
Douluo Dalu: World Tree, Plant Godking

In the world of Douluo Dalu, an extraordinary event unfolds as a researcher from Earth's memories was infused within a colossal ancient tree known as the World Tree, Verdalor. He aspires to become the World Tree Emperor, a Plant Spirit Beast Godking. ~~~~~ A/N: Chapter release at GMT+8, 11 p.m. Discord: https://discord.gg/92srvG4YVP

Amomon · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

One does not simply say no to treasures!

As I journeyed back to the Great Star Dou Forest, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander toward the treasure troves that lay hidden within the vast expanse of the Soul Land world.

These were the Heaven and Earth Treasures, the most coveted and precious resources born from the very essence of the world itself.

They held immeasurable power and potential, and I was determined to claim them for my own.

"Heaven and Earth Treasures," I whispered to myself, savoring the words.

These were the objects of desire for countless beings across the Soul Land.

They ranged from items of great utility to legendary weapons of immense power.

Acquiring them would not only enhance my strength but also secure my position as a formidable spirit beast.

My focus turned to a particular type of treasure, the Cornucopias.

These were natural environments where the essences of heaven and earth converged, resulting in the concentrated accumulation of Heaven and Earth Treasures.

It was as if nature itself had bestowed its blessings in these sacred places.

One such location that immediately came to mind was the Lake of Life, a pristine body of water known to be brimming with life-enhancing treasures.

Its waters were rumored to have miraculous effects on those who bathed in them, granting vitality and longevity.

It's a serene body of water nestled right at the heart of the Star Dou Forest.

Now, what makes it so special, you ask?

Well, it's where the vitality of the entire forest comes together and has a little party.

At the core of this aquatic extravaganza, you'll find something called Life Gold.

It's like the VIP guest of the lake, and it's the reason why beings like Di Tian have survived eight major breakthroughs.

That's some serious staying power, right?

The cool thing about this place is that it's like a universal buffet for spirit beasts of all stripes.

Your attribute?

Doesn't matter.

The Lake of Life is the ultimate chill spot for cultivation.

Even Gu Yuena and Di Tian took a snooze here after their divine realm escapades.

It's like the spiritual Jacuzzi of the forest.

Then there was the Yin Yang Love Querying Valley, nestled within the Sun and Moon Empire.

It held secrets of balance and harmony, and its depths concealed treasures of profound significance, said to be connected to the duality of the world.

Now, this place is a bit different.

It's not famous for its riches but for its mystique and danger.

It's tucked away in the Westward Mountains of Radiant City in the Sun Moon Empire.

Legend has it that if you're ready to face some mind-bending trials, this is the spot for you.

They say, "The sun and moon form its lake, the earth shall ask about your love. Those who are true may take the risk, but those who show true love are invincible here."

Deep, right?

It's like a love-themed escape room with a dash of divine intervention.

Eros, the Goddess of Love, holds sway over this place.

She's got quite the backstory, descending from the divine realm after a love gone sour.

Even Xu Tianran, the Crown Prince of the Sun Moon Empire's granddad did a stint in here for a century.

He went through some serious trials and tribulations, but he did come out with a few souvenirs.

In the frigid reaches of the Extreme North, the Manifold Mysterious Ice Cavern beckoned with its chilling allure.

Within its icy embrace lay treasures of ice and snow, each possessing unique properties that could greatly enhance one's abilities.

This one's a bit chilly, located mostly in the Extreme North.

There's even one tucked beneath the Earthdragon Sect's turf.

It's like the VIP lounge for ice-type spirit beasts.

Inside, you'll find the good stuff like Ten Thousand Year Ice Pith, the kind of icy essence that keeps spirits like Tian Meng going strong before a long nap.

Oh, and don't forget the Divine Ice Crystals.

They're like the diamond bling of the ice world.

So there you have it, my friends, a quick rundown of the Heaven and Earth Treasures in the Soul Land.

Each one is a unique adventure waiting to happen, and I'm itching to get started on my treasure hunt.

Who knows, maybe I'll stumble upon some treasure right in my own backyard?

A spirit beast can dream, can't he?

My mind was a whirlwind of possibilities as I contemplated how to approach these Cornucopias.

It wasn't enough to merely reach them; I needed a strategy to excavate their treasures safely and efficiently.

After all, I was not the only one with eyes on these coveted prizes.

I couldn't help but sigh as I thought of other Cornucopias that existed in separate realms beyond the Soul Land.

While they held tantalizing allure, they were beyond my reach for now.

It was best to focus on the riches that lay within my grasp.

My journey back to the Great Star Dou Forest continued, the forest's verdant canopy welcoming me like an old friend.

The spirit beasts residing here had surely missed my presence, and I couldn't wait to reconnect with them.

But as I ventured deeper into the forest, my thoughts kept returning to the Heaven and Earth Treasures.

They were the key to unlocking my full potential and achieving my goals.

The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but I was a patient and cunning world tree.

With time, I would uncover the secrets of these treasures and harness their power.

