
Douluo Dalu : Dark Tide

Aniket's life had been nothing short of challenging since his childhood. Constantly bullied at school and detested and ignored by his family, he slowly but surely felt his heart begin to harden. He stopped caring about anything except himself. A glimmer of warmth returned to his heart due to his little brother, but this warmth was brutally extinguished when his brother passed away, plunging him once again into darkness. At the end, he died due to the mistake of another. even at the end his eyes bore a unwillingness texture of unwillingness to die and madness to survive. But, Destiny has decided something else from him. After his unexpected death, he found himself reincarnated to in Douluo continent by mistake as a 2 year old orphan. will he the make the best of his new Life? or succumbed to the Darkness in his heart.

Indian_Dark_Lord · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

prologue part 2

As Elisa was in her thought and her her eyes were shining with a new hope, Aniket has secretly taken a breath of relief as he was afraid that she will be breaken too much that It will be difficult to reignite a hope.

Now Aniket had left the room and started to go toward his home. Everything that had happened in the room felt suffocating, and he needed some rest. Everything was going well; his plan was perfectly executed. All that remained was to give her sufficient time and space without any interference. The next part would come when she called him of her own initiative.

He was sure she would call him because he knew she was craving to get her father's attention, even betting her reputation on it.

It was a challenging situation for someone to grow up without the love and care of their mother and with a father who is absent emotionally. Being left alone in a huge mansion with only servants for companionship can be isolating, despite their care. Indeed, being raised by servants is different from being loved and cared for by one's own parents. The saying "blood is thicker than water" highlights the importance of family bonds and the unique connection between relatives.

Aniket was walking on a street with a serious expression, thinking about today's event and thinking wheather what today he has done was right or wrong? Then he sigh and stop thinking about it because harm was already done. Now, there is no use of regret medicine.

Time skip

Now, it had been a month since the room incident occurred. Aniket had resumed his normal life, but Elisa had only returned to college two weeks ago. She seemed absent-minded and no longer flirted or made boyfriends, causing a huge uproar. Her sudden discontinuation of this behavior was shocking, especially since her former schoolmates admitted she had been doing it since she was 11.

The sudden change in Elisa's behavior also brought Aniket into gossip, as he was her last boyfriend before this change. Some speculated that she was basically in love with him, so she stopped flirting to show her sincerity.

So, Aniket was basically dumbfolded after hearing this.

He was later even called by professors and principal in regard of this matter because her father donated a hefty sum every month to the College. Principal doesn't want to have any incident in her matter as it will affect his bank balance. So, principal was taking matter seriously and even threated him if hide something to which Aniket has just said " Sir, I don't know what are you talking about?"

This situation was incredibly annoying for him, as he couldn't focus much on his studies and even contemplated transferring. Although it would mean wasting a year, he rationalized that it was okay because in India, 90% of students take a drop after 12th grade.

****Elisa pov****

They call me a flirt, a slut and a whore. Why? Because I have one rule. One boyfriend every week. No more, no less.

I changed my boyfriend like I was just changing my clothes. I have never been serious in any relationship. Because I don't believe in love.

I didn't care if they got mad at me or if they said something bad behind my back

I grew up from a wealthy family. Everyone knew me as the daughter of Tom Miller, one of the richest richest businessman in the country.

My mother died when I was born then my father left me alone in a mansion. Although I was taken care of by servants, it's different if you grew up with a parent. Every Month, I'll receive an allowance from him for my personal expenses. His staff will visit me on some special occasions and bring gifts but he was never present.

Thus, my rebel life begins. To get my father's attention, I did everything out of ordinary. Cheating during exams, arguing with my teachers, bullying students and flirting with boys every week. Every time the principal sent an invitation to him to visit the school for my counselling, he never came. He never cared. He'll send his secretary instead, and will just bribe them with a huge donation.

At 11, I have read a novel in which heronine's mother died at birth like me and her father was indifferent to her. so, she make a boyfriend after giving up on her. Later, her father knows about her making a boyfriend, so he started to pay attention to her and make things difficult for her boyfriend.

My plan was simple make a boyfriend. so, my father started to pay attention to me, as how much my boyfriend suffer it doesn't matter to me.

But sadly it doesn't happen as I wanted , my father was still doesn't not give me any attention but I don't want to give a chance so they take advantage of me.

So, I have decided to change boyfriend every week.

After some time, I have started to hear gossip about me being a flirt, a slut and a whore and a idea pop in my mind to ruin my reputation. so, my father will pay attention to me even he scold me.

