
Dracula's Heartbeat

"You're so freaking annoying, get off me." She said and raised her hands to push him away but before she could, his left hand came up and held them in mid air. "What if I don't want to?" He asked her. Ashley got a tickly feeling in her tummy as she watched him, not being able to bring herself to say anything. He was doing that thing again. Still holding her hand, he put their hands on his chest and leaned forward. Ashley's heart beat really fast and it was not just because of the struggle she had done but because of this man that was on top of her, intimidating her. He leaned in till their lips touched. Ashley closed her eyes when that happened, forgetting that she had been mad at him a few seconds ago and he kissed her. He was so passionate about the kiss and none of them cared about whoever might be watching them around. He broke the kiss after a short while and rested his forehead on hers. Their hands on his chest did not leave there and Ashley felt his heartbeat. Her eyes widened. "Your heart is beating fast." She commented.  Damon's hold on her hand tightened. "That's what you do to me Ash. You make my heart beat like crazy."  Ashley felt it again in her tummy, the tickly feeling. She stared into his eyes.  She knew her heart did funny things when it came to him but she didn't expect his heart to beat this fast because of her. She was glad she did things to him too and not just him to her. His lips took hers again and this time Ashley's hand left his and went around his neck then they rolled over with her lying on top of him now. Her hand went into his hair while his stroked her back. They rolled again now lying on their sides and kissing nonstop. Damon's hand went to her thighs and drew her closer to him, putting her leg on top of his while hers played with his hair and the other on his shoulder. They stayed in that position even after the kiss, now gazing into each other's eyes and enjoying what it felt like to lay in each other's arms in the midst of flowers and in front of a beautiful lake. ________ She is an orphan, in a world that hasn't been very fair to her. She was called names and hated by the people who were supposed to love her because of the kind of person they thought she was. And now growing up into a woman, love was what she wanted. To love and to be loved was what she wished for, until fate brought her to him. He is Dracula, a devil in disguise, roaming the earth in search of one thing. An offspring of Hades, who had turned into the devil he was supposed to be because of an incident from his past. What brings them together? If you're willing to find out more, then join me as we begin this thrilling story of Damon and Ashley. _________ VOL 1 (ongoing) VOL 2 (coming soon) *Romance between characters comes in the later part of the story. *Cover art is from Pinterest and I give full credit to the owner, who also has the right to take it down. *You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more updates inform of pictures and videos. IG: @author_quinn_ FB: Authoress Quinn Library You can also hit me up on discord @SharonQuinn#2846 I will leave you now to enjoy the book ◉‿◉

SharonQuinn · Kỳ huyễn
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104 Chs

What is she?

Ashley put in her Sim card and switched on the phone. She went through some of the apps on the phone. She planned on creating some social media accounts as she needed stuffs to keep her away from reality for some time at least. She had learnt a little form Natalie and her phone so she knew social media was so interesting. She downloaded games that she felt would help her have fun. At least after stressed days at work she would enjoy her phone very well in the nights. 

After using her phone for some hours Ashley dropped it. She noticed the rain had stopped already and from the time it was evening already.

Just how long had she been with her phone? The thing sure was time consuming. She thought.

While she was still thinking, Natalie's call came in.

"Hey girl, how are you?" She heard Natalie's voice after she received the call.

"I'm fine and not fine." Ashley told her.

"Why? What's wrong?" Natalie asked.

"It's a long story." Ashley sighed.

"Tell me. Are you alright?" Ashley could hear the worry in Natalie's voice.

"I am now but I wasn't last night. Some guys almost hurt me after we both left the phone store and you left." Ashley told her.

"Oh Ashley. You didn't take a cab home?"

"No. I had left the main road when I was attacked. But luckily the beautiful man that had come to our restaurant came to my rescue."

"What? Really? How did he know you were in trouble? How did he find you?" Natalie rushed her questions and Ashley could tell her friend was surprised.

"All that I don't know, but I think I fainted and this morning I found myself in the house of the beautiful woman that also came to the restaurant."

"Woah how did you get there, was that Mr. handsome's doing?"

"Damon, his name is Damon. And yes he took me there. The lady told me."

"Oh, Damon, cool name just like him." Natalie chuckled. "Do you know the lady's name too?" She asked.

"Yeah… what did she say it was again? Se… Sephirah. It's Sephirah." Ashley replied.

"That's really a name, I've not heard that before." Natalie said. Ashley thought the same way too.

"At least you're not hurt, are you?"

"No not really but I can still feel their pull on my wrist." Ashley said feeling her wrists.

"I'm sorry babe. Thank goodness it's no more than that."

"I know right."

They talked some more before their call ended.

Ashley put on a jacket and left the house to receive some fresh air by taking a short stroll. It was not dark yet so she could still go out now without feeling like what happened the previous night might happen again. She might as well use the opportunity to buy something to eat because she was not in the mood for cooking at all.

When she got back, she ate the meal she got of rice and salad she bought before she freshened up and got ready for bed. After laying her bed and all she laid down on it while playing with her phone. When she got tired of that she kept the phone aside closed her eyes to sleep.

This night again as usual, Ashley found herself in the woods, running for her life from some things that were chasing her. She kept running without looking back but they were getting closer and almost catching up with her.

Ashley was tired of running but she couldn't stop else she would be caught. As she kept running, she tripped over on a stone and fell. As she fell, she turned back to look for the monsters chasing her and found one of them coming out slowly from the shadows. She never saw their faces, it's was never a clear view but she knew it was as scary as the rest of their body.

