
Chapter 43 Such a Husband Is Not Bad Either【Second Update】_1

Last night, facing the pack of wolves, if he hadn't had the Endure for One Minute Pill, he would probably have become wolf dung by now!

He truly didn't know where the hell this old hag was saying he got lucky from.

"Do you have any idea that the Shadow Poison Wolf you absorbed is my Soul Ring!"

Snake Granny stomped her Serpent Staff and said coldly.

"Your Soul Ring?"

Ye Feng wore a face with a big question mark.

What the hell?

Since when did the soul beasts in this forest start having someone else's name on them?

"Boy, you should thank us. Did you notice the wound under the belly of that Shadow Poison Wolf? We were the ones who injured it, or else you wouldn't have been able to kill it so easily."

At this moment, Dragon Lord approached the body of the Shadow Poison Wolf.

He pointed at the wound and said.

"cnm** is this what you guys did?"

Upon hearing these words, Ye Feng instantly expressed the most heartfelt thanks to Dragon Lord and Snake Granny!!

"You damned brat, not saying thanks is one thing, but how dare you curse at us? Do you know that we've been chasing this Shadow Poison Wolf for two whole days, and right when we were about to finish it off, you killed it!"

Dragon Lord and Snake Granny were both baffled.

This kid just started with cursing.

Shouldn't he be thanking them?

Why is he so worked up!!

"Thank you my ass, do you know what I went through last night? Thousands of wolves attacking me alone, dammit I was actually taking the fall for you guys!!"

Ye Feng was really fuming inside!

Now he finally understood why all these wolves attacked him alone.

He couldn't figure it out last night no matter how hard he tried.

Today, after hearing what these two scoundrels, Dragon Lord and Snake Granny, said, he immediately got it.

It turned out that Dragon Lord and Snake Granny had been trying to kill the Shadow Poison Wolf to make it their Soul Ring, but it escaped. Then, the Shadow Poison Wolf came back seeking revenge with the Wolf Clan army, thinking he was associated with them upon seeing him in the forest.

So they attacked him without any regard for who he actually was.

He, Ye Feng, became an epic fall guy, and these two had the nerve to expect him to thank them without so much as blushing.

Who gave them the confidence?

Really, a million f***ing alpacas stampeding in my heart!

"Haha, you're quite the character, kid. But the fact that you got a Soul Ring is true, and since we're all family, let's just let bygones be bygones."

Dragon Lord, who had been expecting a round of thanks from the younger generation, was now baffled after being cursed out.

This kid sure is hot-headed!

But another way of looking at it, he indeed took the brunt of trouble for them.

Being attacked by a pack of wolves for no reason, and then finding out that those wolves attacked the wrong person must be hard to swallow for anyone.

But this also indirectly proved that the kid was really strong.

To have survived an attack by a wolf pack.

He really had stumbled upon a treasure.

"'Family doesn't speak of two households'??"

Ye Feng was dumbfounded upon hearing this. What the hell??

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

Meng Yiran, who was on the side, was stunned too!!

She almost thought she was hallucinating.

Only Snake Granny seemed to understand, looking as if she got the hint.

It turned out that the old man had been beating around the bush the whole time just to recruit this kid into the Meng family. No wonder he was reluctant to kill him.

Setting aside their grievances, the other party was indeed a rare talent to come by.

"Haha, Yi Ran said she wanted to take revenge and teach him a harsh lesson. Once you become family, you can discipline him however you want," Dragon Lord said, laughing heartily.

"Grandma, listen to the nonsense Grandpa is spouting!!"

Meng Yiran clung to Snake Granny's hand.

In her eyes, Grandpa must be crazy.

This bastard just bullied her, and even let some sleazy men see her body, instead of avenging her, he was now talking about them being family. If this wasn't madness, what was it?

"The decisions your grandpa makes are beyond my control."

Snake Granny said grumpily.

"No, seriously, what are you talking about??"

On the other side, Ye Feng's head was filled with question marks.

Who was he, where was he, what was happening here?

"Kid, my granddaughter is quite a beauty. I see that there is mutual affection and you both are a match in terms of talent and beauty. As her elder, I approve of you two being together,"

Dragon Lord told Ye Feng, smiling amiably.

"Grandpa, who wants to be with him! He bullied me in front of many people earlier and made others see my body. You should be avenging me and giving him a severe lesson!"

Meng Yi Ran stamped her foot frantically.

"Yi Ran! Don't be unreasonable! How can normal interaction between men and women be called bullying! And nowadays, isn't a more revealing fashion popular outside anyway? I actually think this was a signal from Xiaofeng that he wanted to communicate more deeply with you."

Dragon Lord gave Meng Yi Ran a stern look, then somehow pulled out a whole bunch of twisted justifications.

The Snake Granny couldn't bear to look.

To get a grandson-in-law, her husband had thrown away all shame to this extent, it was unimaginable.


Ye Feng on the side almost turned into a human question mark.

Which eye saw them as a mutually affectionate, perfectly matched couple?!

And what the hell was that signal for deep communication?

He'd like to ask, what kind of nonsense was this!

"Granny, please say something! How can Grandpa ignore his granddaughter being bullied and even try to marry her off to a bastard!!"

Meng Yi Ran, on the brink of collapse, turned to the Snake Granny for rescue.

"Yi Ran, when a man reaches marrying age and a woman comes of age, it's time for her to find a husband. This kid has quite a few faults, but he's also a talented individual. I believe the two of you will be happy together."

Snake Granny finally spoke up.

"Granny, you??"

Seeing both her grandparents agree to marry her off to this kid,

Meng Yi Ran was completely dumbfounded.

"You girl, your grandparents wouldn't make a wrong decision. As your grandfather said, you two are indeed a well-matched couple in terms of talent and beauty. As for feelings, they grow over time as you live together day by day, don't they?"

Snake Granny tried to persuade her with a heartfelt and earnest attitude.

"But Granny, he's younger than me!"

"Younger? What's younger about him? He's as tall as you are, and the Soul Ring you currently have comes from the soul beast he injured. Aren't you satisfied with that?!"

Before Snake Granny could reply, Dragon Lord chimed in again.


Meng Yi Ran suddenly felt a mix of emotions in her heart.

How did it come to this, to being sold off just for seeking a Soul Ring?

Putting aside everything that happened before, this person did indeed possess strength.

He was able to kill so many wolves all by himself.

That was probably something not even a Soul King could easily achieve, right?

He was truly too strong.

Having such a husband, she could spar with him in the future, and the more she thought about it, the better it seemed.

"Hey, what are you talking about? Who said I wanted to join your Meng family??"

On the other side, Ye Feng was confused.

What on earth did he go through today?

Did these people even ask for his consent?

Wasn't this monologue going a bit too far?


PS: Here's the second update, asking for your support, your recommendation tickets, and your monthly tickets~ there's also a third update~~