
Douluo Dalu 2 - Fan Fiction

What if Huo Yuhao's Body Got Seized By A Cheater Reincarnator From Earth? What If This Cheater Source Power Is Coming From Depravity And Evil Conducts? Watch As He Unlocked His Mysterious Godly Bloodlines, Conquer The World(s) And Sooth The Hearts Of The Frustrated Women. Beware Males, The Original Evil God Is Coming, Hide Your Women, Because The Moment You Blink, Your Wife Won't Be Yours Anymore. There Are Incest And Mature Context, You Are Warned! Writing For Pure Fun, I Would Gladly Hear Your Advices (Constructive Reviews) To Improve My Writing Cadence. The First Scene, A Mother Tending Her Son Morning Wood! If You Don't Like It, Don't Read It.

Dangeroustoxin · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Chapter 22

Yuhao opened his eyes groggily. The sunlight coming from the room's windows was finally able to wake him up from his daze.

He inspected the room with his now-clear eyes, only to curse inwardly.

"Ungrateful wife. She is really ruthless. To think that she won't even bother waken up her husband on the first day of school. She was really playing with my heart yesterday, waiting for a chance to get rid of me."

Yesterday was really a tiring day for Yuhao. He was able to somehow become acquaintance with the reluctant Wang Dong, using his special-grilled fish.

Regardless how much Wang Dong loathed his existence, the moment she ate his fishes, by some means, deduced that he wasn't a bad guy. Yuhao also fixed his bed, and used his mental power for creation magic to renovate the room to what it is now, an extravagant five hotel suite.

To his surprise though, by the time he continued the process, Wang Dong already sleep while still holding a skewer on her hands, so he carry her to her bed, without forgetting to take some advantages.

After taking a shower, he combed his hair following 'Itachi Pony Style', he donned his while-colored uniform, and left unhurriedly towards the classroom.

There were still some time before the class start. He met a lot of hurrying students with different uniform colors, running inside the corridor with pale expressions, but he wasn't fazed the least. Even if he doesn't go, no one would dare to question him.

The large gates of the white teaching area were opened wide, and the new students who were now wearing white-colored school uniforms walked inside in single file. Everyone's clothing had the symbol of a small green monster on their left breast pocket, which was the symbol of Shrek Academy.

At that time, he heard the ringing of the bell, and also saw the sign for Class 1 on the first room to the left on the first floor, causing him to smirk widely, as he dash in without hesitation.

At that moment, the spacious classroom had already been filled with people. The number of seats left for him to choose from were very little, but he didn't care at all.

His appearance caused not the small stir, as girls eyes were already turning heart-shaped. They even started comparing him with the popular Wang Dong, while saying that he was the masculine aloof cool type, while Wang Dong was the beautiful-cute type, which clearly pissed off Wang Dong, who seems to feel unwell because her scheme didn't work

Yuhao clearly had aloof face when it comes to those extra whose only forte is proficiency in licking asses. He approached the seating beside Wang Dong. There was girl sitting there watching him with wide eyes and erratic breath.

'Is he looking at me?!', the girl was over-stimulated that smoke kept coming from her orifices, which clearly displeased Wang Dong for unknown reasons.

"Beautiful lady, can you give me this seating, I would like to sit near my friend Wang Dong.", said Yuhao with a seductive smile on his face, that gave no rejection as answer. he even bluntly caressed her lower lips, as he sucked the finger that touched her lips.

"You are quite the delicious girl.", with a knowing smile, he teased the girl to no-ending. The girl hurriedly run away like a small rabbit, but her heart kept throbbing crazily, as her eyes teared from the stimulation.

The other girls watched her with envy and hatred, as they all tried to gain the attention of this super handsome male god.

The boys of course were having ideas that hopefully his talent would be trash, while gritting their teeth, but it was hard to accept their hypothesis, as Shrek only accept monsters, and that pretty face always ended up haggling all the talent in the world. So they could only curse him along with Wang Dong.

"My friend Wang Dong, I didn't knew that you have a hobby of playing with the maiden hearts.", said Yuhao joyfully from the side, as if he wasn't bothered at all with Wang Dong overflowing hostility.