Ashley tried to move backwards where she was on the floor but she wasn't very fast. The monster was closer to her now and her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She kept moving backwards untill she hit something, then she turned again to see what it was that blocked her way from escaping.

When she turned, she saw another one of them and before she could scream, it lowered its hands to grab her. Ashley woke up scared and panting. These same nightmares only scared her the more every time she had them.

Getting out of bed, she got into her bathroom, brushed her teeth then had her bath and then wore a brown skirt with a white top. Then also decided to pack her curly hair into a pony tail before grabbing her bag and leaving the house.

She had to hurry or she would get scolded by Natalie again for being late. Thankfully she was on time and Natalie was also just getting to work.

"Ashley!" Natalie called and rushed to hug her.

"Hey, good morning." Ashley greeted.

"After what you told me yesterday I was worried and I really wanted to see you." Natalie said pulling away.

"I told you I'm okay now." Ashley smiled at her friend.

"I'm glad you are but I'm still surprised on how you just got to meet with our two beautiful customers all in one night." Natalie said.

"I don't know how he found me but I'm glad he did." Ashley said speaking of Damon.

"I'm glad he did too."

The girls then continued their work for the day.


When Damon didn't know where to take the girl to after she fainted, one person came to his mind. Sephirah. He couldn't take her to his house or better still he didn't want to take her to his house. He walked over to his car and put the girl in. Thankfully no one was watching because they would think he was kidnapping her. As if he would even care about what they think, he could easily compel whoever to forget what they saw.

When he got to Sephirah's house, he brought out the girl and teleported right into her sitting room. In a few minutes Sephirah was in front of him and she raised a brow in question.

"Some people wanted to hurt her and after I helped her she fainted." He explained himself, and then wondered why he did.

"Since when did you start caring? Last time I checked Damon never cared about such things." She told him really surprised.

"I don't know but I couldn't leave her alone especially as she fainted." He said trying to stay calm.

"Then why bring her to me?" Sephirah asked confused. This was clearly his problem not hers so why was she brought into the picture?

"I don't know where she lives neither can I take her to my home so I need this favor."

Sephirah sighed, "will you at least say please?"

He looked at her for a while as if contemplating on whether to say it or not. "Please... now will you help me get her to a room?"

Sephirah's eyes widened but she shook her head. She led him to the guest room still surprised. When they got there, he laid her down on the bed and turned to leave.

"Where you there when she fainted?" Sephirah asked. 

How could she ask that? Of course he would have been there how else would he have known to bring her it's not like they have some connection that would just make him know she fainted and he would be there to help. But it was just surprising that the Damon she knew was helping someone again after centuries. Something had to be wrong somewhere.

Damon sighed before turning to her. "I had already left her but came back right in time before she fell."

"Did she perhaps see that you were the one who picked her because I don't..."

"Look you can just tell her that I brought her here if she wakes up and is confused." Damon cut in sharply.

And with that he walked out of the room.

"Hmmph... he could at least try to be nice." Sephirah muttered rolling her eyes after he walked out.

She glanced at the girl on the bed, she looked calm as she slept. Sephirah walked to the bed and studied her. Some strands of the girls hair fell over her face and Sephirah took them away to have a better view of her face. She looked pretty but her face had marks of dried tears. So she had cried. Sephirah also saw some marks on the girl's hand, they must have pulled her roughly.

Poor girl, she must have really been scared.

After looking for a while Sephirah tucked the girl under the sheets and turned off the lights before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Once again Damon put his responsibility on her and he couldn't even try to be nice for once. Well, he wasn't someone who knew how to be polite anymore and he was lucky he always got what he wanted. When she sensed his presence earlier she thought he could be here for serious business but instead he brought a human. A human! She was surprised but what surprised her even more was when he had answered her and said "please". She wasn't expecting him to say it but she still told him to and he surprised her by saying it when he could have just dropped the girl and left and she would have no choice but to keep her till the morning.

What could have gone wrong with him?

The next morning Sephirah was up and having her favorite Jasmine tea when she sensed the girl was up and moving around so she went to check on her. To her surprise the girl was ready to leave. She was even about to leave the room.

Sephirah was at least okay the girl didn't start asking too much questions. While they were walking to the entrance door, Sephirah could feel the girl looking all over the house before they got to the door in silence and again the girl declined Sephirah's offer on allowing her driver to take her home.

Sephirah didn't think it was a good idea to let her get back by herself but what could she do? She couldn't start forcing her to accept the ride home so she just let her do as she pleased. Sephirah watched the girl walk away. It seemed as though she couldn't wait to get away from there and was in a hurry. Soon she got out of sight and Sephirah went back into her house.

Damon was inside and she wondered why he was here.

"The girl" he started as he watched Sephirah walk back in. " There's something about her."

"Apart from that I couldn't get into her mind is there anything else?" Sephirah asked because she had tried to know what the girl was thinking when she came to meet her in the room and the girl just kept staring at her but it was just silence she was met with. While they were on their way to the door she had also tried but could get nothing.

"She touched me and it felt so strange and I also couldn't hear her thoughts. She is not ordinary." Damon said remembering how he had shivered strangely at the girls touch the night before. Only one person had made him feel that way.

"You have any idea what she is?" Sephirah asked him

"She is human but is not ordinary." Damon said again. He was sure she was human but now they needed to keep an eye on her.

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