When I entered college, I was transferred to Elites classroom because my father has paid a hefty sum of donation.

After a year of studying, I got bored. I wanted to drop out from college and tried to run away from my father but I got caught. He hired several people to guard me and even enrolled 4 of them in my class. 

In my second year, I have met Aniket, indian boy in College party, with average appearance, with black hair, Black eyes , Fair colour. He was little introvert in nature, being clumsy in worldly affairs. he was distant and never talked to anyone except few of his friends.

He has nothing that interests me except him being a asian as he was only asian boy in my class.

So, I have just gone to administration office to get his admission form, why they gave me ? Because this is a benefit you get from donation. As long as you don't misuse , you can get any information.

After that I have just asked in class " would you like to be my boyfriend?"

I was expecting 'no' as Indian take relationships seriously.

To my suprise, he was staring at me suddenly his eyes shows a flash of evil, then he smiled and said clumsily " okay! "

After that a week passed, he has nothing special about him that I have noticed and just I am about breakup with him. He has showed his true self.

Wheather it was his laughter, his expression like he was going to devour me, suddenly giving me a kiss, which a my first kiss or throwing me on a bed like he was going to rape me.

But, he just stop taken a step back and stared at me with suprise

"Is this your first kiss?" He asked. I felt a tear dropped from my eyes. I was scared. I thought I'm going to be raped. To my surprise, he stood up and stared at me.

"If that's your first kiss, then you're still a virgin?" I sat on the bed and started sobbing.

"We're over? Do you think you can just bugged me for a week then leave? No! That's not how I play." Aniket said slowly, I was terrified to hear that I don't understand what he want to do to me but I know it was no good.

I scream at him as he thought I am some whore "So what if I'm a virgin? That's the reason I changed boyfriend every week so they won't be able to touch me." It's true. I was never a slut or a whore. I dumped every guy I dated after a week so they wouldn't have a chance to take advantage of me.

Then, he started to talk about me like I am a open Book to him "Well, let me guess you are doing all this stuff to get attention of someone, Mother? Or father?" He has said slowly as I was shocked.

" I think I have made a right guess, you are doing all this to get your father attention, like sad childhood stuff where you're father don't give you attention, so to get her attention you undermine your reputation " he slowly breaking me up as he like, I know he was doing with a purpose , but I can help myself but started to cry as I think about it.

" Actually, this was the dumbest plan I have ever known to get someone attention. What do you think life is a drama where this type of childish tricks works? "His words are like dagger that was stabbing my heart.

"I have am able to seen this in a glance, let alone a businessman like your father has through it in second, you have truly wasted your life till now in this childish tricks" he said

"Do I have really wasted my time? Does father already know about it? Am I such a waste? " I was asking in my heart.

The word "Wasted your life" was repeating in my mind and I was not able comprehend as anything at that time.

" Maybe your father don't see you because he thought you are burden from him" his words have completely shattered me psychologically.

After some time, when I had just psychologically recovered, he suddenly patted me and said like an angel, "Actually, I have a way for you to get the attention from your father that you desire."

He was like a devil in one second then becomes angle in another.

Then, he slowly started to move out, while I was watching him move out like this was normal from him.

I could help but to think about what he has said, Maybe I was able to get my father's attention through him. My eyes have little hope still remains

Now, it has been a month since the incident in the room. I have thought a lot during this period and decided to seek his help. Maybe this way, I will be able to get the attention I have always desired from my father.

Maybe I was going my worst decision in my life by seeking his help because he was like a wolf in sheep clothing, silently preying to his prey at dark.

Now, I am on my way to make deal with devil.

****Pov ends****

I was enjoying my free time in canteen when I saw a figure in black dress approaching me with detemination written in her face.

Sudden, she said sat at the opposite side of my seat in a table.

"You are going to help me" she said sternly.

It was a bit shocking, as I didn't expect she would start the conversation in this manner. So, I said mischievously, "What are you talking about, lady?"

She said again with same serious expression " There is no need to beat around bush, just tell me what you want.Money?I have plenty of it. "

"What if I say what I want is you" I asked her mischievously.

She smirks, which I don't liked and said " Do you think is it possible?, Even I agree my father won't agree"

"What if I make him agree? Then Will you agree." I said

"Do you have ability " she said

" What if I have ability " he said deviously.

"So, you agree to help me" she said again seriously, which was annoying to me.

"Yes, I am" I said clearly with smirk.

" How do we proceed" she said with bit excitement.

