
Douluo Dalu: Lucky Star

After Han Li's unexpected death, he found himself reincarnated in the Douluo Continent upon regaining consciousness. Due to his transmigration, unknown high-dimensional information surged in, causing the plane's consciousness to awaken prematurely and bind with him. He realized that he seemed to have become the father of the newly awakened plane consciousness. Bearing a name that sounds the same as a certain celestial being and holding a pair of twin-form martial spirits—a dual scimitar blade and bow—Han Li stood silently, with the gradually awakening plane consciousness behind him. Should he become a celestial being who commits murder and arson, or a companion of justice? As for becoming Huo Yuhao? Ha, don't make me laugh. He was born with stiff knees and could never kneel. What? Guang Ling Douluo himself has come? Han Li, who had wandered for half his life without encountering a wise master, said, "If you do not mind, I am willing to acknowledge you as my master." "Master, please accept a bow from your disciple." ... Many years later, facing an approaching enemy, Han Li floated in mid-air and looked at the intruder: "You can try if you wish, but even if I bear the weight of the entire Douluo Star and have to hold up Wuhun City with one hand, I, Han Li, will still be invincible in this world!" Read advanced chapter at patreon.com/AbsoluteCode https://discord.com/invite/9zUZj5ksxM

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128 Chs

[DD]: 33

Guang Ling noticed the hesitation on Qian Renxue's face and immediately seized the opportunity.

"Oh, by the way, Xiaoxue, when I said that my martial soul has become stronger, I wasn't just saying it casually. You can feel it and try its current strength."

As he spoke, Guang Ling controlled his aura and summoned his martial soul.

As soon as the Guang Ling Glowing Feather Arrow appeared in the secret chamber, Qian Renxue felt the surrounding temperature drop. The water in the cup on the nearby table instantly froze into ice.

Qian Renxue unconsciously took a step back, her soul power enveloping her body. She then looked at the martial soul in Guang Ling's hand, which seemed to emit a much stronger coldness than before.

"Has it strengthened this much?" Qian Renxue murmured to herself.

She had seen the Guang Ling Divine Bow more than once, and because her angelic martial soul inherently possessed fire attributes, she had even played with Guang Ling's martial soul before. But it had never made her feel cold just by being close to it like now.

"Moreover, the earlier you consume the immortal herb, the better. Oh, Xiaoxue, Han Li is already at level 30. After obtaining a soul ring, he will probably reach at least level 32. He is not even eight years old yet. In the future, he might catch up to you."

Guang Ling played a little trick by not mentioning that Han Li's first two rings had now turned black and purple and that the first ring could gradually increase in years with the improvement of his strength. As for the third ring, Han Li was preparing to directly obtain one that was nearly twenty thousand years old.

These matters were better left for Qian Renxue to discover herself in the future. If he said it out loud, it would be somewhat inappropriate. Curiosity is the greatest driver for one person to understand another.

Although Guang Ling was nearly ninety years old and still single, never having been in love, he knew some techniques.

He didn't give Qian Renxue a chance to refuse. As he spoke, he took out the jade box and carefully placed it on the table. He also took out the auxiliary medicines prepared by Han Li.

Finally, under Qian Renxue's gaze, he solemnly placed the handwritten booklet by Han Li into her hands.

"Xiaoxue, remember, you must follow the procedures in this manual completely. Do not be careless. Even I would not dare to easily handle these immortal herbs. You can't rely on the uniqueness of your martial soul and act recklessly, understand?"

Qian Renxue opened her mouth, seemingly wanting to say something, but seeing Guang Ling's unwavering expression, she solemnly accepted the booklet.

"I will repay him in the future."

After a long time, Qian Renxue's lips moved slightly, and she uttered a sentence.

Seeing Qian Renxue accept the gift, a smile reappeared on Guang Ling's face, and he waved his hand casually. "Repayment or not, we are family; there's no need for that."

"No, it is necessary. This immortal herb is too precious. I, Qian Renxue, am not that kind of person," Qian Renxue replied seriously, not understanding Guang Ling's words.

"Alright, alright, let's go with what Xiaoxue says," Guang Ling replied soothingly.

