
Douluo Dalu: World Tree, Plant Godking

In the world of Douluo Dalu, an extraordinary event unfolds as a researcher from Earth's memories was infused within a colossal ancient tree known as the World Tree, Verdalor. He aspires to become the World Tree Emperor, a Plant Spirit Beast Godking. ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Discord: https://discord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Verdalor's such a good guy!

It had taken a full week, but the eagerly anticipated moment finally arrived. Yasaka, Kurama, and their tribe of fox spirit beasts had journeyed to Verdalor's territory, where the grand assembly of spirit beasts had gathered to witness this momentous occasion.

Verdalor stood tall and welcoming, his colossal form a testament to his ancient wisdom and authority. He greeted Yasaka and Kurama with a warmth that transcended mere words.

"Welcome, Yasaka my dear friend and Kurama!" he boomed, his voice resonating through the forest.

"Your presence here is a significant step toward the realization of our shared vision."

Yasaka, her ethereal tails swaying playfully, nodded, "We are honored to be here, Verdalor, and we bring with us the hopes and dreams of our tribe.

Thanks for helping all those spirit beasts in finding a place they can call home, Verdalor"

Kurama, his fiery eyes gleaming with determination, added, "Indeed, it is a privilege to stand before a spirit of your stature.

We have heard of your noble goals and wish to contribute to this kingdom of spirit beasts."

Verdalor humbly nodded then introduced his Treant Generals and the leaders of various tribes that had pledged their allegiance to his cause. The exchange of pleasantries and camaraderie flowed naturally, as spirit beasts from different backgrounds and attributes found common ground in their purpose.

With a nod to one of his Treant Generals, Verdalor instructed them to guide Yasaka, Kurama, and their tribe to their designated settlement within his territory.

"Make yourselves at home," he urged. "We're like a family here and it seems I've become their father of sorts, hahaha!"

Having settled the newcomers, Verdalor invited Yasaka and Kurama to accompany him to his inner sanctum, his lair hidden deep within the heart of the forest. As they walked, he exchanged lighthearted chat with Kurama, bridging the gap between them.

With a chuckle, Verdalor said, "It's a rare to have two Nine-Tailed Fox at one time, it's truly blessing for you siblings to reach this far."

Yasaka's laughter was like tinkling bells. "Hihihi, our journey has been fraught with challenges, Verdalor. But it has also forged our siblinghood that we treasure deeply."

Then their exchange shifted to the topic that weighed most heavily on Kurama's mind—his impending ascension to the rank of Fierce Beast. Verdalor, though outwardly accommodating, couldn't help but harbor a cunning plan.

With a friendly demeanor, Verdalor offered, "I am committed to aiding Kurama in his quest for ascension. My resources are at your disposal.

Tell me, what do you require to prepare for this momentous transition?"

Kurama hesitated, his fiery gaze thoughtful. "My cultivation is on the verge of breaking through," he admitted, "but I have been cautious, fearing that I am not yet fully prepared to face the tribulation that accompanies such an ascension."

Verdalor, concealing his true intentions, nodded sagely., "It is wise to exercise caution, Kurama.

To that end, I propose that we assess your cultivation more closely, that we may discern the precise resources needed to facilitate your breakthrough. You have my full support in this endeavor."

Verdalor carefully examined Kurama's cultivation, his ancient eyes tracing the patterns of spiritual energy that coursed through the fox spirit beast. There was no doubt that Kurama's spirit cultivation was robust, a testament to his dedication and potential.

However, Verdalor's keen observation noted a minor imbalance—a slight lag in his spiritual cultivation.

After a thorough assessment, Verdalor said, "Kurama," he began, "your spirit cultivation is impressive, but your spiritual cultivation has fallen slightly behind where it should be for such a crucial breakthrough."

Yasaka, who had been holding her breath, anxiously awaiting Verdalor's evaluation, exhaled with relief, "Is there a way to remedy this?" she inquired.

Verdalor's regal demeanor remained unwavering, "Yes, there is, it's truthfully an easy task for me," he replied.

"I recommend that Kurama cultivate within my domain for a month. My Nurturing Aura is great for spiritual cultivation and I believe it will create the ideal environment for him to ascend the tribulation with ease."

Tears welled up in Yasaka's eyes, and she embraced Kurama tightly, "You will ascend, and we will still be together as family, huaaa!" she cried, her voice trembling with emotion.

With a warm smile, Verdalor nodded to one of his Treant Generals, "Guide Kurama to the Elder's Compound," he instructed.

"Ensure he has everything he needs for his cultivation."

While Yasaka decided to linger a while longer, relishing the opportunity to catch up with her once-mentee Verdalor. As they continued to chat, the weight of their responsibilities seemed to momentarily dissipate, and they found themselves in lighter spirits.

They discussed various topics, from the recent developments in the Great Star Dou Forest to the challenges of killing spirit masters that intrude their territory. Yasaka was genuinely impressed with Verdalor's growth and dedication as a friend.

