
Douluo: Reborn Huo Yuhao, I am not a succubus

The original title of this book is "Douluo: Shura Huo Yuhao" In the soul master competition, Tang Hao looked at Huo Yuhao in front of him with horror in his eyes. "Monster! You are a monster!" Tang Hao, who was seriously injured and dying, had regret in his eyes, and cried to Tang San beside him "Son! I was wrong! I shouldn't have messed with that terrifying monster!" —— Facing the catastrophe that swept the entire God Realm, Huo Yuhao, the God of Emotions, followed the guidance and threw himself into the turbulence of time and space. When he opened his eyes again, he was already in the Douluo First Period, the same age as Tang San. When I came to the starting point of my destiny, I originally wanted to become a god with my friends in my previous life, but I never expected that I would be entangled by my mother-in-law Xiao Wu as soon as I entered school. Many years later, facing Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong of Martial Soul Hall, Tang San’s mother A Yin, and soul beast co-master Gu Yuena... Tian Meng sighed softly: "Yuhao, why don't you just accept it..." Huo Yuhao exclaimed: "I am not a succubus!" This is the story of a young man who has regained his mentality and charmed all living beings by relying on his personality charm. —— This is a translation. (MTL + Edits) This is my favorite douluo fanfic by a CN author, So I wanted to translate it for you guys to experience. Original Source: [斗罗: 重生霍雨浩, 我真不是魅魔] https://www.qidian.com/book/1037298032/ Original Author (AN): 老尼亚 / Old Nia Translator Note (TN): Me Help with grammar is greatly appreciated.

AuroraCrest · Tranh châm biếm
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60 Chs

Dark Devilgod Tiger

After turning on the [Spiritual Detection], Huo Yuhao finally saw the appearance of the one who made the tiger roar. It was a giant black tiger, its entire body was pure black, its tail was made up of countless joints, and there was a huge barb on the tip like a scorpion.

"It's actually the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger? It seems that its strength is similar to Er Ming's!"

He felt a little emotional in his heart. It turned out that the opponent's Er Ming found were indeed extraordinary. Almost all of them were at the same level as him. Huo Yuhao, who was hesitating whether to go and help, suddenly had his pupils shrink. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger seemed to sense the aura of the auspicious emperor beast and turned around and rushed towards this side.

"Not good!"

It is said that this kind of soul beast does not rely on its own cultivation, but purely on devouring to quickly improve its strength. The auspicious emperor beast is the greatest tonic for it. It is unlike other soul beasts who are concerned about their luck and dare not take action. It is destined to be the natural enemy of soul beasts since birth. As long as it finds an auspicious beast, it will attack.

Huo Yuhao immediately summoned his martial soul and assumed a fighting stance. In his panic, the words in his mind came out.

"Damn it! That soul beast is coming for you, Qiu'er. Run!"

"What did you call me? Qiu'er? Is there any soul beast in the Star Dou Forest that dares to attack me?"

The three-eyed golden lion's little head was filled with a large amount of information in this sentence and she looked blankly in the direction where the noise came from. The trees in front collapsed with a loud bang, and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger suddenly jumped out.

Seeing the emperor's auspicious beast, excitement appeared in the tiger's eyes. It jumped up again and pounced on the three-eyed golden lion that hadn't reacted.

"How dare you!?"

Huo Yuhao's eyes were bloodshot as his third and first soul rings lit up one after another. An amplified [Spiritual Shock] instantly poured into the mind of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. The intense pain made it unable to control its body. It fell from the air, rolling on the ground wailing, trying to ease the tearing pain in its mind.

"Yuhao? Why are you here? But that's great, help me kill him, this tiger can't be left alive."

Er Ming finally arrived. When he saw the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger lying on the ground, his eyes lit up and he swung his fist to hit him hard. At a critical moment, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger suddenly opened his eyes, forced himself to support his body and dodged the fist of the Titan Giant Ape. The missing fist hit the ground, and Huo Yuhao felt the earth shaking.

"Er Ming, I came here to look for the fourth soul ring and happened to meet you. The one behind is the Auspicious Emperor Beast. You must not let that beast escape!"

As Huo Yuhao spoke, he activated [Spiritual Sharing], pulled the Titan Giant Ape in, and then released [Spiritual Interference] at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, Er Ming was there, otherwise, he would have to summon Snow Empress for help. Qiu'er's death in his previous life was simply his heart demon. This time, he will never let her encounter danger.

