
Dracula's Heartbeat

"You're so freaking annoying, get off me." She said and raised her hands to push him away but before she could, his left hand came up and held them in mid air. "What if I don't want to?" He asked her. Ashley got a tickly feeling in her tummy as she watched him, not being able to bring herself to say anything. He was doing that thing again. Still holding her hand, he put their hands on his chest and leaned forward. Ashley's heart beat really fast and it was not just because of the struggle she had done but because of this man that was on top of her, intimidating her. He leaned in till their lips touched. Ashley closed her eyes when that happened, forgetting that she had been mad at him a few seconds ago and he kissed her. He was so passionate about the kiss and none of them cared about whoever might be watching them around. He broke the kiss after a short while and rested his forehead on hers. Their hands on his chest did not leave there and Ashley felt his heartbeat. Her eyes widened. "Your heart is beating fast." She commented.  Damon's hold on her hand tightened. "That's what you do to me Ash. You make my heart beat like crazy."  Ashley felt it again in her tummy, the tickly feeling. She stared into his eyes.  She knew her heart did funny things when it came to him but she didn't expect his heart to beat this fast because of her. She was glad she did things to him too and not just him to her. His lips took hers again and this time Ashley's hand left his and went around his neck then they rolled over with her lying on top of him now. Her hand went into his hair while his stroked her back. They rolled again now lying on their sides and kissing nonstop. Damon's hand went to her thighs and drew her closer to him, putting her leg on top of his while hers played with his hair and the other on his shoulder. They stayed in that position even after the kiss, now gazing into each other's eyes and enjoying what it felt like to lay in each other's arms in the midst of flowers and in front of a beautiful lake. ________ She is an orphan, in a world that hasn't been very fair to her. She was called names and hated by the people who were supposed to love her because of the kind of person they thought she was. And now growing up into a woman, love was what she wanted. To love and to be loved was what she wished for, until fate brought her to him. He is Dracula, a devil in disguise, roaming the earth in search of one thing. An offspring of Hades, who had turned into the devil he was supposed to be because of an incident from his past. What brings them together? If you're willing to find out more, then join me as we begin this thrilling story of Damon and Ashley. _________ VOL 1 (ongoing) VOL 2 (coming soon) *Romance between characters comes in the later part of the story. *Cover art is from Pinterest and I give full credit to the owner, who also has the right to take it down. *You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more updates inform of pictures and videos. IG: @author_quinn_ FB: Authoress Quinn Library You can also hit me up on discord @SharonQuinn#2846 I will leave you now to enjoy the book ◉‿◉

SharonQuinn · Kỳ huyễn
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Her Pack

Ashley hadn't known how to start the explanation on all that she was going to explain to Damon.

When they were both seated, she saw him almost start the car and she became scared. She had to stop him because she didn't feel like it would still be safe going to work.

"I don't think it's safe to go to work again." She said and she was relieved it made him stop.

But he looked at her questioningly. Ashley thought of how to explain, then she remembered that she hadn't even let him know that some creature which was obviously now one of the people after him had come to her dream sometimes before. She had only told that to Natalie the night she got drunk at a bar.

So Ashley thought that would be a good way to start telling him of what had happened just this last night.

She watched his reaction while she explained that part to him. He didn't look too surprised or anything but when she told him that the same creature came again just this last night and with more people and what they said to her, she had noticed a change in his facial expression, he became shocked.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked her and Ashley could tell from his voice that he was getting worked up.

It now became even worse after she told him that she was tied and showed him the marks that made it feel more than just a dream she had.

She suddenly felt that strange feeling of danger again coming from Damon. The temperature in the car suddenly also became so cold even without air conditioners turned on and she watched Damon rest his head on the steering wheel, gripping it tightly.

Ashley didn't know what was wrong with him. But she was getting danger signals. And she also wondered if this chilling aura was peculiar to demons because this was not the first time it was happening with Damon and it also happened during her encounter with those four demons the night before.

"They said they would be here very soon. Do you know how soon?" Ashley decided to ask. She felt he would know since he was the one who they were after. He should definitely have more information.

When he didn't reply, Ashley became worried. What could have happened to him?

Sh called his name but he still didn't reply and when she wanted to tap him, she saw him loosen his grip on the wheel then raise his head up and turn to face her.

Ashley flinched back as she saw his face. He looked so scary and together with his aura it was even worse. She had never seen him look like that before, even all the times he looked cold and kept a very straight face. His eyes were darker than usual now and the blue in them seemed to be on fire. They were filled with rage, similar to the one that she had seen in them at her house when he told her about what he was and why he was helping.

This was even more intense than that time and he had a very deep frown on that sharpened his already sharp jaw line making him look terrifyingly handsome. He looked like a complete villain especially with his black outfit.

Ashley wondered what made him look this way. And the next thing she heard was him apologising. Her eyes widened. Did he really just say sorry? The kind of Damon she was used to didn't look like someone that could ever use the word.

He had even told her he didn't want to hear the word from her again and here he was saying it. But why was he? If any body were to apologise to her it should be those four demons in her dream for what they did to her.

Damon ignored her questions and instead told her some part of the things she had been wanting and waiting to know.

She thought the name they gave themselves was a funny one. SAGE. And the leader was the S, Sebastian. She wondered what type of names the rest would be.

When Damon talked about 'the one' she somehow grasped immediately. It was like she was just being used but would also be hurt in the process.