"Remember to find a safe place and let Ci Xue protect you when the time comes. If the fire poison becomes too intense, use the method recorded by Han Li to expel it from your body. Given Ci Xue's martial soul characteristics, even if it carries some fire attributes, it's better than enduring and refining it. Hmm, it's not unacceptable to abandon that part altogether. After all, with your martial soul, you don't lack that bit of supplementation."

Guang Ling added another serious remark, fearing that with Qian Renxue's proud nature, she might stubbornly insist on absorbing it, and he wouldn't be able to bear the consequences if something went wrong.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Guang Ling, I understand. I still have more important tasks to complete, so I won't give up because of this," Qian Renxue said with a smile, feeling Guang Ling's concern.

"Sigh, mainly because Xiao Li still needs my protection, and you can't stay away from Heaven Dou City for too long. Also, I haven't told him about your situation. Otherwise, having Xiao Li help you absorb it would be the best," Guang Ling sighed.

"Hmm? What happened?" Qian Renxue detected something unusual from Guang Ling's tone.

"Well, how should I put it," Guang Ling began awkwardly, "actually, besides the effect of the immortal herb, Xiao Li also greatly contributed to my breakthrough, causing some issues with his body that need time to recover. Otherwise, I would certainly have him help you absorb it perfectly."

"Is it serious?" Having just received such a precious gift, Qian Renxue instinctively asked.

"It's not too bad, just that the recovery time is a bit long. It shouldn't affect his future growth," Guang Ling said, his expression complex but without going into detail.

"If you need my help, Grandpa Guang Ling, remember to ask me," Qian Renxue said seriously.

"Haha, don't worry. If there's a time when I can use your help, I won't hesitate," Guang Ling replied with a hearty laugh.

"Alright, I need to go. Remember, safety first, understood?" Guang Ling pulled up his hood and, still feeling uneasy, turned back to remind her again.

"Don't worry, Grandpa Guang Ling, I understand," Qian Renxue replied with a sweet smile.

After seeing Guang Ling out the door as usual, Qian Renxue returned to the underground chamber. She looked at the jade box, the medicines, and the not-so-exquisite booklet on the table, and fell into contemplation.

She was becoming increasingly curious about this "little martial uncle" Han Li.


Meanwhile, Dugu Bo and his granddaughter Dugu Yan were returning home by carriage.

Throughout the journey, no matter how much Dugu Yan pouted and acted spoiled, Dugu Bo remained tight-lipped about the recent events, nearly making Dugu Yan want to ignore him.

It wasn't until they got home and dismissed the servants that Dugu Bo looked at his granddaughter, who was still pretending to be angry and turning her head away from him.

"Alright, Yan Yan, don't be mad anymore. Grandpa apologizes to you now, okay? I'll continue telling you now, alright?" Dugu Bo pulled Dugu Yan to sit by the table.

"Really?" Dugu Yan turned her head, still somewhat reluctant.

"Really. How could Grandpa lie to you? This is too important for the Dugu family. In the academy, it was also because I wasn't cautious enough. Now that we're home, I can tell you," Dugu Bo coaxed his granddaughter gently.

"What is so important? Why all the mystery?" Dugu Yan asked, her interest piqued.

"It's truly very important. Yan Yan, you haven't forgotten about your father's situation, right?" Dugu Bo's tone and mood became somber as he mentioned this.

"Yes," Dugu Yan replied, a sad expression appearing on her face.

"Grandpa and your father previously told you that his issues were due to improper soul ring combinations and his weak body, which led to his poisoning, and that's why we adjusted how you obtained your soul rings. That was a lie."

Seeing Dugu Yan's shocked expression, Dugu Bo couldn't bear to look at her and continued, "I will now tell you the truth. Your father's death wasn't because of his soul rings or his body; it was because of me."

"It was because I went down the wrong path in my cultivation. I was so pleased with myself and unaware that my martial soul was becoming poisoned. This poison was then passed down to my descendants. Your most prized green eyes are also a result of this. Both your father and you were born with severe poison because of this."

"By the time I realized it, it was already too late."

Dugu Bo finished speaking all at once, and at some point, his head bowed, and tears were streaming down his face.

