear and their spirits destroyed by having seen so many of their own die, still full of pain, joined him to fight.

"For the children, their home, their future, their loving families and... his clan."

With renewed courage, the Phoenix warriors charged against the dragon. The battle was fierce and bloody. Many warriors fell, but their sacrifice was not in vain. The brave warrior, with unwavering determination, managed to deal a fatal blow to the dragon, weakening it considerably.

"Until only he was left standing."

The battle against the evil dragon was titanic and lasted for hours. The young warrior, despite his skill and bravery, began to exhaust himself. However, he couldn't give up. Not only his life, but the future of his clan depended on his victory.

The dragon, wounded and enraged, launched a final attack, but unexpectedly the young man managed to dodge it. With a battle cry that echoed through the place, he plunged his sword into the beast's heart. An agonizing roar, shaking the earth to its foundations, escaped the dragon's jaws as he collapsed to the ground, finally defeated.

The Phoenix warriors protecting the civilians came out from their hiding places, congratulating their young hero. The clansmen, who had watched the battle in terror and despair from afar, now emerged with tears of joy and relief. The dragon, the creature that had wreaked chaos and destruction on his land, lay dead at his feet.

The victory of the Phoenix clan was celebrated with fervor. Their hero, the warrior who had saved them, was hailed as a Savior.

However, joy could not erase the scars the battle had left. The loss of so many innocent lives, especially women and children, had left a deep pain in the hearts of the clan.

The death of the dragon was a symbol of the victory of the Phoenix clan, but also a reminder of the price they had to pay.

Following the massacre of the Dragon clan and the death of the creature, the Phoenix clan, under the leadership of their Savior, embarked on rebuilding their home. With his determination and wisdom, he led the clan into a new era of peace and prosperity. The Phoenix, reborn from the ashes of tragedy, became a dominant military force, imposing its power over the other clans.

However, the shadow of the massacre never faded. That day, under the ominous shadow of the victorious Phoenix, the Dragon clan perhaps became a closed chapter in history, its legacy reduced to ashes and the memory of ephemeral power.

The flames that consumed the remains of the Dragon clan served as a warning: the Phoenix was the dominant force, the only law in this world.

"And thus began an endless war that continues to this day between the truly called Ryunaki Clan and Hōkarui Clan."

The repercussions of this tragedy would be felt for generations, igniting the flames of war and revenge that would ravage the land.

This is the end of this prologue.

What was the real root of all this? Why did the Hōkarui clan really attack the Ryunaki clan? Was there another reason behind the massacre?

The answers will soon be known in this new story, stay tuned.

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