For now, I would bide my time, hone my abilities, and await the perfect moment to embark on my quest for the ultimate riches of the Soul Land.

The world was a vast and wondrous place, and maybe someday I'll have my own fruitful encounters with Heaven and Earth treasures.




Amidst all the grandiose dreams of acquiring those heavenly treasures, I couldn't forget one crucial thing - my own evolution.

You see, even though I've got a fancy title as a World Tree and it's sure as 1+1 that my bloodline was comparable to the bloodline of the Dragon God.

But there's still something missing, like an X-factor that would truly make me the cream of the crop in this world.

Maybe it's because I'm still somewhat of a sapling, and I need that extra oomph to reach my full potential.

And what's the closest thing to a world tree in this realm?

The answer was crystal clear in my mind – the Ancient Tree of Life.

This tree wasn't your run-of-the-mill foliage; it was a rare gem, a tree pulsating with the essence of light and life.

Tang San, the brilliant mind he was, planted this magnificent tree on Sea God Island back at Shrek Academy before he ventured off to the Douluo Divine Realm.

As a certified detective and analyst, the Ancient Tree of Life's likely a tree spirit beast, and it had the fortune to be blessed by the Life Seed.

Then suddenly, it become the Beyoncé of trees, and trust me I will get that piece of Life Seed from it!

'Damn, that sounded gay!'

Now to brief you about this Life Seed thing, folks, is like the granddaddy of all life in this world.

It's the OG of existence, the ultimate force of nature itself.

This seed, in one form or another, has been hanging around for ages, and it's basically the embodiment of life itself.

And get this, it's what breathed life into the Ancient Tree of Life way back when.

Now, let's rewind a bit.

The world used to be all green and lush, with plants and soul beasts living in harmony.

But then, humans did what they do best – excessive development.

They started messing with everything, and it led to a serious decline in the world's life force.

Mother Nature wasn't having any of that.

So, for some cosmic reason, the Life Seed woke up from its eternal nap.

It wasn't just a light sleeper; it had some smarts too.

It sensed that something was seriously wrong, like the whole place was going downhill fast.

That's when it decided to nudge Tang Wulin in the right direction through the Ancient Tree of Life.

You could say it was the world's way of saying, "Hey, buddy, we're in trouble here. Can you lend a hand?"

'What a lucky bastard! Sigh, all these protagonist make me red with envy man!'

But here's the kicker – the Life Seed isn't just any life force; it's the life force of the entire world.

It's like the battery that keeps this whole place running.

And let me tell you, the amount of juice this thing needs to fully grow and restore life energy to every nook and cranny of the world is mind-boggling.

Now, here comes the fun part.

Who do you think has the most life force to feed this hungry little seed?

Yep, you guessed it – yours truly, Verdant, the ultimate life force buffet.

It's practically a match made in heaven (or should I say, in the Soul Land).

'When I get that Life Seed...it'll not be expecting what I'll do with it, muahaha!'




After a month of traveling, I'm back in my neck of the woods, it's time to let everyone know that the boss is back.

I release a gentle Nurturing Aura, spreading it through the trees and the critters that call this place home.

It's like a friendly wave to my tree-friends and even the not-so-friendly spirit beasts.

Gotta keep the peace in my territory, right?

Ah, but speaking of waves, I can't help but think about Ah Yin and her little adventure with Tang Hao and Tang Xiao.

Those three have been gallivanting around the continent for a while now, deepening their bonds and all that mushy stuff.

Ah Yin will spill the beans to Tang Hao about her real deal, how she's not just some regular human but a 100,000-year-old Spirit Beast on the verge of maturity.

Talk about dropping a bombshell, right?

But you know what Tang Hao said?

He didn't care one bit about her species or her age.

Love conquers all, or so they say.

They stuck together, and Ah Yin even tagged along when Tang Xiao decided to do his own thing.

That's some commitment right there.

Fast forward a bit, and Tang San pops into the picture after they spend one night together.

Talk about not using protection!

Then, Spirit Hall, decided they wanted a piece of Ah Yin.

But Tang Hao wasn't having it.

He went toe-to-toe with one of their big shots and made a statement.

No one messes with his family.

'Yeah right, I smell a deep conspiracy there!'

Ah Yin, being the selfless soul she is, made a deal with Spirit Hall to keep her boys safe and spare the Clear Sky Clan.

She walked away with them, leaving Tang Hao behind.

Silly girl, doesn't she know that spirit beasts and humans can't just coexist like a big, happy family?

Well, guess what?

I'm planning to set her straight when I get my branches on her again.

If she won't listen to reason, I might have to resort to some tough love.

A little spiritual energy snack should do the trick.

And if push comes to shove, I'll make her a permanent resident in my inner world, just another blade of grass in my garden.

Hmph, she'll learn her lesson, one way or another.

But for now, let's focus on the here and now.

I've got my sights set on some epic treasures.

Ah Yin will not be my goal in this year.

Life as Verdant is never dull, that's for sure.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it, review it and let me know.

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