Dugu Yan stood there, stunned and at a loss, staring at her deliberately green-painted nails. She had always loved the color green, seeing it as a symbol of strength. But now, she felt utterly confused.

No one knew how much time had passed before the oppressive atmosphere in the room finally lifted a little.

Dugu Bo looked at his granddaughter, who was standing there in a daze, and a flash of guilt crossed his eyes. He softly said, "I'm sorry, Yan Yan, for only telling you this now."

Hearing Dugu Bo's words, Dugu Yan snapped out of her stupor.

Seeing her grandfather's aged appearance and his forced composure as he tried to comfort her, her heart was suddenly struck hard.

Yes, her grandfather wasn't any better off. The one who had died was her father, but he was also her grandfather's son.

She had been so young back then; what good would it have done to tell her? At least over the years, her grandfather had always granted her every request, and he was her only family.


Dugu Yan threw herself into Dugu Bo's arms, and the sound of her sobbing filled the room, quickly escalating to loud cries that echoed throughout.

It's good to cry, it's good to cry it out.

Dugu Bo had prepared for his granddaughter to resent him, but Dugu Yan's reaction was much better than he had expected.

Perhaps learning so much news at once had exhausted her emotionally. As she cried, she eventually fell asleep in Dugu Bo's arms.

Looking at his granddaughter's tear-streaked face, Dugu Bo sighed softly and carried her back to her room.

He then instructed the servants to prepare meals in advance, ready at any time. He sat at Dugu Yan's door, staring blankly ahead, lost in thought.

It wasn't until two in the afternoon that Dugu Yan woke up.

Remembering the earlier events, she quickly rushed out of her room, only to see Dugu Bo turn and stand up, smiling at her as if nothing had changed.


Recalling the events of the morning, Dugu Yan called out somewhat shyly.

"Alright, you've slept for so long. You must be hungry. The food is ready. Let's go eat first, and after the meal, I have something to tell you. This time, I promise it's good news."

Dugu Bo extended his hand, and Dugu Yan habitually took it, the two of them walking toward the dining room.

Perhaps it was because she was truly hungry, or maybe Dugu Bo's words had piqued her curiosity.

This time, she ate quickly, abandoning any pretense of ladylike manners and aristocratic etiquette, finishing her lunch in no time.

Seeing that she was done, Dugu Bo also put down his chopsticks and led her toward the deeper parts of the mansion.

Stopping beside a training room, Dugu Bo paused.

After repeatedly ensuring that no one was around, he led Dugu Yan inside, sealing the surroundings and setting up a protective barrier of soul power before looking at his granddaughter.

"Do you remember the boy I told you about at the academy?"

"Is he already at level 30, Grandpa?"

Dugu Yan was still somewhat incredulous. Someone younger than her being at a higher level seemed unlikely. She was considered a genius at her academy, and if such a person existed, she would've heard of them.

Dugu Bo looked at her, shook his head, and said seriously, "Actually, I've been hiding something."

Dugu Yan sighed in relief. For some reason, ever since she had seen her grandfather this time, he had been talking in a way that made her feel a bit uneasy.

"What I didn't tell you is that, although he appears to be just a bit younger than you, his actual age is even younger. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes and personally examined his body, I wouldn't believe that such a genius exists either."

Dugu Bo spoke with admiration in his voice.

"So, is he twelve this year? He can't be eleven, right?" Dugu Yan guessed uncertainly.

"No, he's only seven, and he won't be eight for another six months," Dugu Bo said, looking intently into Dugu Yan's eyes.

"That's impossible. Did he start cultivating at one year old? Grandpa, if you're going to lie, at least make it believable. This is just…"

Dugu Yan trailed off, seeing Dugu Bo's calm expression, and fell silent.

She wouldn't misjudge this. In her memory, her grandfather only showed this kind of demeanor when discussing serious matters with her father.

After a long pause, she swallowed nervously and said, "He's only seven? That's absurd."

"I wouldn't lie about this. I met him two days ago. At that time, he wasn't as powerful, but he had already reached level 23," Dugu Bo replied honestly.

"Level 23, level 30, combined with his age, doesn't make much difference to me," Dugu Yan said, rolling her eyes at her grandfather.

