
Downfall Of The Kings

Betrayed at the hands of his trusted circle, He manipulated time seeking their downfall. Forced to start from the very beginning, he scours The Land Of Luna in search of his lost power. Fighting against waves of tribulation, persecution, and perversities he endures for a single purpose. To fulfill his vendetta by seeking and destroying The Three Kings

OEmilio · Du hí
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107 Chs

024 Divine Armaments

Wet. Moist. Squirming. All I felt were these uncomfortable sensations.

Something wet was on my face. It was slimy and gross and I needed it off now.

Violently I rose from the floor to find SB covering my entire head. Panic arose within and I quickly grabbed him and removed him from my head.

"SB what the hell man! Were you trying to eat me?!"


His soulless black abyss like eyes stared through me and into the depths of my soul. Never giving me an answer and yet somehow instilling a fear greater than death within me.

"Are you hungry is that it? What's going on? Were you worried about me?"


"You're right I'm probably crazy."

I could never hope to understand him. I slowly and with utmost caution put him atop my head again. I'll be damned if SB is the one who kills me in the end.

Suddenly in that moment everything came flooding back violently like a dam that had just burst.

Failed spells.

Lack of mana.

The sealing.


Ven passing out!

That's right she passed out after the spell was made.

I yelled out for her despite being in a small area.

"Ven where are you? Are you okay?!"

I couldn't help myself as worry and concern took over my mind. I started walking around looking for her as I continued to call for her.

Thanks to this I got an unlikely response.

"Relax kid she is fine. Just resting in the inner room."


He was by his workbench.

I had forgotten he was here and he appears to have been unaffected unlike Ven and I. Wait if he was the only conscious one...

"Did you do anything to her while we were knocked out?"

A hammer went flying in my direction.

Yet again it was dodged effortlessly

"Bastard how dare you accuse me like that!"

"Well did you?"

Another tool came flying towards me.

Barely dodged but success once again.

"I can't believe you think so little of me! Anyway no nothing happened I just moved her towards the inner room that used to house the fragment of the sword."

Well that makes sense I guess. After all Otto was never some criminal to take advantage of others.

Still, I needed more information as to what I missed while I was knocked out.

"Old man what happened during our nap time?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing much really. All I know is you and her were working on some fancy spell that caused all my shit to go flying everywhere and then the both of you collapsed. Probably out of exhaustion if you ask me since you both have been asleep for a week straight."

"A week! Otto why didn't you wake us up! I literally don't have time to waste. In case you forgot I am on a life or death timeline you bastard!"

"Why is my responsibility to wake you up idiot!? You were the one who wasn't careful and passed out. Besides with all the peace I had the last few days I was able to finish everything you requested."

His explanation took away the edge of frustration I had begun to feel.

Not only had it done that but it had also piqued my interest greatly. I became eager like a little kid waiting to get his birthday presents.

"It's finally done? All of the armor and everything?"

He nodded.

"And what of your masterpiece? The culmination of your talent? Your life's vision?"

I jokingly mocked him but in truth I was curious about this as well.

He grinned.

"Nothing gets by ya kid does it?"

I shook my head.

"I try not to let that happen."

He motioned with his hand to follow him.


We began to walk past Otto's weapons room and into his inner retreat.

Ven was laid there on top of several sheets and a pillow to prop her head.

What bullshit! Otto just left me to lay on the floor. Here Ventus got special treatment. How dare he?!

I glared at him and he just grinned. Clearly he knew what was going on in my head.

I cooled myself off. There were other things that currently mattered more. No point in arguing over nonsense like this.

Right next to Ven laid two cases. Long and rectangular. They looked quite plain. The only thing visible on both of them was the soft swirls of the caramel grain belonging to the wood and its black metallic hinges holding them together.

On the other side of the room were two mannequins covered with a large cloth.

Clearly Otto wanted to surprise us.

"Go ahead and wake her Kid. This is absolutely my best work ever. Nothing before or after will ever compare. So I refuse to be insulted by having one of you knocked out as I present it."

He scoffed. Honestly how much pride did dwarfs carry when it came to their work?

I walked over and knelt down beside Ven. I placed my hand in her shoulder and shook her gently as I whispered softly to her.

