
Chapter 4: Long Live the Handyman!

At the Nuoding Novice Soul Master Academy's training ground:

A slender figure was running on the field, gradually slowing down as fatigue set in. Despite the decline in speed, the determination to persist was evident.

On the sidelines, a delicately dressed girl, Xiao Wu, rested her chin on her hand, watching the figure with boredom. She couldn't fathom why this person was pushing so hard. She kicked off her shoes, and her tender feet played with a broom, tapping it back and forth with her crystal-clear toes.

On the other side, an ordinary-looking boy gripped a broom, diligently sweeping the training ground. He didn't complain about Xiao Wu's laziness; instead, he willingly took on her share of the work.

It had been two months since they entered the academy.

During these two months, Cheng Xiao never slackened. Every day, he maintained a rigorous exercise routine, pushing himself to exhaustion before seeking treatment at the medical office. The doctors were getting frustrated with him, as he exploited their healing skills daily.

Despite their efforts, the treatments could only restore 60% of his condition, and the doctors warned him about overexertion. Cheng Xiao, however, remained adamant, asserting, "If I can't become stronger, what future do I have? With my innate soul power, I can, at most, be a soul master. What potential is there to overdraw?"

In the end, the doctors had to let him be.

His extreme training regimen yielded visible results, and Cheng Xiao's physique became noticeably stronger. Now, after exercising, he no longer felt completely exhausted.

As Cheng Xiao halted his steps, he walked a dozen meters to cool down, adjusting his breathing rhythm. Concluding today's extensive run, he had completed various training exercises focusing on arm strength, wrist strength, abdominal muscles, legs, lower back, and endurance.

Instead of immediately resting, he transitioned into practicing Tai Chi.

In his previous life, Tai Chi was included in university physical exams, but it was more of a formality. The soft and flowing movements of Tai Chi were considered showy, and Cheng Xiao didn't pay much attention to it. However, now with the existence of soul power, he wondered if he could integrate it into martial arts, potentially achieving a flexible and powerful fighting style. Could it become a self-created soul skill? The possibility was slim, but there was hope.

Regrettably, Cheng Xiao hadn't mastered it in his past life, and now every move seemed distorted. Developing a unique soul skill seemed even more distant.

Nevertheless, Cheng Xiao persevered. Practicing Tai Chi twenty times a day for two months, there wasn't any miraculous breakthrough, but his form improved steadily.

Gradually, Cheng Xiao sensed a certain feeling and corrected the distorted Tai Chi moves, achieving a peculiar aesthetic.

As the Tai Chi form improved, Cheng Xiao discovered an unexpected benefit – it helped alleviate fatigue. After each training session, performing two sets of Tai Chi would "regenerate" around 20%, relieving the stiffness and exhaustion from the workout.

This discovery thrilled Cheng Xiao. Daily exercise, two sets of Tai Chi, followed by medical treatment at the office – it seemed like he could recover 80% of his vitality. Sleeping overnight, he would wake up ready for more vigorous training the next day. Truly the first and foremost method for a healthy lifestyle!

Although he didn't create a self-made soul skill, Cheng Xiao was satisfied with the effects of Tai Chi. At the same time, he silently celebrated that he didn't fail the physical exams in his past life.

After finishing Tai Chi, Cheng Xiao expelled his impurities.

"Xiao Cheng, over here, quickly!" Seeing Cheng Xiao finishing his exercises, Xiao Wu waved energetically.

Cheng Xiao walked over, and Xiao Wu handed him a water bottle. Tang San also joined them, sitting beside Xiao Wu.

Cheng Xiao rinsed his mouth with water, spitting out most of it while sipping a small amount. Pouring the remaining water over his head to cool down, he followed common sense for post-intensive exercise hydration.

"Xiao Cheng, why do you push yourself so hard?" Xiao Wu wrinkled her delicate nose. "Are you afraid someone will bully you? I'm practically the queen of the academy now. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll make Xiao San go beat them up!"

"..." Tang San.

"Heh." Cheng Xiao glanced at Tang San.

Tang San smiled politely.

In these two months, Cheng Xiao and Tang San had gotten to know each other, thanks to Xiao Wu. They were somewhat distant friends, considering both had mature souls; their thoughts weren't as simple.

The familiar aura was sensed by Tang San during their first meeting, a feeling of being alike. Their conversations didn't resemble those of children; both were not ordinary individuals.

