
Douluo Dalu - A Song of Silence [Dropped]

A Douluo Dalu Fanfiction during DD3 (The Legend of the Dragon King) Follow Kai Draken, a reject from the Draken Clan, during his journey in the Douluo Dalu Universe. Watch him grow as he struggles to find himself in a complicated world. Follow him while he makes friends, creates enemies and fights his way to the top. Will he learn the secrets of his family and unlock his true potential, or will he fall to the abyss? --- This is my first time really trying to write a novel. I'm writing this to mainly get better so that I can write a completely original story of mine. Release Schedule: 1 Chapter/day Avg Chapter Length: 2k words

GarglePots · Tranh châm biếm
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52 Chs

Hired Agents

Aldric lead them out of the room, leaving them in the lobby to wait while he went and filled out some forms.

"So, what did you think?" Ashe smiled proudly as she looked towards him, whipping some sweat from her brow.

Kai smiled wryly, unsure on how to respond. He didn't know anything about forging but knew that what Ashe had done was impressive. He then locked his gaze on her black hammer.

"How heavy is the hammer?" Kai asked.

"Want to try lifting it" Ashe chuckled and playfully handed the hammer over.

The second Kai wrapped his hand around the handle Ashe let go, immediately Kai felt a strain on his arm as he grunted and struggled to keep it in his grip. Over the years Kai had steadily been growing in strength, making sure to try and keep up with his increasing Spiritual Power. While he hadn't measured his strength recently, it wouldn't of been any lower than 500.

Soon, though, Kai noticed the hammer was getting heavier and heavier causing Kai to use both hands just to keep it from hitting the ground. Just as it was becoming impossible to hold any longer Ashe reached out and took the hammer back, lifting it with one hand and resting it on her shoulder.

"What's wrong with that hammer" Kai asked, watching Ashe toss the hammer from hand to hand.

"I can tell you, but you have to keep it a secret" Ashe said, leaning in closer and speaking into Kai's ear. "My hammer as the effect of weight adjustment."

Kai widened his eyes hearing this.

"While it's not the best effect, it makes forging a lot easier and faster" Ashe continued as she weighed the hammer in her hands before smiling at Kai. "That and it synergizes well with my Martial Spirit."

Kai stared at the hammer silently as he thought. Ashe needed a catalyst when using her Martial Spirit, and the better the item the stronger her spirit would be. For example, when they first met she used a fire poker and gained leather armor, but if she used some random stick she'd be lucky if she gained clothe armor.

As he was thinking something caught his eye. A familiar man had just entered the Association's lobby, the same man Kai and Ashe had seen dealing with the two thieves earlier in the day. He was wearing he same suit, his hair slicked back like earlier. The man had the duffle bag in his hand as he walked through the lobby.

"Ashe, look" Kai nudged Ashe before pointing towards the man. Ashe looked over and widened her eyes as the two watched the man speak to one of the receptionists before being led away. Looking at each other Ashe spoke up.

"What's he doing here?" She asked, earning a shrug from Kai.

Kai just shrugged as Aldric emerged nearby and approached them. After a short conversation and some formalities from the Blacksmith Association Kai and Ashe soon left the building just as the sun was setting.

Turning around to face the Association Ashe spoke up.

"Do we want to wait for that guy?" She asked.

Kai just shook his head, disappointing Ashe.

"We don't even know what's in the bag" Kai paused as he glanced at Ashe. "And we need to be getting back, I don't want Evelynn getting mad."

Ashe could only sigh, wishing that the vacation would be more exciting then just chores and work. The two walked the streets as they returned to the hotel and got back into bed.

The next morning, right at dawn, Kai was woken up by Carter. Kai fumbled through his morning routine and within a half hour was down in the lobby with the others, waiting for their transportation. Soon Oscar arrived, black rings under his eyes. It seemed like he hadn't slept too well in the motel across the street.

They didn't have to wait too long before Walter walked in and lead them out to a limo outside, this time Oscar joining them. Along the way Walter began explaining how the day would play out.

"The actual Banquet doesn't start until this evening, around 5 pm."

Kai looked over curiously, if that was the case why would he need to get up at dawn. But Walter soon answered that question.

"The reason we're leaving so early is so that you can meet with some of the people you'll be working with."

This time even Carter and Evelynn looked over surprised, Oscar just shook his head and sighed.

"Like who?" Evelynn spoke up. "We knew there were other performances, but we were told Kai was going to work alone tonight."

Walter smiled wryly hearing this.

"Last minute additions, two dancers" Walter paused seeing the annoyed faces of everyone in the limo, suddenly adding dancers without much practice could cause problems. Walter waved his hands in the air as he continued. "Don't worry, they've been practicing with some of your pieces so it shouldn't be too difficult."

Kai looked to Carter for answers, but Carter only shook his head and sighed. Kai would just have to play his music like he always did.

The group continued to ride silently, with Ashe speaking up every once and a while to ask about different buildings they drove by. After about 15 minutes the limo pulled up and stopped in front of the local Spirit Pagoda.

