
Douluo Dalu: Legend of the Cat Douluo

Mao Xingyun has been a loner since he's a kid and it's not because he wants it but because people who got close to him suffers from bad luck, even his parents don't like him and tries to stay as far away as possible from him the closest he got to them was when he's still a newborn. Everyone who knew his complications tries to stay as far away from him, except for his cat Blacky who since the time he got him, never left his side. He never had a friend or even a girlfriend, basically he's alone so when his cat died of old age he also followed him to the afterlife.

dreammyyy · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Chapter 24 - Spirit Fusion

"Isn't this that profiteering uncle?", Xiao Wu said when she saw Flender, which made Xingyun who just arrived flare up.

"Hmph, what do you mean profiteering uncle? That's dean Flender! He's not only the founder of Shrek Academy, he is also the flying corner of the Golden Iron Triangle!", Xingyun boasted, which made Flender smirk, Oscar and Ma Hongjun is a bit confused, they only knew Flender as their dean nothing more, Tang San and Xiao Wu is a bit more confused, they never heard of what Xingyun mentioned and don't believe that Flender this profiteering uncle is someone really great, Bao'er who heard this had a look of realization, 'So that's why this brother of mine is so fanatical of him', Mubai on the other hand is smiling bitterly when he saw the intertwining hands of Zhuqing and Xingyun.

"Really? He's that Flender?", Rongrong who knew about Golden Iron Triangle is also a bit shocked, when the others heard her question they all looked at her as if asking 'Who is he?', "The Golden Iron Triangle is a legend in the continent, they managed to do the impossible, the spirit fusion between three people, when they use their spirit fusion skill even titled douluos need to be careful, I never expected that I'll see a member of them here, sadly, they've already been disbanded for years now".

When Oscar and Ma Hongjun heard this, their admiration for Flender went up, but Tang San and Xiao Wu still isn't convinced, "Is he really that great?", Xiao Wu asked.

"Of course! In the history of the continent, the number of groups who did that same achievement can be counted in the number of the fingers in your hands, and all the groups who had done it can rival even titled douluos, while having a 10 rank difference or more", Xingyun said, his eyes beaming with excitement, when Tang San and Xiao Wu heard this, even though they still hated the swindler nature of Flender, their admiration for him went up a bit.

When they finally reached Flender, Flender just said some things then told Xingyun and Zhuqing to stay, he also made Oscar and Rongrong to run to train their escaping ability and brought Tang San to his office, in the end all of them stayed because they were quite curious on why the dean made Xingyun and Zhuqing stay, after a few minutes of waiting, Flender and Tang San came back.

"It's good that you guys stayed to watch this, this will be good for you guys to watch, Xingyun, Zhuqing come here, let's look at what your spirit fusion skill is", Flender said, when the others heard it, their eyes shone with realization, they finally knew the reason why Xingyun who is practically innocent as a baby kept chasing for Zhuqing.

The two stepped up in front of everyone and their two hands intertwined, while a bit of red can be seen on their faces, "Closer!", Flender who saw this pushed the two closer, which made the two blush even more, the two are now hugging, Xingyun and Zhuqing are both red as a tomato, Xingyun even forcefully closed his eyes trying to ignore the softness he felt on his chest, Dai Mubai as always is too cowardly to get in between the two.

"Now focus and feel the connection between the two of you", Flender instructed, the two tried to focus and only after 5 minutes they were finally able to focus and concentrate on the said connection, "Now try to put everything you've got to fuse your spirits and bring out your power", Flender instructed once more, the two also tried what he said and after a few minutes a strong spirit fluctuation emanated from them and slowly a huge projection is appearing above them.

Flender who saw this was satisfied, after 5 more minutes the projection in the sky materialized and a beautiful masked lady with long black hair and skin tight black clothes appeared, she looked like a grown up version of Zhuqing, when everyone looked at her hands they were frightened, instead of nails she had metallic claws which showed unparalleled sharpness.

"Attack me!", Flender said, the moment he said this the lady looked at him and prepared to attack him, Flender also prepared to take on the attack and 7 spirit rings appeared around him and wings appeared on his back, after he finished preparing the lady finally pounced on him, when Flender saw the metallic claws coming at him he felt threatened, so he used every defensive measure he could use, but this is all futile because the claws of the beautiful masked lady just went through all of it unhindered and struck Flender's chest and sent him flying.

After the attack, Xingyun and Zhuqing fainted, Flender who was sent flying now had a huge wound on his waist part but excitement is evident on his face, "HAHAHAHA, what a beautiful spirit fusion! It can actually go through every defensive measure and struck the enemy directly!", Flender was amazed by what he saw, even a spirit saint like him was almost severely wounded by it, and it's still the first time the two used it, which means once they have full control of it, it will be unstoppable.

The others who were watching felt incredulous, 'if this is the power of their spirit fusion now, how strong will it be once the two reached titled douluo?', is what they all thought, however, when they remembered what Xingyun said about Flender, they understood why Xingyun who was a monster among monsters was fanatical when it comes to Flender and the Golden Iron Triangle.

"You little monsters, bring them back to their own rooms to recuparate, and get ready for our evening classes", what Flender said brought them out of their reverie and they immediately did as told and scrambled to go back to their respective rooms while Bao'er carried Zhuqing to her room and Tang San also carried Xingyun to their own room.