"Hey sleepyhead, you awake? It's time to get up."

Slowly and groggily she roused herself. Her messy hair flowed down everywhere and she gave me a half awake stare as if to ask what's going on?

I smiled and pulled her up from the ground and began to explain what was going on.

"A whole week!"

I nodded and let whatever shock she was feeling subside.

"Well I guess there is nothing we can do about it."

She was silent for a moment to think before She turned to face Otto.

"Otto before we begin do you have some place I can just wash myself really quickly? You said it's been a week that I've been like this and just thinking about it makes me feel grimy and gross."

He was putty at her request and all to eager to comply.

"Sure kid, over here." Otto replied with too much happiness.

He waved again with his arm and the both of them left me alone in the room.

Turning around back towards Otto's work I got excited. I am not going to lie. I was eager and curious to see what Otto had created but I resisted my impulsive urges.

I needed to distract myself or else the dwarf will have my head for even breathing in the direction of his new masterpieces.

After much thought I decided to think about what else needs to be done before we are finally ready to head out.

We have all our supplies. Otto finally came through with the armor and weapons. I just need to enchant the rings I had purchased a while ago and evolve SB right?

Let's take advantage of being alone for the moment.

I pulled out the blank rings from my pocket dimension. I had given a lot of thought as to which enchantments to put on the rings. It was a true struggle.

What magic or spells should I equip them with? How strong should I make them? What if I enchant them and they become useless?

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. I was not going to get anywhere by being overwhelmed. I began to meditate on the situation.

Honestly what would work well? I had a number of decent spells I could infuse to the rings. All those attempts at making a strong spell just resulted in average strength spells after all but is that really the best thing to do?

Minutes went by and I finally arrived at my solution. Inspiration struck out of nowhere and hit me like a ton of bricks.

Truthfully it was a difficult answer to get to but once it was there I slowly got to work. There were ten rings total so that meant five for Ven and five for me.

Looking at each ring I decided to enchant it with basic elemental magic. I know this doesn't seem like the best use of the rings but what if I infused my desire to manipulate the element in accordance to my will as well?

I could pour out a larger amount of mana than normal so that the elemental magic summoned could be hundreds of times stronger than normal. Once summoned it could be manipulated to the users content and cause massive devastation.

This would be perfect.

Elemental manipulation.

There will be draw backs to this in terms of combat strength once we get to higher floors, but this way we will actually be able to perform magical attacks without expending our mana!

This very quickly in my opinion became a must have for Ventus and me.

I got to work immediately. Grabbing the rings in pairs with either hand.

I concentrated on each different essence as I poured out both my mana and Will into each ring.

I flew through the process of enchanting all the rings. This was definitely much easier than spell crafting.

Before long I had 10 enchanted rings.

Will Of Flame x2

Will Of Ice x2

Will Of Thunder x2

Will Of Sealing x2

Will Of Dark x2

The system had acknowledged them as A rank rarity so that gave me hope that they would be quite useful.

I'm going to have to explain how they work to Ven but it shouldn't be a problem. Being a pure magician herself, it should be natural for her to understand and use.

I happily gazed at my work feeling quite accomplished.

I began to put them back into my pocket dimension. I was going to wait till Otto gave us the weapons and armor first before I give the rings to Ven.

No soon her had I placed the final ring inside that both Ventus and Otto walk back in.

Ventus looked much more cleaned up, alert, and awake than before.

Otto on the other hand was just staring at the floor and seemed to have a bright red imprint of a hand on both his cheeks...

Well it's not hard to guess what the pervert did.

I decided to shame him a little more.

"Old man I'm disappointed."

"Oh shut up you bastard!"

I laughed.

"Anyway Otto we are both here and conscious again. What do you have for us?"

Whatever shame or embarrassment he felt flew away as he finally got to show off his prized work.

He briskly hobbled over to the wooden cases on the floor and began.

"First is a proper magicians weapon."

He bent over and opened one of the cases. Residing within was a magnificent staff. This was unlike anything I had seen before.

He bent over and pulled it out. He motioned for Ven to come. She approached him to receive it.

Now that it was out of the case I could see it in much more detail.

The staff itself was made from the dragon horn I had given Otto.

