
Douluo Dalu - Grim Reaper

"In the Light I am the Knight....... At the Night I am The Death....." A strong Declaration is made on the day. ........................................................................ Story Follows the Plot of Douluo Dalu 2. A Knight goes through Heavenly chariot to come to Douluo Plane. Follow the story of Mu Chen along with his Grim Reaper . A name That shivers the Next generations on One side And the Name Every one prays For Protection. ................................................... This is my First Novel. I will improve my writing along with the Plot.

Vinay_Reddy_Vatti · Kỳ huyễn
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Death of the Knight

Far away in an unknown location, a place where wars are very common and every one dreams to fight and gain fame. Numerous kingdoms fight every day. A red Land where it is filled with Blood. The War that sets the change in the land has begun and here stands our Knight who is Well know and Respected commonly Known as The Red Knight among his peers. This Red knight also known by other Name , a name that sends shivers to the Enemies - "The Grim Reaper - the one who takes away the Death".

" Sir, Report ! Preparations for the battle are done " Reported a soldier .

"Be ready , the storm is coming...." ordered our Red Knight .A man with a very strong personality wearing pale golden armor, blonde hair , sharp eyebrows and Red eyes which leaves a strong Impression on who see them sitting on chair in his own melanchony.

'I hope this war puts an end to this era and begin a New era one that is not filled with Blood'

wars are always not fought for lands, Resources , fame and women. Wars are also fought to stop Wars and Bring peace . This is not a Bloody War but a Holy War.

Our Red Knight is in his Own thoughts of This war, while everyone has their own schemes and plays behind their backs.

'I am Ready to walk the path that others dare not tp pave a golden road for future One that is not filled with blood ' strongly determined himself.

" All that is left is to fight and end this Bloody Era" sigh Red knight

While he is in his melancholy He starts to think of this past , a boy who does not his parents from birth growing while travelling the lands working as mercenary , saving a princess from bandits, starting the path of knight ,fighting Wars, Growing fame , and again wars .. until one day he started thinking Why wars and this thoughts and his further actions , declaring ideals ,at the same time his support grew from civilians to soldiers, soldiers to knights and to Ministers and kings .while some supported many were against .

Ready to battle, Red knight Grabbed the sword which is in the golden sheath. The sheath is different unknown markings. He grabbed the Handle of the sword to brought it out of its sheath. A mesmirizing silvery shade which shone very brightly when Sun rays fell upon it .The golden carvings on the blade brought a very holy presence . he Red Ruby on its pummel and a golden handle along with grip gave a Majestic disposition.

 'Are you ready partner ?' Red Knight asked his sword for which Sword gave slight Hum sound.


After a few Moments Red Knight stared at a distance while standing on a small hill which is surrounded with soldiers like ants and standing opposite them were enemies at far distance around 10 miles away who are greater in number atleast by more than half million than his people.

Red Knight slowly removed his sword from sheath ,raised to sky high and gave a shout 


Many responded and shouted while raising their weapons to sky high and shouted


The soldiers with zeal shouted while moving towards the enemies knowing that they may die , only wishing that their death will start the New Beginning.

The war has started and continued for many days while both sides decreasing their forces.


A figure moves swiftly through gaps between the soldiers as he is walking in the park. The certainity that he passed through this path is only dead soldiers falling one by one who are in his path..

The Red Knight with blood on his golden sword ,Red Ruby shining brightly only moves Forward.


'War is coming to End and to end it as soon I shall kill the enemy leaders as soon as possible' thought Red Knight while moving towards them stealthily.

In the nearby place, Three remaining Enemy Leaders are leading the war ,while theirs knights leading and following them.

Red Knight along with his soldiers went towards them and started fighting.

After a while when he got chancer, He sliced through the neck of one knight and and killed a nearby enemy leader in a flash.

"Nooo..." shouted his comrades and started fighting back seriously along with their knights.

Red Knight also fought back and fight continued for while and in a winning position , He got a chance to kill another enemy leader and moved forward to strike him in his neck region.

"AAahh.." gasped Red knight suddenly while missing the vital regions of enemy leader and only slashing his chest.

Red knight immediately gone back to previous place to defend himself while also gazing towards his right arm and his right neck which are filled with two silver Needles and area around those places started turning purple very soon .

Soon a paralysis feeling started on this right arm and neck. Red identified the poison immediately as it is one of rarest poison in availability and very destructive in Effects.

'Hemlock Poison - poison collected from highly toxic plant called Hemlock'

His vision started turning dim

" I need to end my Battle soon " whispered Red Knight .

He crouched and jumped towards the injured enemy leader in a sudden flash and slash the sword at his neck and ending him swiftly.

He rose up and stared at last remaining enemy leader and who is filled with injuries fighting my remaining two soldiers along with his knight.

He thought of performing the same move and started crouching and jumped but in halfway his body lost balance and fell down to side along with his sword.

He started losing more sight .He took a dagger from pocket armor into his left hand as his right hand had become num from poison .slowly went behind the knight and with determined gaze and new vigor jumped on enemy knight while trying to make him lose his balance and fall down .They fought hard on the ground .Red knight started losing his grip on Enemy knight .

Knowing that this will only lead to his death, he started going ahead in his weakened state .Taking chance ,Enemy knights sword pierced his stomach while he caught knight's hand, locking him and swiftly pierced his dagger in knight's neck and twisted it to kill quickly and enemy fell down. He also fell down on his back, red blood came through his injury and mouth with a purple shade in his blood signifying he is heavily poisoned .

Now he could only see a shadow of person with no clarity. he is on his death bed.

Hemlock is a very strong and rare poison. it affects the internal organs and destroys them after making the person dull his senses ,losing vision and weaking the internal organs before destroying them

He lay down there for some time . a while later he heard foot steps approaching. He couldn't see who the other party as he lost his vision and his living last few breaths.

" RRedd...." shouted other party

"Black, Enem..mm..y Le...ad..ee.." Red signaled Black of last remaining Enemy Leader.

"He is dead. I Killed Him. The War Is Over" replied Black

Red smiled and raised his left hand .

Black, his companion in many battles and great Friend in his life immediately understood what red wanted.

Black immediately searched his surrounding found it the nearby bodies . It is found easily for its shiny nature. Black collected the sword back and went back to red.

By the time black went back, red started a sitting position while taking the support of nearby mound for his back.

Black handed over the sword to Red . As soon the red took back his sword ,it shines and gave a very grief hum.

This gave Red a few more moments of vigor.

"Thank you my Friend for this Journey" Red gave his last farewell to his sword.

He grabbed the sword , spinned it one last final time and pierced in the ground. sending one fifth of the sword into ground. he put this left hand on top of sword sitting with the support of sword. winds passing, surrounded by mounds of dead bodies sitting upright with a sword even very deep injuries gave a very majestic appearance.

He gazed towards black

" Black, The future which he obtained through Blood shall not be filled with Blood. Take Care of Future"

" My watch has ended".

He left his last breath and sword gave a very strong Grief hum ,shining brightly before losing its brilliance and to never shine again.


Thhis is my First Novel.

I Hope ypu enjoy It ,

it is the backstory of Our Knight before going to Douluo Plane

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