

5 years had passed since I was reincarnated in the Douluo Dalu world. As you might already suppose, I was reincarnated as the first prince of Heaven Dou Empire. Being the prince of a great empire and even following canon its future crown prince fall low for the fact that Qinghe's canon dies and is replaced by Qian Renxue from Spirit Hall, in a backhand complot to obtain the empire's power.

In these 5 years, I would have liked to do a lot of things and preparation, but it was more difficult than I thought. My movements were greatly restricted. I supposed that it was normal, a baby and later on little child must be watched, it didn't help much being able to talk, walk and read at the age of 2.

This, of course, was intensified by the fact that I was a prince, always being some servant looking for me. Not like my parents were there, I was mostly raised by servants and rarely see my parents, mostly father as, at least, I always have lunch with mother.

Talking about family, as of now my family consist of 7 members counting myself, if there are more, I didn't really meet them. My father the emperor, Xue Ye, a tall 30 some years old man with long silver hair, our interactions are mostly brief, he asking about my studies, my studies starting since I was 4 years old.

My mother, Xue Xie, she is the same age as father and is a beautiful woman with long brown-orange hair with a fair face and slender body. She is also the eldest daughter of marquis Ling, but I don't really know if their marriage was political or not, I suppose that it was.

My uncle, Xue Xing. The best word to describe him is bastard. He is the little brother of father and had a similar build as him, but with a grizzly gray hair. He always looks to everyone with contempt and treats badly the servants or anyone under him, abusing his position as a prince of the empire. The truth is that it was more than obvious that he wanted the throne, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to take over the throne, even killing father and us. But I suppose that due to the politics affair, he is unable, so a point of intelligence for him.

The other 2 were my little brothers, Xue Long and Xue Ming. They are 4 and 1 years old respectively. Long resembled more father with his silver face and not too cute face, while Ming resembled mother for now with his brown-orange hair. They're too young to know how they will grow. Following the canon, they would die before even appearing in the novel. It's not directly said, but I suppose they were killed similar as father, being poisoned by Renxue and make it seem like an illness.

In my case, I have my mother's face and the soft straight silver hair of my father.

As I am too young, I only learned the bare minimum, I suppose politics will come later. Writing, reading, maths, noble manners, and about spirit masters, their ranks, cultivation... Of spirit masters, it was all common knowledge as I will need first to be able to cultivate for needing more broad knowledge. As all my family is formed by spirit masters, plus that fucking god's power, I doubt that I won't have spirit power.

What I will do in the future will depend on my talent and strength. The first that I did was remember and take into account all the canon's knowledge. The worst was that I don't really remember the dates very clearly, and don't know if it is my memory or is simply the ambiguity of the novel.

Qinghe appeared for the first time when he was presented to Tang San by the Seven Treasure Clanmaster, Ning Fengzhi. This was when Tang San had some 12, 13 or 14 years old. So at that time, it was clearly that the true Qinghe was dead and replaced by Renxue. When Tang San is 19, 20 or 21 years old, the poison problem of the emperor has reveled and Renxue is unmasked. If I don't remember wrong, Renxue said something about having spent 10 years, losing her best years as a boy.

With these suppositions, Renxue started impersonating Qinghe when Tang San was 9 years old. If you ask why is important Tang San's age? It a simple answer, I don't really know the year of the novel and how it related with the year we are now, but I knew a very important fact that would cause a great impact in the continent, enough for every spirit master to now about it, Spirit Hall attack and lose to Tang Hao, followed by the hiding of the Clear Sky Clan. This will coincidently happen at Tang San's birth, so when it happened I would finally be able to put myself in the timeline.

Once I discovered when Tang San borns, I will have a time limit until I'll need to run away. As insurance, I will let 3 more years, counting some misinformation. So until Tang San had 6 years, I am relatively secure. If I can't secure my safety at this time, I will run away.

The problem was that Spirit Hall is not my only enemy, I will also take into account that psycho of the Artist. I'll need to become strong as he will go for my life, following that fucker of Gandharva's words, I won't be able to run away from him.

For now, I hid my intelligence, making me the less noticeable possible to not be taken into account, staying low and observing. I'll wait until my awakening to plan the future. As part of the mainline of the imperial family of Heaven Dou Empire, plus the canon, the most probable is that I will awaken the Heavenly Swan, the exclusive spirit of our family and the symbol of Heaven Dou. For what innate spirit power or if there's some mutation due to me being reincarnated, I'll need to wait. Then, when Tang San's born, I will need to do some other adjustments.


Today it's finally the day, 6 years had passed since I reincarnated, my 6th birthday and the day of my awakening ceremony. I found myself in a special room inside the Heaven Dou Palace, strange patterns all around, making what it seemed to be some sort of circuit.

I was surrounded by 6 black rocks as in front of me stood a spirit sage, 7 spirit rings with optimal configuration. Over him stood his spirit, a specter of some kind of eagle. The man shouted, emitting spirit power and making the black rocks float around me as a warm glow entered my body and flowed all around.