
Chapter 5 :Welcome to Shrek Academy part 3

(Dai Mubai pov)

After watching that Ma Hongjun easily destroying some kind of lethal Soul Guides possessing a power clearly at Soul Sect with his two ring, frankly shock me.

To be honest, after the Dean Flender explained that people could get a thousand year soul ring by just strengthening our body, I just understood then that the only reason Ma Hongjun has it is because he had a good teacher and ressources too.

So after a few seconds, I was able to get over it. Because something like exercising his own body was available for every talented soul master with enough perseverance. But after I saw him fight, I couldn't consider him as a simple genius anymore! He was simply... A monster!

It all started when seven spherical Soul Guides start to appear inside the Testing Room and each shoot differents elemental attacks at Ma Hongjun.

If those attacks were only at the level of Soul Grandmaster, with their numbers it would be a bit difficult to dodge, but I thought that with golden wings, Ma Hongjun would start to fly to avoid them, but I was wrong!

Instead of avoiding those attack, he start to runs to them ! And when I thought that he was going to get heavily injured, I was proven wrong once again: because those elementals attacks passed through him.

"Wh-what just happened!?" Asked Xu Fengshi I think?

"That was one of Ma Hongjun's Soul Skills called Elementarization." Replied Flender proudly, as if he was the one doing it.

"Elementarization is a Soul Skill that transform your body in an element compatible with your Martial Soul. With this soul, as long as you doesn't met a Soul Master with an elemental power stronger than you, be it physically or with Soul Power, no attack can do any damage to you."


"What kind of cheating Soul Skill is that!? Doesn't that mean that he's practically invincible?" I said Indignantly. Because honestly, that Soul Skill was too foul! And with the face Xu something made, I could easily see that he thought the same.

But fortunately the Dean told us that that wasn't the case.

"Of course not. The reason I said that, is because those rules only apply to Ma Hongjun. Because Ma Hongjun possess the Ultimate Fire no normal water or freezing power could do anything to him. But like all Soul Skills, Elementarization consume Soul Power. And because it's such a cheating skill, it consume a big part of his own. Especially when against an elemental attack opposite to his own like water or ice. If you can learn this Soul Skill later, you'll see that except for pretending to be invincible for 3 seconds or to be used as a trump card to save your life, it's pretty useless."

Hies explanation did calm us down.

'Yes, how can a Soul Skill like that not have any huge drawbacks. But, I am indeed tempted to Lear... Wait what?'

"Did you just said that we could learn this Soul Skill?" I asked Flender, shocked once again.

"Hum? Well yes of course. This isn't a Soul Skill produced by a soul ring, it's a Self-created Soul Skill. Didn't you noticed that Ma Hongjun's Soul Ring aren't active?"

Turning my head to the screen, I indeed see that as a light beam get through Ma Hongjun, none of his Soul Ring lighted up. That was mind-blowing!

"This is a Self-created Soul Skill, and we will learn such a powerful Soul Skill?" I murmured honestly excited about it. But then, Flender pour a cold water over us.

"Actually, I'm not certain you could. Elementarization relied heavily on your Martial Soul characterization. For example Ma Hongjun. His Martial Soul is a Phoenix. And it is well known that Phoenix use self immolation for Rebirth. Because of that, Ma Hongjun can use this Soul Skill. But Dai Mubai, white Tiger don't seems to have trait. So it's pretty much impossible for you to learn that Soul Skill."

(A/N: actually I don't know the white Tiger can elementalize himself in the legend. But until I know the answer it won't XD.)

I didn't have the time to be depressed to such news, that the Dean deliver another one.

"Don't worry though, in this School, if there's one thing Shrek doesn't lack off, it's Self-created Soul Skill! We have an entire section in the library dedicated to it. And in the unlikely case that you can't find a Soul Skill that fit you, well it won't matter, because one of the requirements for graduation is to create your own Soul Skills."

Graduation was too far for me to think about it. But self created Soul Skills! That was something only real genius could create! But I could actually learn that? And from the Dean's tone, I could be certain that those other self created Soul Skills weren't bad at all.

And after watching Ma Hongjun attacks, I was convinced of guess. Because while attacking, none of his Soul Skills were from his Soul Rings!

First he start to send some flying fire blades with the help of his wings. Slicing and melting two Soul Guides in a moment.

The he created many small fire balls in the air before launching them at the 5 floating Soul Guides. To be honest, this Soul Skill look like the White Tiger Meteor Shower of those elders.

But the latter consume too much soul powers. That's why we usually get it as our 4th Soul Ring. But Ma Hongjun's didn't have that problem because he could clearly control how many fire balls he wanted to summon.

Seeing this, I also understood that after integrating into Shrek Academy I would have to review what Soul Beast I had to Hunt. Because If a Soul Skill similar to White Tiger Meteor Shower that fit me exist in the library, it would be a waste for me to hunt for that Soul East to obtain the same Soul Skill again.

But one thing is sure, that guy with his sausage, was right. By joining Shrek, no matter how bad I am or how many years my opponent trained, after they made me a monster, those gaps will inevitably be reverse.


(MC pov)


This time Ma Hongjun really made honor to his master! This degree of showing off was so high, that even if I acted as if those were normal operations, they couldn't pretend like me and ended up shocked at every moment.

Especially so after Ma Hongjun finished off the training bots with the only advanced Soul Skills he could cast for now : Fire Fist.

Yes the very same skill of Portgas D. Ace in One Piece. Although Ma Hongjun couldn't do the Soul Skill with the same range of destruction yet. The heat was clearly greater than Ace's.

Nevertheless my disciple still did what I wanted from him.

So after his fight, I gave up his training of the day and continued to guides the students.

After leaving the Training Ground, we went to the Cultivation Ground. Yes I know not very creative. At first I wanted to name the place cultivation peak, hall or something. But it was neither at the peak of a mountain or inside a hall for that.

The Cultivation Ground was actually a lot like the Training Ground : a big Stadium. There were differences though.

Inside the Cultivation Ground, what takes the most place, were the mimicry training spaces. Design with the same technology than the testing ground to regulate the temperatures of each mimicry training ground to build the best environment, no matter your Martial Soul you could always find a fitting mimicry training ground for yourself. Yes, even for Oscar and his sausage.

Beside the mimicry training ground, there was also the famous library where normal students could browse through the basics cultivation techniques and Soul Skills. With some basic encyclopedia of Soul Beats.

The Advance stuff were all in a library situated in the main building. And obviously except for the teachers, students need my permission to access those knowledge.

I didn't didn't show them the garden of fairy plants and earthly treasures because of lack of time and I could tell at their faces that they were too tired for walking more, but I did tell them were it was. So I finished the whole thing by showing them the canteen situated underneath their dormitory.

Honestly after reopening Shrek to the new students, even though I was quite happy to the prospect of teaching them, I was still a little bit tired mentally. But unfortunately I still had something to do, or more precisely someone was waiting for me in my office. And I knew that the following discussion with him won't be calm at all. So with some mental preparation, I open the door to greet the man.

"Hello, Xiaogang. It's been a while."