Wang Dong gritted his teeth in annoyance. She felt happy seeing him sitting near her and calling her his friend, but after he started flirting with the girl, her face turned cold, as she ignored him totally, with small shards of hostility leaking from now and then.

"Ho, I really don't know how did you made it in time. If I knew it, I would have strangled you to death, rather, than giving you those pills.", said Wang Dong from the side, catching Yuhao off-guard.

'Pills?!!', suddenly, he understood. No wonder he felt all groggy. This girl is really ruthless like her mother.

He suddenly started laughing loudly, ignoring the old lady with wrinkled skin and shriveled hair, that just got on the classroom.

"With you as a friend, I don't really need any enemies.", said Yuhao with a cheerful tone, which Wang Dong found it hard to believe. She just spilled the beans in her anger. She knew that her prank was excessive, but who told him to be this annoying. But seeing him not showing any bad feelings, Wang Dong was stumped.

'I see, so you are that kind of person, a ... Masochist!!', thought Wang Dong, while failing to hide her inner monologue.

Yuhao leaned towards her ears, while saying something that send shivers down her spine.

"Only because it's you!"

She doesn't know why, but she could tell, that his tone doesn't seem to have that playful feel, it was so damn serious that it made her heart skip a beat.

"Strange,", muttered Wang Dong, with dazed eyes.

And that was true. It's because her, his body doesn't have any defense mechanisms. If it was any other person with malicious intentions, he would have exploded his head, unknowingly.

"I mean, don't you feel it? we are bond with a thick red thread of destiny!", said Yuhao shamelessly, only to be stopped by the loud cough of his homeroom teacher, scaring the shit out of Wang Dong, that was enjoying his soft breath.

"Cough! Sir Yuhao, I hope I'm not bothering you in any way.", Zhou Yi was really pissed off. She wanted to establish her absolute dominance over the classroom, but Yuhao appearance and actions, just overshadowed her existence.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Yi, I was just doing some bonding with my classmate here.", said Yuhao with a calm expression as he bowed his head in vindication, that Wang Dong beside him felt helpless.

The teacher succeed in hiding her mortification and embarrassment, hearing her beloved student calling her with her first name.

On the other side,

'Oi, weren't you talking about our destiny with zeal. was It all fake?!' Wang Dong bite her lips in anger, as her speculations started to become clear.

He obviously knew about her gender the first time, but he choose to play the idiot. She kept watching him since he entered the classroom, but other than checking girls, he didn't even bother with the kind males that saluted him.

But there was something strange with his gaze. The way he looked towards her was gentle and soothing, while the other girls only appeared in his eyes as something to toy with. Not that she could judge him, as she was also playing with their hearts, depicting herself as the perfect prince, and enjoying their love.

As Wang Dong wanted to analyze even further, she was cut off, by a cold voice coming from that mean old woman.

"I am Zhou Yi, and I am the teacher in charge of your class. I'm not sure how many of you will be able to keep up with me for the following year, but I have to tell you something: in my class, trash can't pass my assessments. I want to cultivate monsters, not idiots.", Zhou Yi, as expected from her, throw the whole classroom in a commotion. Her unpleasant voice made it even worse, as each student looked towards her with hostility.

After all, each on of them was hailed as an elite amongst elite, monster, peerless genius. They were basked in glory and praises, that such a slap in the face was very foreign for them, even Wang Dong temper flared up.

"Those who've gotten into a fight during these past few days of enrollment, stand up." Zhou Yi's following sentence stunned the entire class once again.

Everyone glanced towards the teacher as if they were looking to an idiot. Who would actually say he did?

As the entire class remained silent, Yuhao stand up with a cheerful smile on his face, as he took Wang Dong shoulders in a hug, standing along with him.

"It's us, Teacher Yi", said Yuhao, not minding the strange glances he got from the other students.

'Aren't you more like a gay couple?!' every male in the room thought with venom, while the girls eyes shined, as their imagination grow wild, with drool leaking from their mouths.

"Only two?" Zhou Yi raised her eyebrows. "Truly a group of trash. Don't tell me you didn't know that not daring to provoke others is a sign of mediocrity? Other than these two, everyone else go outside and run a hundred laps around Shrek Plaza. Anyone who can't finish these one hundred laps will be directly expelled."

