
Dou Luo Continent

Tang door disciple tang three, because steal learning inner door is not allowed by tang door, jumped off the cliff Ming zhi but came to another world, one belongs to the soul of the world. It's called doura. There is no magic, no fighting, no martial arts, but there is a magical soul. Everyone here, at the age of six, will be in the wuhun temple to awaken wuhun. Wuhun has animals, plants, artifacts, they can assist People's Daily life. And some of the most outstanding soul can be used to practice, this profession, is the most powerful is the most important

renshenchujiu · Huyền huyễn
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119 Chs

Establishment of three-five combination (five)

< / p > < p > the soul will not change the soul of the body appearance, but two strong figure of the big man at the same time roar loudly, or full of strong oppression. They moved at almost the same pace, thundering toward the direction of tang sanhe. The hammer was raised high.

Small dance tiptoe in the ground light point, the body light floating teng, tang three right hand on her tiptoe a support, small dance single foot point in tang three right shoulder, make a golden chicken independent action.

Two people are together for many years, cooperate extremely tacit understanding, while boarding tang's monk 3 shoulder, small dance already finished his rabbit wu hun to possess a body, keen eye stare at the opponent that is close quickly, once the other side appears flaw, so, it is the moment that she volleying falls to launch soft skill.

Blue-black bluegrass gushing out, into countless vines facing the combination of iron and blood brothers two people rushed up. In the same level of the situation, once the bluegrass tangled, the other side has no chance to break free. This is the control of the powerful part of the soul.

The tieshi brothers were not flurried at all. They saw dozens of bluegrass coming towards them. The huge hammer fluttered in their hands like nothing else and became a barrier.

Tang three through observation discovery, the hammer method of iron brothers actually and oneself disorderly wind hammer method have some similarity, just do not have on rhythm disorderly wind hammer method so harmonious, hair force is not as violent as disorderly wind hammer method, but on speed want to be faster than oneself disorderly wind hammer method.

Iron dragon, iron tiger on the first soul ring lit up at the same time, when the bluegrass into their hammer range, want to break into the start of wound skills, immediately by their hammer swing open, in addition to the strength of the hammer itself, there is a special shock of the bluegrass will be aroused.

Shock, is the iron brothers first soul ring skills. Effectively prevented the control of bluegrass.

Two people one left one right, brandishing hammer oneself body tight protection inside, at the same time fast press into, soon will come to tang sanhe small dance in front of.

"Up." < / p > < p > tang three big drink a sound, shoulders shrug, has been the body of the small dance into the air, toward the iron brothers back jump. His own foot in the ghost fans, from the front to meet the iron brothers. Her eyes glowed with purple and her hands were raised at the same time.

Into the hands of white jade hand clap to the iron's brother almost at the same time, tang three slip before their feet as fast as with oil, a circle with your hands, and not with the hammer handle hard to touch, but from the side of traction, light in the hammers side, a slight between, the iron's brother teamed up with a crack, tang three will use the opportunity of the moment floating through from the gap.

The hammer whistled, blowing tang three body lapel hunting sound, but did not hit him.

Control crane grab dragon used to control the hidden weapon is excellent, as a use of internal force of the same great effect. Tang three just used, is one of the four dials thousand jin secret.

Due to the accused crane captured under the guidance of the dragon, iron brothers dense defense suddenly appeared a flaw, tang three bluegrass can not be idle, while this opportunity to break in.

But the tieshi brothers, who were experienced in battle, turned quickly and swung the bluegrass away again.

Weapon soul, win in a word, it can not make the host's own ability to improve, but the ability of its own attached is very strong. The first soul ring on the hammer does not even need the hammer to directly touch the bluegrass. As long as the bluegrass intrude within one foot of the hammer, it will be swung away immediately, unable to complete the wound effect.

< / p > < p > tang three from two people together when drilling, it is also a small dance from the air down the moment, she stood on the shoulders of tang three again, action and exactly the same before.

"Mistress, finish them." The little dance grinned. She and tang three blue silver grass soul fight times the most, also naturally know the mystery of tang three this soul.

In the small dance opening at the same time, tang three body of the second soul ring suddenly shining.

The iron brothers, brandishing their hammers, froze at the same time, and blue and black vines began to grow from them. It's the bluegrass's second skill, parasitism.

Yes, their hammer method will indeed their own body protection is very tight, but not to splash water into the realm, blue silver grass soul under the control of the tang three, constantly sowing seeds in the air, especially before the tang three control crane capture dragon to iron brothers short burst of time, is quietly drill into. Although there are not many bluegrass seeds parasitic on them, the outside bluegrass will be able to complete the entangling skill as long as they are limited for a short time.

Feel the paralysis of parasitic bluegrass, watching around a large number of bluegrass toward their two people. The brothers looked at each other and roared again. While the parasitic blue silver grass has not completely restricted their action, both hands swing hammer, fast rotation of a week, the second soul on the body ring lit up at the same time, two handle huge hammer actually out of hand and out, respectively hit tang sanhe small dance.

The hammer made a piercing sound in the air, and the air was slightly distorted in its path. Under the gray light, the two hammers doubled in size, and even before they got near, they could feel the added power of terror.

Brother iron, second soul ring skill, all or nothing.

tang three heart hidden way is not good, the first time the body of the small dance to the air, their own feet ghost fans quickly to the side of the way.