" By become my girlfriend "I said plainly

She frowned heavily, as she hadn't expected this and said "What does being your girlfriend have to do with getting my father's attention? If this works, then I would have gotten his attention when I was ruining my reputation by changing boyfriends every week."

"Of course, this works because your father was aware that you were not in a serious relationship. He just ignored it, but what will happen when he thinks you are completely devoted to the relationship?" I said calmly.

" Actually, I believe your father always pay attention to you , he must have information about your new boyfriend at his desk on next day when you dated him, but he doesn't show that " I said calmly.

" Did he? " she said in shock.

"Yes, he did," he said calmly, "because you are his only daughter."

" okay let's try this out " she said with excitement as she has hope in her eyes.

Aniket didn't said anything and started to walk out of canteen.

When she saw this, she rushed that him and said with worry " what happened, why are you suddenly started to go out?"

He said while putting his hand on her waist " I have a lecture this time "

She said in suprise while jerking his waist " what are you doing ? "

He said mischievously " if your boyfriend would put his hand on your waist then who would. So please smile as people only buy when they see it "

Elisa was thinking in her heart " just endure this bastard until he can help you "

After that a month passed, then one day excitedly Elisa come to him at his home when he was studying.

" Elisa , I have said to you that don't come to my home " As Aniket said with frustration, as he don't like when someone disturbed him at his work.

Elisa didn't minded it and said happily " he had talked to me at phone "

" Who talked to you " he said in confusion

"My Father " she said happily

" Oh your father , well congratulation, what does he said ? " As he asked.

" He said that I should not be involved in relationships at this age, if I want he can help me in breakup and I should study hard and get good grades " she said as she recalls.

Aniket mouth twitched after hearing this.

" So, what next I have to do? " she said with expectation.

" Well, next you have to write a letter to your father " he said calmly.

" Why? Nowdays, no one write letter " she said with puzzled expression.

To which, he said " It doesn't matter if anyone writes or not, but you have to write , come inside I will help you draft a letter "

After that Aniket has helped Elisa to draft a very emotional letter to his Father and let her send it at her father's office.

After two year, at the end of his third and last semester.

Now, He was finally going to met Elisa and her Father, Tom Miller and also break up with her as he was going back to India.

In these two years, Elisa and his father's relationship was quickly heated up with the help of his letters. Now, they were like real father and daughter. So, at the end of day...sorry year he has done something good. However, he noticed that Elisa was somewhat conflicted when she heard he was going back to India. In fact, he wanted to break up, but she insisted they should not.

Moreover, this meeting was arranged by her, as she had told her father everything except for the incident in the room.

So, Tom wanted to meet with him and thank him.

As he reached a large gate, he was greeted by a butler and guards. Aniket was in awe of the large villa. After driving for two minutes, he arrived at a bungalow where Elisa was standing, wearing a red dress. Next to her was a man in a black suit, likely Tom, Tom's secretary, whom he had already seen at college, along with a row of servants.

During the meeting, Tom repeatedly thanked him for his help, to which he modestly replied, "It's you who actually salvaged the relationship. I was nothing but a medium."

Tom also offered him 1 million pounds, which he politely rejected. It wasn't because he was selfless but because he considered it shameful to accept.

Though he had a dark and twisted nature, he was neither shameless nor purely evil. He did things for his amusement, not out of purpose.

He had studied metallurgy, but unfortunately, Tom wasn't in that line of business; otherwise, he also wanted to offer him a job.

After the meeting, Elisa decided to drop him with her car.

Actually, Tom wanted the same but Elisa insisted to that she will drop him alone.

Cas was moving on the road, Elisa was driving while Aniket was sitting on a front seat.

" You should have accepted the money, It was not big sum of him " Elisa said plainly.

" I can also earn that amount of money " Aniket said plainly.

" When, decade or two later " She said with sneer.

" Maybe yes " he replied plainly

" When will you return from India " she impatiently

" Might Never " he said

" What!, Why ? " She asked

" For whom will I return for ? " He said

" For me " she said hurriedly. " I have long been wanted to say tha "

" Stupid girl ! SEE IN THE FRONT!!!!!!! " Aniket has shouted but it was too late

* booom **boom*

While Elisa was talking to him, a truck hit their car, causing it to flip upside down. Both Elisa and Aniket were seriously injured. Aniket tried to get out of the car but was unable to do so. He desperately tried to fight off death, but unfortunately, he couldn't and eventually succumbed to his injuries.

Elisa, also at her last breath, witnessed everything.

Soon, she also lost the breath