
Dracula's Heartbeat

"You're so freaking annoying, get off me." She said and raised her hands to push him away but before she could, his left hand came up and held them in mid air. "What if I don't want to?" He asked her. Ashley got a tickly feeling in her tummy as she watched him, not being able to bring herself to say anything. He was doing that thing again. Still holding her hand, he put their hands on his chest and leaned forward. Ashley's heart beat really fast and it was not just because of the struggle she had done but because of this man that was on top of her, intimidating her. He leaned in till their lips touched. Ashley closed her eyes when that happened, forgetting that she had been mad at him a few seconds ago and he kissed her. He was so passionate about the kiss and none of them cared about whoever might be watching them around. He broke the kiss after a short while and rested his forehead on hers. Their hands on his chest did not leave there and Ashley felt his heartbeat. Her eyes widened. "Your heart is beating fast." She commented.  Damon's hold on her hand tightened. "That's what you do to me Ash. You make my heart beat like crazy."  Ashley felt it again in her tummy, the tickly feeling. She stared into his eyes.  She knew her heart did funny things when it came to him but she didn't expect his heart to beat this fast because of her. She was glad she did things to him too and not just him to her. His lips took hers again and this time Ashley's hand left his and went around his neck then they rolled over with her lying on top of him now. Her hand went into his hair while his stroked her back. They rolled again now lying on their sides and kissing nonstop. Damon's hand went to her thighs and drew her closer to him, putting her leg on top of his while hers played with his hair and the other on his shoulder. They stayed in that position even after the kiss, now gazing into each other's eyes and enjoying what it felt like to lay in each other's arms in the midst of flowers and in front of a beautiful lake. ________ She is an orphan, in a world that hasn't been very fair to her. She was called names and hated by the people who were supposed to love her because of the kind of person they thought she was. And now growing up into a woman, love was what she wanted. To love and to be loved was what she wished for, until fate brought her to him. He is Dracula, a devil in disguise, roaming the earth in search of one thing. An offspring of Hades, who had turned into the devil he was supposed to be because of an incident from his past. What brings them together? If you're willing to find out more, then join me as we begin this thrilling story of Damon and Ashley. _________ VOL 1 (ongoing) VOL 2 (coming soon) *Romance between characters comes in the later part of the story. *Cover art is from Pinterest and I give full credit to the owner, who also has the right to take it down. *You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more updates inform of pictures and videos. IG: @author_quinn_ FB: Authoress Quinn Library You can also hit me up on discord @SharonQuinn#2846 I will leave you now to enjoy the book ◉‿◉

SharonQuinn · Kỳ huyễn
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104 Chs

Weak Creatures

Damon had sat there in his balcony doing nothing but drinking wine through the rest of the night, or maybe morning, waiting for dawn. It was another day, another day for him to deal with a lot of things. He let out a deep breath.

After waiting for few more hours, he saw the golden light of the rising morning sun from afar. He got back to his room to take a bath and get dressed. He planned on going to Ashley's house first to make sure she is okay then maybe take her to work. After that he would decide on how to spend the rest of the day.

Damon left the house without having breakfast and his butler was worried again. Since the butler started working for Damon he had noticed that Damon didn't really like eating but enjoyed having wine all the time. It always got him worried that his boss might fall sick one day because of his constant loss of appetite. He didn't eat throughout yesterday and was missing breakfast again this morning.

Damon knew everything Jacob thought. It didn't bother him. After all Jacob also knew that he had never fallen sick since he started working for him.

He drove off to Ashley's apartment. It was still very early, he wondered if she would be ready for work already. He didn't mind if he had to wait for her though.

When he got there, he got out of the car and thought of what to do. He walked to her doorstep and raised his hand to knock on the door but paused. Her scent hit him again. Was he sure he wanted to deal with this? He could hear her movements inside. At least she was awake already. Maybe he'll just wait for her outside while she gets ready.

He let go and knocked on the door, then after a few seconds the door open and he was greeted with the very pretty face of Ashley. She looked at him like she already knew he was the one knocking. She seemed to be more beautiful this morning and he just couldn't find any words to say when he saw her, not even 'good morning'.

She also just stared at him and said nothing. It was as if they were both taking in each other's appearance. Damon could hear her heart pound.