How did they even know that hurting her would hurt Damon? It was not like she had any special relationship with him, they were strangers to each other so what made them so sure that using her would help them get to Damon.

She was really unfortunate.

It became silent in the car afterwards and Damon just kept staring at her but it didn't seem like he was focused on her.

He stayed like that for God knows how many minutes that passed and Ashley was left confused. Was he thinking of something or what?

After a while it was like he realized that he had been gone and shook his head coming back to reality. He looked a little bit calmer now and the cold in the car had reduced a bit. It was definitely a demon thing, she concluded. No human being could change the temperature of an environment through their mood.

"I won't let them hurt any of us. I promise." He then spoke. He said it with such determination and Ashley strangely wanted to feel that as long as she was with this man, she would be safe. But the next thing he said made her quiver in fear because she wouldn't be with him then.

"Let's get you to work or you would be very late." He said.

Ashley wasn't sure. It didn't look like it was safe anywhere again. Not even her own sleep was.

"I have eyes on you at work, you will be fine." Damon said. Ashley wondered how. Did he perhaps have someone looking over her at work or was he the one watching her himself?

Anyhow, since he had eyes on her then maybe she should be at ease a little now.

There was a lot she had to let Natalie know about so that in case she had to suddenly give work a break, Natalie could understand. The only thing was that if that happens she didn't know how she was going to explain it to Cassandra.

On the way, it was silent in the car. Damon seemed to be lost in his own thoughts while driving and she hoped he was concentrating on the road.

Not long after, Damon pulled over at her work place. She got out and watched him drive away. Then she went in. She was late because of the delay before they left for work and Natalie had already arrived.

Surprisingly, Natalie didn't scold her like she used to.

"Did anything happen?" She asked rather worriedly.

Ashley nodded with a fallen face.

"What is it tell me." Natalie said and pulled her to sit.

"You remember Damon's enemies I told you about which is the reason I am staying with him?"

Natalie nodded.

"I found out just last night that in just a matter of days they would be coming for both of us."

"Are you serious?" Natalie asked filled with surprise and Ashley nodded in affirmation.

"What is Damon going to do?"

Ashley didn't know. "I don't know. He said he is going to make sure we don't get hurt."

"Babe I feel scared. I don't want anything to happen to you." Natalie held her hand.

Ashley looked at their hands. She really wanted to tell Natalie the full details and explain to her everything but she was not supposed to. She could only explain everything to her friend this way for now.

If Natalie knew the real thing then she wouldn't just feel scared.

"I don't want anything to happen to me too. I have no idea what it's going to be like when they come."

Natalie sighed and looked away. Then she suddenly looked up as if recalling something. "Remember the creature in your dreams you talked about at the bar, has he disturbed you since then?" Natalie asked.

Ashley didn't know what answer to give. She decided to say the truth.

"He has, he came last night." Ashley said.

"Did he hurt you like he said?"

Ashley shook her head. "He only scared me again with his presence," and talks, Ashley finished that part to herself. If only Natalie knew that that creature was a demon and one of the people that were after she and Damon.

"I feel so bad that you have to find yourself in such annoying situation Ash. But you're a strong woman, I've seen that. Please be strong through this. There may be nothing I can do to keep you safe but I'll be praying for you." Natalie said.

Ashley smiled and nodded at her friend before the lady pulled her in for a hug.

"Thanks Nat." Ashley whispered in her ear.

Not long after they had opened fully for the day Zuka came and he spent the entire day with them. Ashley enjoyed his presence and Natalie's jealousy again, as usual. Ashley honestly did know what she was going to do about her friend.

At first when Zuka came, Natalie had reminded Ashley that she was the one to now be attending to Zuka. Ashley smiled and let the lady do as she wanted.

"Your friend really loves chicken." Natalie said as she dished Zuka's second order of the day.

"I guess he really does." Ashley agreed and glanced at Zuka.

The same Natalie that was once happy that Ashley was taking to advice and making new friends didn't let Ashley go near Zuka for almost the whole day. Zuka had to be the one to go to Ashley.

"You have a really possessive friend." He commented referring to Natalie.

"We can't blame her." Ashley joked.

Immediately Natalie sighted them, she rushed over. "What do I do to keep you away from my Ashley?" She asked Zuka with a small smile.

"Nothing, I guess." Zuka shrugged and Natalie frowned while Ashley laughed.

Now she loved watching her two beautiful friends interact.

"You know what Nat, let's all just be friends. Zuka is my friend and you can't keep me away from him. You are my friend and I can't just leave you for him so why don't we all become friends, and be together like a pack, a pack of three." Ashley suggested.

"Woah! I didn't know we would be making a best friend group so soon." Zuka said with a surprised face.

"But I'm in if you ask me." He shrugged. "Are you?" He asked Natalie extending his hand out for a shake.

Natalie looked from him to Ashley. She didn't look like she loved the idea. Ashley gestured for her to take the hand shake. And after a while of looking from his face to his hand she exhaled loudly and collected the hand, shaking Zuka.

Zuka smiled and Ashley clapped excitedly while Natalie rolled her eyes. Ashley quickly brought out drinks for three of them.

"Here's to a new friends pack. Don't worry bills on me." She said and smiled after everyone had taken a drink.

"Just know Ashley is still mine." Natalie said with a pout and Ashley laughed while Zuka shook his head.

"Cheers." She and Zuka said while Natalie was quiet but reluctantly brought her bottle together with theirs.

Ashley drank from her bottle and watched her two friends with a bright smile plastered on her face.

They were God's blessings in her life.