Er Ming then noticed the three-eyed golden lion behind Yu Hao, and was somewhat surprised that the two was together.

However, he also realized the seriousness of the matter. He nodded and said, "We always get a draw whenever we fight. Neither of us can do anything to the other. This time, I must take him down."

"Wait! Who are you? I sensed you entering Titan's territory last time, why are you helping me?"

The voice of the auspicious emperor beast sounded at this time, and her eyes were fixed on Huo Yuhao's back. Huo Yuhao turned around and looked at the curious eyes. He finally made up his mind and said with gentle eyes.

"I'll give you the answer when the battle is over. Now, stay away."

The Three-Eyed Golden Lion's breath was choked. She knew that this was not a battle she could participate in. She had only cultivated for a thousand years, and although she was capable of fighting against ten thousand-year-old soul beasts, the tiger in front of her, which was comparable to a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast, was far beyond her ability to contend with.

'But what about the young man in front of me? His aura was not even as strong as mine, so why does he want to stop the Dark Devilgod Tiger?'

Recalling what had just happened, the Three-Eyed Golden Lion chose to obey Huo Yuhao's words and spoke in a hurried voice while backing away.

"You have to promise me that you won't die. I'll be waiting for you to tell me the answer!"

Huo Yuhao show a bright smile.

"I promise you."

He turned around and looked with cold eyes at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger who had stood up not far away.

"Er Ming, let's go!"

Er Ming pounded his chest, roared toward the sky, raised his arm and swung towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger shook his head which was still a little painful, and dodged the punch from the Titan Giant Ape again. There was a hint of fear in his eyes when he glanced at Huo Yuhao.

'The spiritual attack from this human is too dangerous.'

Now with the Titan Giant Ape, he didn't know if he would have a chance to get up after being hit a second time.

'I have to deal with this human first!'

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and Huo Yuhao felt a bloody wind blowing in his face. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger in front of him disappeared in an instant and then appeared behind him.

"Does this evil tiger also have the power of wind?" Huo Yuhao was shocked. If he hadn't had [Spiritual Detection], he would have been ambushed.

However, he was not panicked. A golden barrier suddenly appeared on his body, and the tiger claws hit the soul barrier solidly, causing the barrier to shatter into light spots all over the sky.

But this also successfully paused the tiger claw's action for a moment, and then Huo Yuhao rolled forward and turned around! A dazzling green light shone from his chest, and [Ice Empress's Wrath] burst out with all his strength!

The huge recoil caused Huo Yuhao to fly backward, but fortunately, Er Ming reached out and caught him in time, so he did not receive any injury.

Er Ming looked at the young man in his hand with some surprise. Even he was amazed by the release of this soul skill. Looking at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger again, half of its body was covered with tiny ice crystals.

Although it did not freeze the evil tiger directly like Teacher Zhao, it also successfully weakened the evil tiger's mobility. Combined with the fully activated [Permafrost Domain], its speed has been greatly weakened.

After Er Ming put Huo Yuhao down, he roared excitedly and rushed towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, not giving it any chance to breathe. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, whose speed had slowed down, could no longer easily dodge the Titan Giant Ape's fists. The pain from its body after being hit from time to time further stimulated its ferocity, and its eyes became even redder.

It suddenly spread its wings, releasing countless black lights, which turned into dozens of sharp blades and flew towards Er Ming. With the help of [Spiritual Detection], Er Ming had already protected his head with his arms in advance. The sharp blade did not cause much damage to Er Ming, but this also gave the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger a brief opportunity.

Just as he was about to flash away from the Titan Giant Ape, he felt a tearing sensation in his mind again.

'It this damn human again!'

The evil tiger's eyes were bloodshot. He turned his head and saw Huo Yuhao's golden pupils.

'It's the same skill!'

It didn't seem as powerful as the first time, but it still interrupted its movements. Moreover, it felt that after being hit twice, part of its spiritual strength seemed to be missing. Before he had time to think, the Titan Giant Ape's fist attacked again, and the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, having lost the precious opportunity, was entangled by the Titan Giant Ape again.

Huo Yuhao saw the Dark Devilgod Tiger being suppressed by Er Ming again and was about to launch another [Spiritual Shock] to assist him when he heard Er Ming's roar.

"Yuhao, run!"