Tang San speculated that Cheng Xiao probably had a dark side, so he needed to be cautious. Little did he know, Cheng Xiao was also a transmigrator.

"Training, there's no special reason. Just want to get stronger," Cheng Xiao shrugged. "Look, my results have improved significantly in these two months, and my soul power is already at level three."

Besides Tang San and Xiao Wu, Cheng Xiao's progress was considered quite fast compared to others.

The graduation standard at the Novice Soul Master Academy was to reach Level 10 within six years, becoming a soul master. It was evident that some people were progressing much slower, as not everyone was willing to push themselves to the brink.

"My body has also become stronger," Cheng Xiao lifted his shirt, revealing faintly outlined abdominal muscles. Although they were only slightly visible, the six-pack was gradually taking shape.

"Get away! You're all sweaty every time," Xiao Wu feigned disgust, lightly kicking Cheng Xiao's belly to keep him at a distance. However, she didn't mind her fair feet getting sticky with sweat, and her actions were quite gentle. It was more of a "nudge" than a kick, showing that she wasn't truly repulsed.

Tang San raised an eyelid, maintaining a calm expression, seemingly unfazed.

Cheng Xiao smiled and pondered whether he had been labeled with the tag "on the path of self-destruction" at this point.

Considering it, probably not. It had only been two months, and he had casually created a minor obstacle. Their relationship shouldn't have progressed that quickly.

At this moment, the scales were tipping in Cheng Xiao's favor due to Xiao Wu.

However, it was uncertain how things would unfold later. Tang San and Xiao Wu shared a dormitory and spent more time together. There was a chance the scales might tip towards Tang San.

Cheng Xiao had thought about making some subtle moves, but none of them were good solutions. They were easily caught, and the risks outweighed the benefits. Therefore, Cheng Xiao abandoned the idea.

Regardless, he didn't care. Let the future unfold step by step; he wasn't demanding anything. He took each move as it came, not expecting a sudden brilliant play to capture a big dragon.

Rabbits, well, if there's something better, great. If not, soul rings and soul bones are still there.

If he can't get your heart and soul, he'll take away your bones. At least he's more ethical than a capitalist, never grinding bones for medicine.

"Oh, by the way, how is Xiao San doing with the Grandmaster? Any progress?" Cheng Xiao asked.

"Our teacher is the most knowledgeable person I've ever met. I've gained a lot from studying under him," Tang San replied with a solemn expression, praising the Grandmaster wholeheartedly.

"Ah, you all have teachers helping you acquire soul rings. I'm quite miserable; I don't even know where to get soul rings when the time comes. However, by then, you guys will probably already be Grand Soul Masters," Cheng Xiao sighed. Suddenly, he said, "Oh? By then, you guys should be able to defeat hundred-year soul beasts, right? Why not help me out then?"

Free muscle, why not take advantage of it?

Cheng Xiao didn't have any moral qualms, not at odds with himself.

As for whether he could earn soul bones later, it remained to be seen. For now, he would utilize them to the fullest. Not wasting was a self-imposed rule that every adult should follow.

"Um..." Xiao Wu frowned, hesitating. As a soul beast turned human, she still harbored some aversion to hunting soul beasts.

As for Tang San, he remained silent, being cautious of Cheng Xiao, afraid he might have ulterior motives.

"I probably won't choose aggressive soul beasts; plant-type soul beasts would be good," Cheng Xiao understood Xiao Wu's concerns and assured her that he would only hunt plant-type soul beasts.

If it's a herbivorous rabbit, there should be no feelings of mercy, right?

As soon as this statement was made, Xiao Wu's resistance lessened. She nodded and agreed, "Okay, okay. We'll help you by then. Deal, but we'll only hunt plant-type soul beasts."

Tang San: ??? I haven't agreed to this!

But Tang San looked at Xiao Wu's tender face and couldn't bear to refuse.

"That's settled then. Any objections, Xiao San?" Cheng Xiao asked.

Tang San hesitated, and Xiao Wu turned her head, looking at Tang San with confusion.

Tang San could only say helplessly, "I'll see if the teacher has anything on his plate at that time. If he doesn't, I'll go with you guys."

"Okay, then. We'll call you when the time comes."

Cheng Xiao squinted his eyes, hahahaha, this was the effect he wanted.