"Wait, no? Two days ago? That means he advanced seven levels in just two days."

Dugu Yan finally processed this and immediately sought confirmation from her grandfather.

"That's right, I encountered him while treasure hunting."

Dugu Bo slightly embellished the story. He was too embarrassed to tell his granddaughter that he had been beaten up without resistance and nearly lost his life.

"That's lucky, but what does this have to do with you, Grandpa?" Dugu Yan asked, first expressing her envy before questioning further.

"It has a lot to do with me because he can cure the poison in our bloodline, and there are other benefits too," Dugu Bo said, emphasizing each word.

Dugu Yan blinked. She hadn't experienced the severe effects of the poison yet and hadn't adjusted her thinking.

"Do you know why Grandpa disappears for so long every month? It's because I go to find places to suppress the poison's backlash. If I can't endure it, I could die. I don't want to drag you down with me," Dugu Bo said bitterly.

"Grandpa, then you now?..."

Dugu Yan's voice carried a hint of tears. She quickly stepped forward, grabbing Dugu Bo's sleeves tightly, and frantically looked him up and down.

"Don't worry, there's no problem for now, and there won't be in the future."

Dugu Bo gently patted his granddaughter's head and said softly.

"Right now, because your level is low, the bloodline toxin isn't very apparent. You've had green eyes since birth, but as your cultivation level increases, the toxin within you will grow alongside the poison inherent in your martial soul. Eventually, it will become uncontrollable, just like what happened to your father. At that point, even Grandpa won't be able to help."

"Fortunately, Grandpa was lucky enough to meet him."

"Then let's go find him quickly, Grandpa, and have him save you."

Dugu Yan tried to drag Dugu Bo outside, but he smiled and gently pulled her back.

"Don't worry. Grandpa came back this time to tell you about this. I've already made an agreement with him; he will treat both you and me. But it might take some time, and Grandpa doesn't know exactly how long, so I came back to inform you," Dugu Bo said, his voice softer than usual.

"Conditions? What conditions? Is there anything I can help with?"

"And I want to go with you, Grandpa. I want to see you receive the treatment with my own eyes."

"I don't want to stay home alone anymore. Promise me, okay?"

Dugu Yan stubbornly lifted her head and stared at Dugu Bo. She was scared—scared that her grandfather was just comforting her, scared that Dugu Bo might never return, scared that she would be left all alone.


Dugu Bo frowned. He hadn't expected Dugu Yan to want to go with him; this was beyond his expectations.

"Is it not possible?"

Dugu Yan asked softly, closely observing her grandfather's expression to try to discern something.

But to her disappointment, she could only see that Dugu Bo seemed to be seriously considering the issue.

After a while, Dugu Bo looked at her with a somewhat awkward expression.

He didn't dare take his granddaughter without permission. Han Li was reasonable, but he was truly afraid that Guang Ling wouldn't give him any face and might just kill both him and his granddaughter.

"This is something Grandpa can't decide on his own. I need to discuss it with someone. The place we're going is special, and so is the person we're meeting."

"Grandpa, take me with you. I promise to behave. Besides, since he can cure you, he'll eventually need to treat me too, so I'll have to meet him anyway, right?"

Seeing her grandfather waver, Dugu Yan immediately used her tried-and-true tactic of acting cute, shaking Dugu Bo's arm.

"It's not impossible. Let Grandpa ask for you."

Dugu Bo gritted his teeth and gave in, then looked at Dugu Yan.

"Yan Yan, get ready. Pack some clothes and survival gear. Grandpa will ask for you. But I can only try. If the other party doesn't agree, you'll have to stay at the academy and wait for Grandpa to come back. Is that okay?"

Dugu Yan gave herself a mental cheer and noticed that Dugu Bo seemed to have some real difficulty, making her believe his words a bit more.

She didn't dare act out now and nodded obediently, indicating she would follow his instructions.

Dugu Bo sighed in relief and, after reminding Dugu Yan not to tell anyone, hurriedly left the mansion and headed for the city gate.

He hoped Guang Ling would be there. If not, Yan Yan would be disappointed, Dugu Bo thought to himself.


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