It looked like none of them was willing to back out form the staring contest but Damon decided to get himself back together.

"What's with the bag?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

She raised her eye brows then looked back. "Oh, that... It's some of my stuff. I was just going to leave the house."

"Your stuff?" He raised a brow and tilted his head slightly.

"The sleepover? Remember? I'm going to need clothes and stuff." She reminded him.

Right, he had almost forgotten she talked about a sleepover. Why was she so excited about it? He didn't see anything exciting about it.

"But that's in the night why carry them now?"

"I'll just go straight with Natalie to her house after work. I won't be coming back here. So I have to take these with me." She explained.

Damon wasn't sure about this sleepover thing. He didn't know how to tell her not to go. He thought of forcing her to stay but that won't be good since he wanted her to trust him. He should probably let her have the fun she wanted with her friend now before those demons cause chaos.

"If you're ready then let's go." He told her and began to walk back to the car, but didn't hear her follow him.

When he got to the car, he turned back to look at her, she was still standing by the door, she had not moved at all.

"I can go to work by myself, you don't have to worry." She said to him.

Damon turned now to face her fully. "What did you say?"

Ashley stepped outside and closed the door to her apartment. "I said I am fine, I can go to work by myself." She told him again while locking the door.

"I know you can, but I want to take you to work." Damon told her putting his hands in his pockets.

"You don't have to worry. Don't you have work you're also supposed to be at?"

"Are you scared of me or something?" Damon asked her. He didn't sense fear, but he still asked.

She had once thought she wasn't safe with him but that was before he told her he was a demon. Did she feel that way again now?

Her eyes darted and he wondered what she would say.

"I'm not scared."

"Then I'm taking you to work." He said with finality and got into the car knowing that she had no choice but to allow him take her.

She stood there for a moment and after a while of standing she walked towards the car with a frown on her face.

Damon watched her get in and wear her seatbelt before she faced him.

"You can make me allow you take me to work but you can't stop me from going to Natalie's." She let him know as a matter of fact.

She felt he wasn't going to allow her to go because it was unsafe. She felt corectly though but he was going to do as she had suggested and find a way to keep an eye on her or maybe two eyes.

Damon sighed inwardly. What was he going to do with this lady? Perhaps he should just let her be. Leave her alone and focus on finding his mate. He'll deal with the SAGE when they make trouble and enjoy time with his woman when he finds her. Except if she was the woman.

This was absurd, he thought.

Without answering her he drove off. It was silent throughout till they got to her work place.

Her friend was also just arriving and Damon saw the surprised look on her face when she sighted them.

Ashley and her friend hugged each other then Natalie greeted him.

"Good morning sir, I didn't know you bring Ashley to work now." She said with a smile.

The lady wondered what had happened again to make him be the one to bring Ashley to work.

"Did something happen to you again that I don't know of?" She quickly turned to ask Ashley before he could think of anything to say.

"I'll explain later Nat let's just go inside." Ashley said then gave him a look before walking to the entrance of the shop.

Natalie smiled at him then bowed slightly before she also walked away.

"You better start explaining when we get in." He heard Natalie whisper to Ashley.

He turned away. Ashley should know better than to let Natalie know about what he had revealed to her, still he wasn't sure she wasn't going to tell her friend.

People weren't supposed to know of their true identity now, especially as the world wasn't what it used to be like when he first arrived four hundred years ago.

Back then and even before then, a lot of people believed in these immortals and some called them gods and worshipped them. Now, they were only considered myths. Even his father and his brothers that everyone served then were now all myths.

People no longer believed in such things that much. A few people may still believe demons exist but would not expect them to be on earth. They were meant to be in hell.

Demons also no longer lived with humans like in the past, the very few like him that were on earth were here for some reason. Otherwise, there was nothing else they were doing here. Earth was not their place, they didn't belong there any more. They never even did.

But well, his mate had to be reborn as a human, what choice did he have but to come to earth and live among these creatures he always considered weak since he was the one who wanted to look for her.

He got into his car, he felt Ashley would be able to talk without revealing his true identity. Not like he cared if she did though. He may end up having to erase Natalie's memory if she ever did get to know unless there was a more reasonable reason why she found out later on.

Creation is not as easy! Your motivation helps a lot! Keep motivating.

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