
Douluo Dalu: I was reincarnated with the memories of Rick Prime

I started watching Soul Land, then I had an interesting idea, and I decided to turn this idea into a fanfic, which is about another soul that wakes up in Sou Land, but with Rick Prime's memories.

Thinker_ · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Soul Land

I wake up slowly, still somewhat lost in the fog that seems to envelop my thoughts. My consciousness floats in a sea of white clouds, but gradually returns to normal. Slowly, I open my eyes.

The first thing I see is the ceiling of the room, made of bricks. It seems to have a gray color, but I don't know if it's paint or the natural color of the stones. The ceiling has a rough texture, highlighted by the faint light coming through the small openings in the walls.

I am lying on a wooden bed, with white sheets and my head on a pillow. The mattress, uncomfortably, is made of straw. The room is small, maybe 4x2 meters, with four walls, a ceiling, and a stone floor.

Around me, I see a wooden table with a chair. On the table, there are candles in a candelabrum, still releasing a thin line of smoke. Someone put them out recently. On the other side, another wooden table holds a tray with a clay jug, probably with water. Next to the table, a polished metal mirror vaguely reflects my image, like shiny silver or iron.

There are also chests in the room, probably for storing clothes and small musical instruments, like a flute that I see in the distance.

My heart races. "What?! What the hell is this? How did I end up here? Was I kidnapped?" These questions torment my mind, and I feel a desperate urge to scream. But then, a chill runs down my spine, replacing the terror and nervousness with a cold sensation.

Chaotic memories explode in my mind. They are so absurd that I can barely believe them. But along with these memories, my feelings become cold, and my mind starts to function rationally. "Hm... How interesting! I reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu? Besides, these memories don't belong to this world, but to another world..."

A smile forms on my lips. I whisper to myself, "Rick Prime!" I take a deep breath, savoring these new memories and the intriguing prospect of a new beginning.

"This is amazing!" I say, as my mind is flooded with a torrent of insane memories, each one crazier than the last. One memory that really stands out is of a man with blue hair, smiling coldly as he threw his own wife into a supreme multiversal disintegrator beam.

This weapon, created to erase any living being from all existing universes, shows the extent of his cruelty and genius. Immediately after, the man, Rick Prime, opens a portal with his portal gun and crosses into a pocket universe, smiling like a complete ice cube. This is how he creates all the existing Ricks, forcing them to become intelligent as they try to hunt him down in every possible way, like hungry beasts capable of destroying worlds, realities, and even entire multiverses, just to have the pleasure of killing the culprit who took their wives from their lives.

Another whirlwind of memories hits me, and I close my eyes, bringing a hand to my temple to massage it. "So, it's because of this scientific monster's coldness that I'm not going crazy being reincarnated in a fictional world, with the memories of another character who should also be fictional," I think.

I open my eyes and get out of bed, walking to the window that reflects the sunlight onto the bed where I am. Immediately, I notice that I am smaller; my body is that of a child about seven years old. I walk to the wooden chair near one of the tables in the room and carry it to the window. I climb onto the chair and look outside, a smile forming on my lips.


"Nuoding City, image here."


I see a busy street, with people coming and going, colorful flags hanging over houses that have a rustic aspect but with a modern touch. Street vendors shout about their products, and young people in long blue uniforms covering their bodies stand out in the crowd. Immediately, I recognize this city. "Nuoding," I think. "The neighboring city of Holy Spirit Village, where the protagonist of this world, Tang San, was reincarnated."

I clench my fists and wonder, "At what point in the timeline am I currently? Has Tang San been born? Has he already enrolled in Nuoding Academy?"

I sigh, reflecting on the academy and remembering everything. I know this world because I watched the series and know who the characters in the story are. I push the window with my hand, open it, and climb onto the roof, grabbing a nearby wooden ladder. I climb until I can finally see the large Nuoding Academy in the distance.

Nuoding Academy is a Primary Academy of Spirit Masters. It is located in Nuoding City. The academy is divided into several areas: the main school building, a sports field, and a dormitory east of the sports field. Even though it is only an elementary academy of spirit masters, the requirements of this place for students are extremely strict; even if the house is near the academy, the students must live at the academy under a unified regime.

I stand there, watching the academy in the distance, knowing that this is just the beginning of my journey in this new world.


"Nuoding Academy, image here."


I look at the immense blue sky above my head and take a deep breath, feeling the purest air I have ever experienced. The oxygen of this new reality feels invigorating, filling my lungs and clearing my mind. Ideas, equations, and ways to strengthen and enrich myself start to emerge, each more complex.

I smile and say to myself: "This world is dominated by Spirit Masters, people with powers that are driven by spirit rings. The older these rings are, the more powerful they become. However, there is a clear deficiency in this martial world."

I lie on my back on the roof, crossing my hands behind my head and staring at the white clouds being pushed by the wind to the south. I continue to think: "In this world, there is no advanced technology. They are so primitive that even electric energy is not used in a standard way in large human societies."

I think about the absence of teachers in chemistry, physics, mathematics, or any other area like engineering. I smile, showing my young teeth, and say: "Would Spirit Masters survive being thrown into a black hole? Or could they kill the Doomsday monster from the DC Comics world? After all, even if not now, in the future I will be able to create entire armies of Doomsdays, who, besides being immortal, would be able to steal spirit rings."

I sigh a little more, savoring the tranquility of the moment. Suddenly, I hear someone shouting: "Nicolas Tesla, where are you?" The voice is of a woman. Immediately, I remember the memories of this body I am inhabiting.

I am the son of a single mother who works in gardening. My father was a famous blacksmith in the city but was killed by a magical beast while exploring the surroundings outside the city.

I open my mouth and reply: "I'm coming, Mom!"