Walter led Kai to a private practice room, but instead of weights the only thing in the room was a grand piano.

"I'll let you get comfortable" Walter said before turning to face Evelynn and Carter. "We have business to discuss. The dancers will be here soon."

Evelynn and Carter nodded before they followed Walter out of the room, leaving Ashe, Kai and Oscar alone. Kai walked over to the grand piano before checking it out and sitting down. He stretched his fingers and began playing some music while Oscar and Ashe listened from the side.

About a half hour into Kai's practice the door opened, two people stepped into the room.

"Its you guys!" A man's surprised and nervous voice came from the door. Kai stopped his music as he turned to see who had entered. Kai widened his eyes once he saw who they were.

"It's the two thieves!" Oscar called out, laughing slightly seeing their panicked expressions. "What're you guys doing here?"

"We're dancers" The woman spoke out confidently.

Kai and Ashe stared at each other incredulously for a moment. Seeing this the woman scoffed and pulled at the man's arm, walking to the center of the room.

"Play the music" the woman demanded, staring at Kai.

"Which piece?" Kai asked, a brow raised.

The woman seemed to choke for a second.

"The, uh…, first one" the woman said, pulling the man close.

Kai just rolled his eyes but decided to just let the two thieves embarrass themselves. He placed his hands on the keys and began playing, watching the two 'dancers' from the corner of his eyes.

They stood unmoving for about 30 seconds when they suddenly began dancing in tune with the music. It looked to be similar to a tango, the two pressed against each other and swiveling their hips hotly. Kai had to admit he was surprised to see this, but he wanted to truly see how good they were.

Kai changed the tune, switching from a fiery tango to a much slower waltz. He watched as the two paused for a moment before changing they style, dancing to the waltz properly and completely unfazed.

Kai was impressed, from the side even Oscar was nodding his head while watching the two dance. For the next half hour or so Kai kept switching the music, trying to see just how good those two thieves were. From Cha Cha to Ballroom with a little swing in between, they matched it all.

When Kai finally stopped playing, the two were covered in sweat and breathing hard.

"You guys are incredible" Kai didn't hold back, he was quite impressed by their talents in dancing.

"Of course we are" The man spoke up between his labored breathes. "You aren't too bad yourself kid! Whats your name?"

"Kai, yours?"

The man nodded before responding.

"Name's Charles" he said before turning to the woman next to him. "And this is my wife, Sandra."

The woman gave a light wave and smiled.

"So, are you guys dancers or thieves?" Oscar asked from the side. Charles laughed for a moment before answering.

"Why not both" he smiled at Oscar.

"So you two are con artists then?" Oscar said tiredly.

"We prefer the term 'Hired Agents', but that isn't entirely incorrect" Sandra said.

"You aren't worried we'll tell the pagoda?" Ashe spoke up from the side, confused as to why they were so open about all this.

"Who do you think hired us?" Charles laughed. Ashe and Kai looked at each other surprised, did that mean that the man in the suit had something to do with the Pagoda as well? Oscar just scoffed and shook his head, luckily his opinion of the Pagoda couldn't get much lower.

Just as Kai was about to ask more questions Walter and the others entered the practice room.

"I see you've met your dancers for this evening" Walter spoke merrily, a smile on his face. "Now then, why don't we get practicing?"

Kai, Sandra, and Charles were sitting in a back room waiting for their queue to enter the banquet hall. They had to wait for the hall to fill up a bit before heading out. Kai took a deep breath and looked to a mirror that hung on a nearby wall.

He wore a black suit with a dark pink tie, he exuded a strange charm that drew the eye. Charles wore a similar suit with a red tie, while Sandra wore a form fitting blue slit dress.

"Nervous?" Charles asked seeing Kai take a deep breath.

"A bit" Kai answered honestly, he'd never done something big like this before. It was nothing like working at the Drunken Monkey.

"Don't be" Sandra said, causing Kai to roll his eyes as she continued speaking. "With your music and our talented dancing we'll be tonight's stars."

Kai smiled when a member of the Spirit Pagoda poked their head into the waiting room.

"Kai, it's time for you guys to head out!" the man called out. Kai nodded as the three made their way out of the waiting room. The banquet hall was huge, lined with tables everywhere with a stage in the center. On the stage was a grand piano, not dissimilar to the one Kai had practice with earlier.

Scanning the room Kai quickly found Ashe and Evelynn sitting near the stage, smiling and waving when they locked eyes. Kai spotted Oscar near the bar while Carter was walking around and networking.

Suddenly Kai froze, spotting someone he was hoping to never have to meet again. Sitting not too far from the stage, a couple tables from Ashe and Evelynn were members of the Draken Clan. Specifically, Draven and Dorian Draken.

Hope you all enjoyed the Chapter!

Things will be getting spicy soon! Wonder what the Pagoda hired Sandra and Charles for? Do you think the Pagoda purposely sat the Drakens near the stage?

Who knows?

Happy reading :)

GarglePotscreators' thoughts