Yuhao almost laugh loudly. This teacher of him was really savage. Even Wang Dong had a small smile on her face, so she didn't protest towards Yuhao, to let him go.

'Being friends with this scoundrel, isn't bad at all.', while she doubt he knew her gender, as long, as they kept status-quo, she won't mind becoming his 'male' friend.

The whole class flew into an uproar again. This was only their first day of school, and class hadn't even begun yet. Who could accept the fact that they were actually being punished for not fighting?!

"Teacher, I refuse to accept this. Why do we have to be punished for not fighting?"

"Because I said so. If you're not willing to accept this, you can screw off. As a teacher, I have the authority to expel any student I want. I'll give you one minute. If I don't see all of you running around Shrek Plaza within that minute, all of you will be expelled.", replied Zhou Yi indifferently,

As she spoke, a terrifying aura was suddenly released from her body. The powerful soul power undulations caused every single student to be choked by the pressure. Following that, soul rings started to rise from Zhou Yi's feet.

Two yellow, two purple, and two black soul rings burst forth with a strong aura that was hard to describe. This Teacher Zhou was actually a Soul Emperor-level expert, and furthermore, she had two ten thousand year soul rings. If she wanted to take care of the hundred students in front of her, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it would be as easy as turning her palm over.

"I'll give you a reminder: you only have two hours. After two hours, the people who haven't finished the hundred laps will be considered to be unqualified. This is your first test after entering the academy, and those unqualified will be expelled.", Zhou Yi added expressionlessly.

The students started freaking out, as they left the classroom hurriedly with trepidation born in their hearts.

'Expelled?! It was a great shame if someone got expelled from Shrek Academy. No one would want to carry this reputation along with him'

Yuhao could feel that his teacher was in the sage bottle neck, and it's about four years since then.

'I may really ended up giving a hand.', thought Yuhao, as he gazed at his teacher mysteriously. Only him knew what's under that strict face, is a mere frustrated house wife, with a high tensity libido, and an impotent husband.

The fact that she is still married to him, and keeping his dignity is already admirable, so he needs to give her some rewards for her loyalty.

Wang Dong beside him, could tell from his evil smile that he was scheming something, and hoped that she wasn't his target, as she sweat dropped at whoever was the victim.

Looking at the two of them, Zhou Yi nodded her head in a satisfied manner.

"As expected from my own student, you lack no guts. Tell me, why did you end up fighting each other? I could tell that you are good friends?", asked Zhou Yi in confusion.

"Well, We became good friends after our fight!", said Yuhao cheerfully, which put Zhou Yi at ease. She was really hoping for this child to have some friends, other than being bottled in his own lab, or training crazily under her regiments.

"Good, good! You finally made a friend of your age, teacher is happy!", Zhou Yi lost all her coldness, as she watched him with loving eyes. As she didn't have any children, she already thought of him as her own. She took care of him for four years, so no wonder, she was this emotional.

Wang Dong was shocked. This cold woman actually have emotions?! and what's with first friend?! he wasn't lying?! he really had no friends?!

Yuhao told her yesterday that she was his first friend he ever made. Xiaotao was his sister and Tang Sect were mere clansmen with no deep bonds.

Wang Dong felt somehow overwhelmed. To think that this scoundrel choose her through all those thousands of people. She felt very special, and was even able to understand the meaning of that unfathomable gaze.

For people who aren't his friends, they were either useful, amusing or annoying.

"Who says I'm his friend?! he is forcing me to this relation.", said Wang Dong while protesting.

Zhou Yi laughed happily seeing Wang Dong miserable face, as she patted 'his' head in understanding.

"Don't worry, he may be forceful at first, but you would come to like it later.", said Zhou Yi with an unfathomable look on her eyes, which speak volumes of her own experience under their fingering and 69 sessions which started about a year ago.

Wang Dong titled her head in confusion, but she choose not to delve deeper, as she felt something ominous behind those words, and that look on her teacher face wasn't reassuring at all.

"Teacher Yi, you got even bolder lately.", said Yuhao with a mysterious smile, making her shiver, as her face turned deep-red with shame.