She commended him, saying, "Verdalor, you've truly become a remarkable leader to the spirit beasts in this part of forest. Your leadership and choice to make a spirit beast kingdom are making a profound impact."

Verdalor, usually composed and serious, allowed himself a modest smile. "Thank you, Yasaka. It's a fulfilling role, albeit challenging.

But it warms my heart to see our kin's talents flourish."

Their conversation flowed smoothly, filled with anecdotes and shared experiences. They laughed about the quirks of the young spirit masters they had mentored and reminisced about their own training days. 

Yasaka, ever the playful spirit, couldn't resist teasing Verdalor.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, she quipped, "Verdalor, I've heard that your stamen is so colossal that no other plant spirit beasts would dare to approach you."

Verdalor chuckled, his usually serious demeanor giving way to a more relaxed and playful one.

He replied with an amused smile, "Well, Yasaka, it's a burden I must bear, I suppose. But if there are no takers, at least I have you."

Yasaka's cheeks immediately flushed with a brilliant shade of red, and she sputtered in response, "V-Verdalor! You...you're such a dum-dum!"

The playful banter between the two continued, punctuated by laughter and the warmth of their enduring friendship. The World Tree's laughter resonated through the forest, showing the friendships and bonds that had formed within this growing kingdom of spirit beasts. 


As the conversation between Yasaka and Verdalor flowed naturally, they eventually veered toward a more somber topic.

Yasaka, her tails twitching thoughtfully, asked, "Verdalor, what are your plans for the future?"

Verdalor leaned into the conversation, his regal presence ever-relaxed. "Well," he began, "my initial plan was to incorporate one more beast spirit tribe into our growing kingdom.

I thought this would add variety to our community and safeguard us against potential threats that might exploit the perceived weaknesses of plant spirit beasts."

Yasaka nodded in understanding, recalling how she had played a part in addressing that particular concern. "I see," she remarked.

"And it seems like my tribe's integration has partially addressed that."

Verdalor nodded in agreement, acknowledging Yasaka's valuable contribution. "Indeed," he continued, "which brings me to my next plan."

He paused for a moment, his ancient eyes reflecting a hint of determination. "There's a 100,000-year-old plant spirit beast I intend to...'kidnap,' for lack of a better word."

Yasaka's tails stood on end in surprise. "A 100,000-year-old spirit beast?" she exclaimed. "Who is it, and why 'kidnap'?"

Verdalor sighed, explaining the intriguing and somewhat perplexing tale. "This spirit beast," he began, "is a Blue Silver Empress who, for reasons I cannot fathom, decided to reincarnate as a hateful human.

During her short human life, she grew, fell in love with one of them, and, well, let's just say she became quite attached to the idea of being human."

Yasaka's eyes widened as the narrative unfolded. "So," she surmised, "she essentially became a traitor to her own kind?"

Verdalor nodded solemnly. "Yes," he confirmed, "precisely. However, now she's in a weakened state and has reverted to her original form as a Blue Silver Empress with relatively low cultivation.

This presents a unique opportunity to reclaim her and guide her back to being a bona fide spirit beast, free from all that misguided affection for humans."

Yasaka considered Verdalor's plan, realizing the potential significance of such a precious chance. "It won't be an easy task," she remarked, "but if anyone can do it, it's you, Verdalor."

Verdalor continued, "Oh, there's also a Titled Douluo who has taken it upon himself to safeguard her. From what I've gathered through my tree-minion's whispers, she's been confined in a dark, underground relic—a most unusual place for a plant spirit beast.

I think the Titled Douluo is his supposed husband."

Yasaka furrowed her brows in confusion. "But how can she possibly thrive in such darkness? Plant spirit beasts need sunlight to grow!

It defies common sense. What is in that human's mind?"

Verdalor shared Yasaka's bewilderment, shaking his colossal head. "Indeed," he admitted, "it appears that the human who became enamored with her chose to manipulate her emotions.

She fell victim to his illusions."

Yasaka's nine tails swished agitatedly behind her, a clear sign of her irritation. "It's infuriating how easily some spirit beasts can be swayed by humans," she lamented, her voice tinged with frustration.

Verdalor gave a knowing nod. "I agree," he said. "But we should not concern ourselves too much with the schemes of a Titled Douluo.

Our focus should remain on liberating the Blue Silver Empress and guiding her to understand that the coexistence of humans and spirit beasts is an untenable notion."

Then, Verdalor transformed into his treant form and reclined beneath the towering canopy of the Great Star Dou Forest, his massive form resting comfortably among the ancient trees. His demeanor was as laid-back as it was regal, and his deep voice resonated within his lair as he chatted with Yasaka, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit.

Yasaka's vivid eyes sparkled with curiosity as she turned her gaze toward Verdalor. "So, Verdalor," she inquired, "when do you plan to 'kidnap' that dumb traitor back into the fold?"

Verdalor contemplated her question for a moment, his eyes taking on a thoughtful glint. "I believe," he finally replied, "that it will be a few more days, Yasaka.

I wish to ensure that your fox tribe is settled comfortably in their new environment before I proceed."

