
Part 1

I learned that being an author is difficult. I wanted to share my ideas and points, but the building between them takes too much time and is too boring. I don't think that I can continue a novel.

As I thought about the points a wanted to put in this story, I will share here what would I have liked the novel to became. Enjoy it.


{8 years old}

Qinghe leaves the palace but before leaving the city he's attracted to something by his spirit. Following he finds a poor kid being kidnapped and dragged to a warehouse with more kids that are planned to be sold in slavery.

Qinghe is discovered and forced to kill one captor. At this moment discovering that his cultivation went up followed by a black ring in his halberd, all its rings will be god created. He discovered that as a follower of a Deathgod, he will only be able to cultivate killing others, with tricky plans or beautifully increasing his cultivation. He is an evil spirit master.

After that, his halberd skill made it usable as a guitar with a weakening melody. He kills every captor leaving only one alive. He made the boy that Qinghe followed his follower, killing he captor alive and also becoming an evil spirit master with a shadow spirit. The other children, he uses them creating an intelligence organization to know more about the city (Like the little birds of Game of Thrones). Creating commerce and gaining money with modern inventions.

At this year his little sister will be born, his mother will die at birth and it's the year of Tang Hao vs Spirit Hall and Tang San birth.


{12 years old}

He had become rank 36. Three rings at his halberd, 1 ring at the swan, keeping the image of trash who can't cultivate to his family. Killing people and doing "art" in his free time, increasing his cultivation.

He is sent to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, to at least make some contacts as its planned that he would be married politically to the family benefit like a princess.


{13 years old}

His brother is announced as crown prince and he also start attending the academy. His brother will also have assigned a new personal maid that always follow him and serve him, an illegitimate daughter of a count. That maid causing a discomfort feeling at Qinghe.

Later, he would discover the maid walking outside at the city trying to hide himself to talk with someone. He would discover that she was Qian Renxue. She had used a corrupt noble to enter serving the crown prince. Her plan is to learn all of his habits and action. Finally impersonating the crown prince.

Qinghe was warry about her. But being "trash" he doubted he will be attacked, he ordered his follower who securely spy her, his follower specializing in stealth. In these years, maybe due to his cultivation, he had become cold and ruthless and he really don't mind what can happen to his brothers.


{14 years old}

Qinghe takes some time out of the academy and goes to Suotuo City. He kidnaps Xiao Wu who was 6 years old and about to enter the academy, the same as Tang San. He didn't touch Tang San because Tang Hao, letting him for later.

He will cage Xiao Wu in a secret base. Offering her to sacrifice herself for his cultivation, in return he will fulfill any of her wishes, even securing her brothers. She negates, so he cut her tongue and chain her body making impossible for her to move. As it will be a waste to kill her now, he will wait until he is able to absorb a 100000 years old ring.

During this year, he plans for his future. He will make a deal with Qian Renxue. He will cooperate with Spirit Hall, giving away Heaven Dou Empire to them. After arguing, he will fight Renxue, both at rank 40 something, defeating her, showing that he was no trash. The deal will be for him to kill all his family and he gift Renxue a recording of the conversation as a proof of his treason to Heaven Dou. In return, Renxue must stay in her position, having controlled the princess of Spirit Hall being some insurance. He warns her that he had people that will inform about her and her plan if something were to happen at him.

Qian Renxue accepts, promising herself to defeat him and force him under her feet.


{15 years old}

Making a scene with his second brother who is an idiot in the intimacy and wears a mask in public, lowering his head, Qian Renxue becomes his own maid. Gaining the contempt of his idiot brother for lowering the head for a commoner, a simple maid

With Renxue as his maid, he poisoned her with a poison that required a certain herb to be activated, only being possible to be cured before activating. He didn't tell anything to her as he knows that he won't be instantly killed because he is necessary, he keeps as another insurance.


{16-18 years old}

He continued having some physical and mental spars with Renxue, each wanting to dominate the other.

Qinghe kills his third brother by a "disease" called poison.

He achieved rank 60, but finds his speed had lowered a lot.


{19-21 years old}

He goes to Slaughter City, a place created for inheritors of the Deathgod. He learn to kill more spectacularly and complete the 100 matches and cross the road outside. He achives rank 70 and Deatgod domain.


{22 years old}

For curiosity, he attends as a spectator to the Tournament. Shrek team only change is Xiao Wu is changed by a woman with a cat mutation, always having ears and tail. Tang San seems in love with Rongrong and Oscar with the new catgirl.

Following the novel, Shrek wins. This time, without anything happening at the victory ceremony (Xiao Wu discovered as a spirit beast).


{23-25 years old}

With all his time with Qian Renxue, he finishes falling in love with her, Renxue also falling in love with her.

There will be a scene where both will gift something at the other, only to discover that it is the same, The antidote for the poison as sincerity for their love. Both had poisoned the other all this time as insurance. They laugh saying that they are destined for each other.

Qinghe will officially renounce his position as a prince, he abandons the palace eloping with a mere commoner (Qian Renxue) for love. Using his little birds to extend the tale of his love story using minstrels.

