
Dovakin in Westeros Insert

A guy is having Covid. he is with fever and is in isolation. while playing Skyrim he gets a blood clot and dies. he wakes up in Westeros just before the tourney of Harrenhall as his Skyrim character. Smut will be included. be advised.

OnanMaster · Ti vi
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17 Chs

And the Crowd is going insane.

Two lines of horsemen were preparing to charge at each other. some of them have blunt tip lances for the initial clash while having a backup weapon like a blunt sword, mace, or ax.

I could control Shadow with my feet easily. so I was ready to charge and start to swing my two hander like a madman.

The Judges dropped the flags on the sides and that was the signal. I charged towards the Lannister colors. I specifically chose this side of the battlefield so I could face them. Spotting the coat of arms of House Lorch was easy but the little shit was riding at half pace, making sure to be at the back. coward.

After smashing some Lannister knights to their backs from the horses. dodging a few spears. letting others just break on my armor I arrived in front of Lorch. Ugly fucker. Face eaten by the Pox leaving scars behind, chubby. you get the idea.

I wanted to make it seem like an accident, so we traded blows. after a few passes and me parrying a few of his sword swings, I went to business. My next swing was full force and it """somehow""" found it's way under his chin, right above Lorch's gorglet, Smashing his trachea in basically leaving him to choke to death slowly. Way too fast in my opinion, but we make do with what we have.

After smashing a few more knights on their asses I finally located Ser Taryn. *cough* I mean Ser Meryn. He was not bad with the sword. not gifted. but still competent enough. he was fighting some Vale Knight. While waiting for him to finish his fight i smashed some random Riders.

The moment I saw that he has won his duel i kicked Shadow and charged him. After letting a war cry I swung my Hammer as hard as I could bending his helm in halfway through. if he survives he will have brain damage.

After a while, there were only a handful of knights on their mounts, around 30. Yohn the Bronze Royce dismounted first and slapped his horse in the back end sending it away. a Chain reaction followed and everyone started to leave their mounts. I followed their lead.

My first duel was some Frey Knight. I made quick work of him by blocking his overhead strike and sweeping his legs from under him. he yielded when I rested my Warhammer on his head.

Circling the men that were still fighting I spotted the mountain brutalizing some poor fool that he has chosen to beat up.

After the man yielded The Mountain kept on going slamming his blunt sword over and over the lad while screaming in a mad fit of rage. Stepping in and blocking his next hit, this made him even more furious as he began to target me with his blunt Zwehyhander.

I retreated. parrying his hits we removed ourselves from the main group of people. It was time to get to work. After parrying his strike I launched forward with a trust of the Warhammer head as if it was a spear, It impacted his face plate mangling it and making him stumble back, dizzy from the hit.

After that, I swung and hit low, aiming for the ankle. The hit landed with a sickening crack that will probably make my nightmares the next few years. I decided to finish it with a giant overhead downwards hit to the collar bone. with enough damage, he will die due to internal bleeding from the collarbone piercing his loungs. if not ill just get some leather armor and sneak into his tent. castrate him and shove his dick down his throat before leaving him to bleed out. going full Thieves Guild on his ass.

He collapsed and was wheezing. good. die a slow death. fucker, it would be around 2 hours if we are lucky before you drown in your own blood.

Looking around I found that it has taken me longer to deal with the mountain than I thought. Ser Jaimie. Yohn the Bronze Royce and Bobby B were the only ones left, all of them winded and looking at me. I just shrugged and approached them.

"Sooo. who takes who?" asked Young Jaimie as i made my way to them.

"I will take the bonze fella." After giving the man a bow I said "Lord Yohn The Bronze Royce. will you honor me?" Yohn looked at me for a second before nodding.

"It will be my pleasure," Said The Lord of Runestone.

Also, Bobby B might not be my friend but letting him beat the shit out of who would have cucked him later in life... well he is a drinking buddy, and he at least deserves it.

The Crowd was so loud I thought they would bring down the Bleachers due to their roaring. Time to play. time to Act. Time to entertain.

next chapter final two duels. and meeting with Rhegar.

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