Yuhao pulled Wang Dong from her hands along with him, as he said.

"We are leaving to finish our laps Teacher. I doubt you will spare us because we fought. I will explain to him the rules of fighting and benefits."

Yuhao and a confused Wang Dong soon disappered from her sight, but Zhou Yi almost teared up due to his comment.

"It's all your fault, Hmph!"

Others may not know, but the frustrated teacher was having a vibrator inside her cunt, pounding her all the time. With his senses, and as he was the sole creator of that divine artifact, she was literally inviting him to a bold session, or why would she approach him and give him a chance to discover it.

When Fan Yu lost his manhood, Yuhao as a good student, started slowly by helping her bathing after a sweaty training, washing her body, massaging her, and as the number of interactions grew, his touch became her only supporter to seal her growing and bottled up lust.

Still, she was really a loyal woman, Until, now other than letting him fingering her and sucking his dick to relieve himself, and due to his lack of soul power quality at that time, other than having a good skin, she didn't benefit in the cultivation section, which Yuhao couldn't tolerate.

Shrek Plaza.

"Teacher Zhou Yi eyes when she looked towards you, seems odd.", said Wang Dong suddenly, as they lapped around the Plaza.

"Really? well because she took care of me for four years, training me and doting upon me like a mother.", said Yuhao. Of course she was like a 'mother'. He wasn't lying at all.

"Hmm;", nodded Wang Dong, but she knew something was fishy.

"Wang Dong, how about this bro helped you pick up girls. You need to know that I'm really apt when it comes to seducing women.", said Yuhao with a large smile on his face, as he winked towards Wang Dong.

"Hmph!! Scoundrel, get away from me!!", Wang Dong replied unpleasantly, as she found it unsettling hearing about his achievements. She increased her speed rate, but she couldn't throw him away. He was really persistent.

"You see, woman like it greatly from the back. They would always shout 'more more' every time I pounded them from behind. Do you know that the hair is actually an erogenous zone?...", Yuhao kept corrupting the innocent girl mind with a smile, befitting of an evil entity.

Wang Dong face grow more red, hearing about this man endeavors. Disgusted was the least of her own feelings, however, her rising body heat was clearly an evidence of her arousal and corruption.

"What's wrong with you friend. I didn't know that you are that innocent. I clearly thought with that beautiful face of yours, you would have already bedded tons of women.", said Yuhao in wonder.

Wang Dong gave him a bad look, as she harrumphed, and ignored him, but her mind and heart just couldn't stop imagination and throbbing.

'Does he really knew I am girl?!', She was now more doubtful. If he knew it , and still said this, then he is a shameless that transcended her own humble understanding.

The duo finally finished their laps, and admiringly, they were the ones that ended it first, even after, starting later.

Zhou Yi soon came to the plaza with her cold voice, and a series of names were expelled from the school, bringing a sense of urgency in the hearts of every student.

Yuhao kept pestering Wang Dong all around the road, and whilst, she should have find him repulsive and annoying, she actually liked talking with him, and would grow cold every time he show some interest towards other girls.

"Didn't you say that I'm your friend? why are you wasting your time in the company of others?!" Said Wang Dong with a scary eyes, after seeing him finishing wiping a girl's sweaty forehead.

"Hoo, my friend Wang Dong is jealous?!", said Yuhao smugly which annoyed Wang Dong.

"I'm not!", said Wang Dong with a forceful tone, as her eyes turned more scary.

"Well, you could tell right? they are just attracted to talent, face, wealth. Don't you think that the reason they approach me, is that to look good in front of others? for those kind of people ignoring them is letting them away, why not make them feel good for a period of time, and enjoy those sexy bodies without expenses.", said Yuhao with apathetic cold eyes.

Cultivation World or Modern World. It was the same, People are artificial and true love is priceless. Unfortunately, there are only Gold Diggers and Talent-Diggers all around him, so why not beat them in their own game.

Wang Dong body quivered seeing those eyes, that seemed like her own father. Eyes that looked through the truth of the world.

She felt somehow relieved that this young man classified her as a friend. She gazed at the love-struck girls, and sympathy could be felt rising inside her heart, strangely enough, other than being repulsed from his cruelty, she got more attached and curious towards him.