
Douluo Dalu 3: The Alpha and The Omega

"Aria perhaps Death is the only redemption i could have".... ___________________________________________________________________________________ A boy who became a shadow of his former life was reincarnated in Douluo universe of legend of the dragon king timeline with Legacy of Vergil from Devil may cry and an assistant which was born out of coincidence .This is the his journey to become "The Alpha and The Omega" but unknown to him he isn't the only one who was reincarnated.. __________ This is my first time writing a novel ,I will try to complete this novel because i always felt uncomfortable when some novels are left for Hiatus. Do give me reviews and suggestion to improve the novel i am not gonna make main character very op from start and he won't become like Vergil from very start. So, Please bear with it and if you don't like it that way sorry not for you. _____________ PS:I own nothing besides the storyline and protagonist i guess because Devil may cry own Vergil. Hope you like the story :)

Nero_schizoid · Tranh châm biếm
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90 Chs

Sweetness and Rock God Spear

In an exact replica of that dark space, Nero opened his eyes. He called out, "Aria!" but received no response. After closer examination, Nero realized that he was likely in his consciousness form, just as it had happened when he first encountered Vergil's memory.

As the surroundings shifted , Nero found himself observing the life of a 6-year-old red-haired girl. He whispered her name, "Yehui," recognizing the little girl as a young Yuanen Yehui. Nero watched as her life unfolded before his eyes, experiencing every moment with her. He gained a thorough understanding of her fears, pain, and the helplessness she felt from the very moment she awakened her Fallen Angel martial soul. He could now see why she was so vulnerable around him; she had been treated solely as a container for the Demon seed by her elders, leaving her with a sense of isolation and neglect.

As the memories flowed, reaching the point where Yuanen Yehui had met Nero, the scenery shifted once more. Nero found himself in a dimly lit room, where a hooded figure was bowing before a statue concealed in shadows.

Nero observed the scene before him, hearing a distorted and heavy voice emanate from the concealed statue. "How is the sacrifice doing?" The voice inquired.

"She is perfectly fine, my lord. Once she becomes a Soul Sage, we can sacrifice her to open the portal," the hooded figure replied in a calm tone.

"Make sure those bugs don't interfere this time," the statue warned.

"Please rest assured, my lord. We will catch them by surprise, as they all believe the Demon Seed will erupt after she becomes a Titled Douluo," the hooded figure reassured.

Nero's eyes widened in shock and horror as he realized that the sacrifice they were discussing was none other than Yuanen Yehui.

"Are you still going to protect her?" a voice echoed from behind Nero. As he turned around, he was met with the sight of a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Yuanen Yehui. Stunned, Nero began to speak, "You are..." However, the woman interjected before he could finish, clarifying, "I am not her mother. This is just a form I have taken."

"Then who are you?" Nero inquired, his confusion evident. The woman responded, "You can regard me as the consciousness of this place. Don't bother asking what this place is; you will come to understand in due time."

"So, I will ask again, even after knowing that she is a target of someone who regards Titled Douluo as mere bugs. Are you still going to protect her?" the woman repeated. Nero fell silent, his mind filled with a series of flashbacks from the time he had spent with Yuanen Yehui. The memories of the time they spent together, their shared experiences, and the connection they had formed played before his eyes.

Nero gazed at his own hand, his voice filled with determination as he spoke, "When I endured her pain and suffering, our fingers interlocked before I succumbed to unconsciousness. To me now, she is a bond etched into my very soul. She has become more than just a friend; she is my other half " Nero shifted his gaze towards the enigmatic woman before him and continued, " Do you really think I would let go of her ? "

The woman, embodying the consciousness of this enigmatic realm, offered a gentle smile and spoke with a sense of approval, "You both will encounter numerous challenges, but I have no doubt that even Death itself couldn't separate your fates. Nero, you have my blessing." As her words concluded, the surroundings began to shift once more, and Nero felt himself leaving the mysterious realm behind.


The room was bathed in a soft, warm light as the sun streamed in through a window, dispelling the dimness that had previously shrouded it. In the corner of the room, a white-haired boy lay sound asleep in his bed, his peaceful slumber highlighted by the gentle rays of sunlight. By his side, a rosy-red haired girl adorned in a white gown was sleeping on a a chair, her head resting beside the boy.

Nero, the white-haired boy, slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the soft glow of sunlight that had permeated the room. He shifted his gaze to his side and discovered Yuanen Yehui, her rosy-red hair a vibrant contrast against the pale light. She was sleeping soundly in the chair, her head resting beside his bed with a damp cloth in her hand. ' Was she taking care of me throughout the night ' Nero thought as he noticed a bowl of water resting on the bedside table.

Yuanen Yehui stirred slightly, her delicate features taking on a peaceful expression as a strand of her hair fell across her cheek. Nero leaned in closer, his fingers hovering just above her skin, and with great tenderness, he gently tucked the strand behind her ear.