It's patterned carved body and shimmering dark orange was just breathtaking. It was straight and true, with a slight curve and sharp point at its base.

This would be useful for self defense in close combat situations I thought.

At the very top was actually the eye of the dragon. Somehow Otto had crystallized it and was nestled between intertwining stems which held it in its place.

The narrow oval pupil was staring and consuming all it reached with its vision.

It looked menacing, powerful, and sent shivers down the backs of anyone who saw it.

As we both took in its glory Otto graciously provided us with an explanation.

"There was so much magical residue left over from the dragon you slayed that I was able to use it to your advantage. I gathered it and concentrated it all on the eye. Normally one would put some elemental gem there but when the eye crystallized after having absorbed all the dragon's residue, it seemed to come alive with power to me. I thought it would be perfect there."

Ven finally took the staff with her hands. She opened the menu to see its description and was left dumbfounded.

[Staff Acquired] [Gaze Of The Pinnacle] [Rarity- SSS]

The ultimate in magic weaponry. Created by the legendary Master Craftsman Dwarf Otto, it uses the remains of arch dragon Jupiter, The Calamity as its foundation.


[Dragons Power]

Doubles owners Mana pool.

[Draconic Knowledge]

Reduces mana cost of spells and incantations by 50%.

[Might Of The Dragon]

Increases power of all magical attacks by 50%.

[Forbidden Skill]

[Fury Of The forgotten]

For 300 seconds owners limitations are lifted.

Mana pool is tripled. Increase magical attack power by 100%. Can be used once every seven days.

Ventus finished reading the description and I too was left in awe. Or was it envy? That staff was incredible!

"Otto you bastard! You out do yourself every time!"

"Otto thank you so much! It's perfect."

He was grinning proudly as both Ventus and I complemented his genius.

He raised his hands to tell us to stop.

"That's not my best work. Kid come here."

I began to walk towards him.

He bent over again and opened the second case.

What he revealed...it could not have possibly been made by mortal hands and mundane talents.

This was very much a weapon made by the heavens.

"My life's ambition has finally been realized. Truthfully I can say never before and never again shall a weapon of this caliber choose to exist in this plane nor serve under any master...kid I'm giving you my very soul. Take it."

This time it was I who bent down and took the sword.

It's beauty had no parallel. Nothing could hope to rival its majesty.

The blade was clearly made from the dragon's fangs.

It had the purest black as its body and the edges were a shimmering orange. Vibrant and commanding. Inlayed down the middle was a metallic piece.

I looked at Otto and he nodded in confirmation as to what it was.

The fragment of the forgotten hero's sword. It was the very core of the blade.

Thin, narrow, and quite long.

The entire length of the blade itself was almost as long as me and yet the whole sword felt light. Light enough to only be wielded with one hand.

The beauty of the hilt of the sword was not falling behind the blade either.

Intricate Wings came out of its sides. Flawless and smooth they almost looked as if they were in flight. In the middle was an dark orange orb. The handle was bound tightly in black leather. The pommel was a dragon scale that had been shaped to form the head of a dragon.

It felt perfect and powerful. I could feel myself gaining unimaginable strength simply by holding it.

[Weapon Acquired]

At the notice I pulled open the menu to look at its details.

[Wrath Of Invictus] [Rarity- ??????]

Forged by The Legendary Master Craftsman Dwarf Otto. This is the rebirth of Invictus. Using refined materials from Arch Dragon Jupiter, The Calamity the long forgotten blade formed a new body and will.

Attack +25,000

Mana + 15,000


[Fragment Of The Forgotten]

Upon activating any skill, spell, or ability, Wrath Of Invictus consumes it momentarily to merge with it and gain new strength and identity.

Appearance and abilities change according to what is consumed.

This was beyond all reason!

A weapon of this caliber should not exists and yet, it now belongs to me.

Ventus was curious as to what I had just read.

I shared it and she too was in disbelief.

With this, I no longer have to worry.

I turned to Otto.

"Old man, thank you."

He smiled.

"What for kid?"

"For giving me my weapon of war."

He dropped his smile and put on a serious face.

"Do you know what you're doing kid?"

I looked at Ven before I gave my cold and emotionless response.

"Keeping a promise. Several promises."