A pleased smile played on Yasaka's lips, though she tried to hide it. "That sounds reasonable," she conceded, her tails swaying gently.

Then, in a mischievous tone, she added, "But you know, Verdalor, I've been thinking. Maybe I could accompany you on this 'rescue mission.' It could be quite an exciting trip, don't you think?"

Verdalor's interest was piqued, and he raised an eyebrow at her proposal. "Oh? Hm, that's quite hard to agree upon, your brother still need your attention, no. Give me reason to bring you along, Yasaka"

Yasaka leaned in closer, her voice lowering to a sultry whisper. "Well," she began, "I thought I could assist you with your treant form mastery.

Imagine the possibilities, Verdalor. I could help you unlock more hideous and monstrous forms, or perhaps even a humanoid one."

As Yasaka spun her enticing tales and whispered sweet words, Verdalor's eyes gleamed with excitement. The thought of acquiring additional forms was undeniably appealing, and he couldn't help but drool slightly at the prospect.

He nodded enthusiastically, unable to contain his eagerness. "You make a compelling argument, Yasaka. I agree! Plus with our concealment techniques, you should remain safe."

A mischievous glint danced in Yasaka's eyes as she reveled in her victory. "Excellent," she replied, her tails flicking playfully.

"But before our grand adventure, how about you give me a tour of your magnificent territory, Verdalor? Let's have a bit of fun while we wait."


Verdalor's monstrous form shifted as he rose to his feet, his immense presence commanding the attention of the towering trees around them. With a graceful nod, he agreed to Yasaka's request.

"As you wish, Yasaka. I would be honored to show you the wonders of the Great Star Dou Forest," he rumbled in his deep voice. With a deliberate step, he moved to Yasaka's side and extended one of his massive limbs in an offering for her to climb on.

Yasaka, not one to shy away from adventure, gracefully leaped onto Verdalor's sturdy branch and settled herself with a contented stretch. From her elevated perch, she enjoyed an unobstructed view of the forest's lush expanse.

As Verdalor began to move, the ancient trees seemed to sway in response to his presence, creating a harmonious scenery of rustling leaves and creaking branches. The forest itself seemed to come alive as they ventured deeper into its heart.

With a hint of pride in his voice, Verdalor shared stories of his territory. He spoke of the thousands spirit beasts that had called this place home, the hidden groves where seclusive spirit beasts resided and the serene glades where ancient and old spirit beasts lectures to guide the young ones were performed.

Yasaka listened with rapt attention, her tails occasionally twitching in excitement. She marveled at the majestic beauty of the forest and the wisdom Verdalor had imparted.

Their tour continued, with Verdalor guiding Yasaka to a tranquil pond nestled amidst the trees. The water's surface was like a mirror, reflecting the towering trees and clear blue sky above. It was a place of serenity and tranquility.

Yasaka's vibrant eyes shimmered as she looked upon the pond. "Verdalor, this place is exquisite," she breathed, her voice filled with genuine awe.

Verdalor inclined his massive head, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "It is one of my favorite spots in the forest," he confessed.

"A place where one can find solace and connection with nature."

As they lingered by the pond's edge, Verdalor and Yasaka continued to exchange stories and banter. Their laughter and camaraderie filled the air, creating a sense of warmth and companionship amidst the ancient trees.

Then, Verdalor brought Yasaka another great area where they  had these magnificent stone spires reached skyward, their jagged peaks casting long shadows over the forest below.

Verdalor's treant form moved with a grace befitting his regal nature as he navigated the rugged terrain. Yasaka clung to his sturdy branch, her eyes wide with wonder as they ascended toward the mountaintops.

The sceneries up there were a sight to behold, with hundreds of towering rock formations that seemed to defy gravity. Pine trees, their vibrant green needles glistening in the sunlight, clung tenaciously to the rocky terrain at the mountain's summit. 

As they reached the pinnacle of one of the mountains, Verdalor paused to allow Yasaka to take in the awe-inspiring view. From this vantage point, they could see the entire expanse of the Great Star Dou Forest, a sea of emerald green that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Yasaka couldn't help but gasp at the sight. "Verdalor, this is magnificent," she exclaimed, her tails swaying in excitement. "I've never seen anything like it."

Verdalor's eyes gleamed with pride as he gazed upon the land he called home. "The Great Star Dou Forest is a place of unparalleled beauty and majesty," he said.

"It has been my honor to be in its care for years."

The two spirits spent hours exploring the mountaintops, wandering amidst the towering stone pillars and taking in the breathtaking vistas. They marveled at the resilience of the evergreen pine trees that clung to the rocky terrain, their branches reaching for the heavens.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the Avatar Mountains, Verdalor and Yasaka found a peaceful spot to sit and watch the world below. The forest was alive with the sounds of nature, a harmonious symphony of bird songs and rustling leaves.

Verdalor turned to Yasaka with a soft smile, "Well, let's go home. Shall we?" 

Yasaka smiled to Verdalor back, "Let's go home! Verdalor!"

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