As if sensing Nero's touch, Yuanen Yehui slowly opened her eyes. "Nero, are you all right? Let me get some water for you," she said with concern, immediately rising from her chair to get him water. But before she could take a step, Nero caught her hand and pulled her onto the bed with him, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"Why are you worrying so much? You should have already seen my memories, so you know that this is nothing," Nero reassured her, his fingers gently caressing her cheeks. " But, you bled so much because of me " Yuanen Yehui avoided Nero's gaze and said in a low tone. Nero sighed gently and used his hand to guide Yuanen Yehui's face back toward him. He looked deeply into her eyes and said, "I am fine, Yehui. You don't have to worry about me."

Despite his reassurances, she continued to express concern, her voice softening as she spoke, "But you also experienced.." before she could continue Nero's face drew closer to her, his gaze unwavering as it locked onto her eyes. A sweet and sugary taste filled Yuanen Yehui's insides as Nero's lips met hers in a soft, tender kiss.

The kiss deepened, their hearts beating in synchrony. Nero's hand gently cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing her skin with an affectionate touch. Yuanen Yehui responded with equal fervor, her fingers trailing along his arm, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. It was a kiss that transcended their worries and fears, connecting them on a deeper level.

Time seemed to stand still as they interlocked their fingers and lost themselves in the sweetness of the moment, their worries and doubts fading into the background. After savoring the delicate taste of each other's lips, they both finally separated, a glistening trail of saliva briefly connecting their lips before breaking. They locked eyes, their heavy breaths mingling in the charged atmosphere.

Nero continued to run his fingers through her hair, a comforting and affectionate gesture. "Now, are you reassured?" he asked softly. Yuanen Yehui responded with a contented "Mhhm," nodding in agreement as she rested her head on his shoulder. They both stayed like that finding solace in each other's presence.

The serene moment was suddenly interrupted by Aria's lively voice as she entered the room in her mechanical body, carrying two meal boxes. "Oh! Are you two lovebirds awake?" she exclaimed with a playful grin. Yuanen Yehui blushed in embarrassment and made a subtle attempt to let go of Nero, but he held her tightly, not allowing her to escape his embrace. With a playful smirk, Nero responded to Aria's comment, "Yeah, we're awake. And by the way, did you go outside in that mechanical body?"

Seeing that Nero was not a bit embarassed, she said " Boring ". After putting down the meal boxes she explained, " I went out after using illusion to take your appearance , Don't worry no one saw me ". Nero and Yuanen Yehui both breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that no one had actually seen Aria in her illusion form. Nero released his hold on Yuanen Yehui, and they both sat up in bed as they prepared to have breakfast.

Nero, while enjoying his meal, turned to Aria and inquired, "So, are you planning to stay in that mechanical body?" Aria, with a hint of disgust in her voice, retorted, "Of course, I'd rather not witness you two getting all lovey-dovey." Yuanen Yehui blushed and Nero just chuckled at Aria's response.

After finishing their meal, Nero, Yuanen Yehui, and Aria prepared to assess the changes in Yuanen Yehui's martial soul and abilities. Yuanen Yehui called out, "Rock God Spear!" and before them, a brown and pale gold double-blade spear materialized. Four purple soul rings appeared beneath her feet, and the surrounding earth elements stirred with activity in response to the presence of the spear. Yuanen Yehui couldn't help but be amazed by her new martial soul. Her body was now filled with a rich Earth/Rock attribute energy, and to her astonishment, her physical strength hadn't decreased compared to her previous martial soul. In fact, it had increased significantly. The transformation had given her newfound power and potential.

" Here is your new status, " Aria said causing a panel containing her updated information to materialize in front of Nero and Yuanen Yehui.


Name: Yuanen Yehui

Age: 14

Martial Soul: Rock God Spear, Angel of Darkness

Rank: 41

Bloodline: Rock Monarch, Archon of Darkness { Previously Fallen Angel but due to Sparda bloodline influence it diverted from usual Demon bloodline route }

Spirit Ring Configuration: 🟣🟣🟣🟣

Spirit Soul: Avalonix ( Rock elemental dragon ) ( 8,900 years)




Rock God Spear-:

Innate Skill Petrification - Every attack you hit would result in a petrification, the amount is dependent on power gap and opponent's resistive ability.

Innate skill Gravity Control- It allows you to control gravity but the extent is dependent on you spirit Rank and comprehension.

1st Spirit ability-: Jade heart Barrier : Provides a pale energy shield around user that can block any attack that user's body can handle, if the attack exceeds that range then the shield would dissipate after taking as much damage as it can.

2nd Spirit ability-: Terra Vitality: Drawing strength and energy from the earth or surrounding terrain, boosting physical and mental attributes like strength, speed, and endurance.

3rd Spirit ability-: Weight Alteration: The capacity to change the weight of objects or people, making them heavier or lighter at will.

4th Spirit ability-: Crystalline Earthquake Eruption : Earth attribute energy crystals burst outwards sending seismic shockwaves which stun the enemy and deal damage.

Fallen Angel-:

Innate skill Darkness control- Allows to control darkness and it's derivative elements.



"If someone gets confused about why their relationship suddenly advanced so much, it's because they literally watched each other's life journeys. This means their bond is something that would have usually taken years to form.