
The Beginning

On a very dark and gloomy night, a man of crazy lineage within the town had a rather peculiar plan up his sleeve. He wanted an undead soldier. He called this "Experiment Frankenstein," and had begun working on it for the past few weeks, waiting for the perfect night to bring this soldier to the living. His perfect night was dark, quiet, and rather gloomy just like this night. He found this night to be overly perfect and decided to finish preparations for Experiment Frankenstein. With the body of his soldier tied up to his "crazy chair," which he called for numerous reasons, he gave the soldier a gesturely jolt. Just as anticipated, the soldier's eyes opened rather abruptly and in confusion. This man told this soldier that "his name was Frankenstein" along with many other things, such as that this soldier owes this man his life since he brought him back to life. Frankenstein wasn't too happy about the news of being someone's personal slave and in a booming tone told him "NO!" This man unhappy with his newfound slave being defiant decided a jolt would change his mind. Instead, this jolt made Frankenstein angry. Uncontrollably angry. Frankenstein took this remote from this man and shoved it down his own throat, swallowing it whole. This soldier then grabbed this man by his neck and ripped his head from his body. With this, Frankenstein learned he has gotten way stronger than he remembered being. Not knowing where he is, he finds the exit and stumbles outside after getting used to his walking, stumbling around, I mean. He's outside and as mentioned earlier, it is pitch dark, therefore he can't see straight. Trying to use his brain, he walks towards any lights he might get a glimpse of.