His 4th and 5th (The emperor in the novel) brothers die by an "illness" and people suspect his second brother about it.


{26 years old}

He makes a pact with Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong goes with her titled douluos to kill Er Ming and Da Ming.

Qinghe brings the almost dead Xiao Wu to spectate the slaughter. She finally accepts Qinghe's offer, she immolates herself for him and Qinghe promised her he will save his brothers.

With the immolation, he uses Xiao Wu spirit ring for his swan and reaches rank 81 gaining another black gold ring for the halberd.

Qinghe didn't matter about his promise, spatting that Xiao Wu took too much of time to decide. He uses that and distracts Er Ming and Da Ming stopping them using the Golden Body of Xiao Wu spirit, letting Spirit Hall titled douluos gravely injures them, being killed by Bibi Dong who absorbed the rings while the spirit bones are absorbed by Qinghe.


{27 years old}

Heaven Dou rebellion similar as the novel. The emperor is dying by some poison. Tang Sect is created.

Qinghe visits the palace with the excuse of seeing his father's last moments.

Qinghe kills his uncle.

Qinghe meets his only alive brother. After a conversation, Qinghe will laugh as his incompetence and fight him. Qinghe is much stronger than his brother who is terrified by Qinghe's strength, a lot of shock believing that he was trash. Qinghe's last brother dies being tortured by him, finally cutting his head.

Qinghe visits the emperor who was dying. The emperor asks him to take care and help his brother using the good image of Qinghe with the people (He gained it with all the rumors and songs about discarding his position for love) That the emperor accepts Renxue.

Qinghe laughs saying already took care of his brother, showing his brother's head. Qinghe tells the emperor all his plan of giving away the empire and his alliance with Spirit Hall. He then kills the emperors.

Leaving the room, he finds Renxue who asks that it would have been better for her to do it. Qinghe negates kissing her, saying that he never thought of them as a family and that she is only one that is important for him.

Tang San will arrive at the palace door with Rongrong, Dugu Bo and Yang Gudi, to heal the emperor's poison.

Qinghe leaves from the palace door with Renxue at his side followed by a titled douluo of Spirit Hall, the porcupine that absorb Dugu Bo's poison.

Qinghe incriminate Tang San and his Tang Sect as murderers, having assassinating his father and brother. Even now trying to kill him, the last son of the emperor, to take control of the empire.

Qinghe explains at the audience that he left the palace to gain information, but he was too late, but he will revenge them, killing Tang San.

Qinghe showing the image of Heaven Dou Empire, his Heavenly Swan spirit, will make everyone awe with his cultivation showing that he isn't trash.

Qinghe and Renxue, both spirit douluos, easily kill Tang San and Yang Wudi, to then kill Dugu Bo who was kept busy by the other titled douluo. Only keeping Rongrong alive.

Qinghe as the last heir will take control of Heaven Dou's army, commanding them to attack the murderers' bases, Tang Sect and Shrek Academy. He controls the Seven Treasure Pagoda Clan in cheek, keeping Rongrong as a hostage, Rongrong following him to protect her clan.

The army will destroy Tang Sect and Shrek Academy, Qinghe and Renxue participating at the attacks, receiving praises and acclamation as the new emperor and empress of Heaven Dou Empire.

After the attack, he keeps alive Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing who can be useful against Star Luo Empire, and the golden triangle, Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, and Flanders, gifting them to Bibi Dong as he already had agreed before.

With all this killing and plans, he becomes a titled douluo, Heavenly Douluo.

He is crowned as the emperor and Renxue as his empress, the two of them very populat with the populace who had listened their story. A prince that for love for a commoner, he hid his talent appearing as trash. But when his family needed him, he returned showing a mighty strength and getting revenge for his family, a great story that will be sung by futures generations.


{28 years old}

With Heaven Dou and Spirit Hall allying, they prepare to conquer Star Luo Empire, making the whole continent theirs.

Laying in his bed with Renxue at his side, Qinghe remembers the psychopath, but he was sure that with his actual strength and the strength behind him, he will not have any problem. It was only a question of time before he finds him and kills him, achieving godhood. He jinxed.

At this moment, he listen Gandharva's voice announcing that in a month the tutorial will finish and the true game will start. At the same time, he sees the psychopath, both of them in the same room before reincarnating. He is wearing a crown with a mantle where it's written Sun and Moon Empire.

Qinghe blasphemes, turning to Renxue saying her that problems are getting near.

For his part, the psychopath is in a room all surrounded by corpses making a "beautiful" mural. He had a beautiful woman in his hands who wears an empress crown. She had silver hair and blue eyes (A 20 something version of Meng Hong Chen) He grins at her saying that the thing will be turning interesting and starts laughing while the woman lovingly smiles at him.


And this would have been the first part of the story. The second would have been Sun and Moon continent and Douluo Continent clashing and the war between both.

If you liked this summarizing, maybe I will write (following this style) what would had happened in the second part.