
Dothraki Dragon

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 6:dreams

When he returned he found his mother desperate, she quickly gave him a surprisingly strong hug, with a near bone-breaking strength. Considering that Rhaego's body is much stronger than a normal baby his age, this was a very surprising feat coming from a petite physically weak teenager like Daenerys.

Maybe it was her protective mother's instinct and all the adrenaline rush from the fear of losing her child once again. She kept a long time hugging with like she never ever again wanted him to leave her.

After the motherly moment was over, Daenerys quickly berated him and grounded him. Some may find it strange for a less than two years old baby to be berated and grounded, but as a baby who basically saved his mother's people in the Red Waste, was a prophesied child, who seems to have been resurrected by a red comet, and can literally turn into a dragon; Rhaego was quickly considered to be a very unordinary and over mature child in his mother's eyes. However, this did not avoid her to stay overprotective.

"What were you doing anyway?"Daenerys asked.

"Burn...Mother...Enemies."Rhaego said making a cute face that completely contradicted his words.

His word would only completely make sense to Daenerys, after tales about how a dragon burned Yunkai reached her army. The city was a complete mess when their army reached there, so the city quickly flew to Daenerys Unsullied.

Time passed and they reached Yunkai, at this time Rhaego had already learned to talk in full sentences in High Valyrian, Dothraki language, and Common Tongue to the amusement and surprise of some. He was surprised to learn how much the Common Tongue resembles English, which makes it very easy for him to learn it.

Without any better alternative, Daenerys had to leave another two hundred Unsullied to protect Yunkai and Arstan Whitebeard as temporary city lords to help the city stabilize. They marched to Meeren. Rhaego was glad to know his efforts yielded results, as 'olives-chan' were fine. The d*mn 'great' masters were no longer alive to degree the burning of the city harvest.

Rhaego was sure that if he found this poor city with their olives burned he would have not been as kind as his mother with the 'great' masters. He may have looked for a blood mage and asked if he could sacrifice the great 'masters' to the last of them to resurrect the poor olive trees. As he surely considers the olives' life more valuable than his enemies.

Rhaego considered luck that his councils were taking seriously until now, so he would go to a more deceitful, but more successful alternative. He would pretend to have dragon dreams to give his mother councils. To make his dreams more trustworthy, he thought he should 'dream' about one of his mother's visions at the House of Undying, after all his mother never shared these visions with him.

"Mommy...I had a weird dream."Rhaego started to tell his mother. He did not remember all of his mother's visions so he would go with the one that is clear about the red wedding.

"My dream was a bit scary... I saw a table filled with corpses, with the feasters lying strewn across overturned chairs and hacked trestle tables, with pools of cold blood. Some had lost limbs, even heads. On a chair above them sat a dead man with the head of a wolf. He wore an iron crown and held a leg of lamb in one hand, and his eyes followed me. I thought about two words red wedding... I felt like it was the work of a lion and a bridge." Rhaego concluded.

He did not remember the prophecy word by word and he thought even if he did some words were just not something a child would say or know. So he tried to remember about the red wedding and used some simple and dramatic words.

His mother hugged him tightly and said everything was ok. She started to believe it was a dragon dream as his vision was similar to the one she saw in the House of the Undying.

Rhaego started to learn how to read in the languages that he spoke. A week later he came with another 'dream' he had to his mom, it was symbolic as prophecies usually are, but he thought he made it clear as day:

"I dreamed of a cheese marrying a tiara. The tiara broke. So the cheese married a black she-dragon in chains. A male tiara closed the walls to the cheese to ever enter his palace. The black she-dragon gave birth to a small black dragon and laid on the floor forever... My vision soon change and I saw a Griffin from the distance salivating over a beautiful red dragon.

I then saw a weak she-sun setting forever by a mountain, and her red she-dragon was stabbed fifty times, and her little red dragon had his head smashed into a wall. Much later I saw a spider and the cheese, making a red hide, from the little red dragon's corpse, and wrapping it around the small black dragon. The spider and cheese later showed it to the Griffin, and painted both blue."

Rhaego was obviously hinting at the obvious fact that the mummer's dragon, that Quaithe's prophecy would warn his mother about, was a fake one; and trying to kill whatever little consideration his mother have over Illyrio Mopatis.

He remembered how Pentoishi were offensively referred to as cheesemongers and decided to use cheese as a metaphor to refer to Illyrio. He thought the spider was a much more direct and clear way of referring to Varys, than mummer so he used it.

Seara, which he guessed was a Blackfyre of the female branch as the male one was declared exterminated, was Illyrio's second wife. So to make it more clear that Illyrio was the cheese, he talked about his first wife, which was related to a noble family at Pentos, and about how the prince of Pentos bared Illyrio from ever entering the royal palace after he remarried bed slave(Seara) after his princess wife death.

He thought that his mother losing Windblown's fealty for refusing to give them Pentos because her 'ally' Illyrio was a magister there, was plain stupid. Why would Rhaego bother with a mere mercenary company that quality was not comparable to the golden company? Because they were of acceptable quality, he thought that the tattered prince would make an acceptable vassal as ruler of Pentos.

With the man's ambition, Pentos, as clear as day keeping him under control would be easier than most mercenary companies. He also thought that after they conquered three cities in Slave Bay, it would be a total waste to not conquer more territories on their travel to Westeros, and their army was lacking in manpower to take the ground of much more cities.

Rhaego remembered that one day, his mom asked him why he had been so brutal with the 'great' masters of Meeren, he answered her that:

"Rhaego dreamed about bad men burning olives. So Rhaego burned bad men."

Soon after the news of the fall of three of Slave Bays cities reached its neighbors Elyria and Tolos, near the painted mountains, soon after they reached New Ghis, late Port Yhon, the westernmost output of Quarth, from which they reached Quarkash, and finally Quarth, and at the same time Volantis. With it, a western and an eastern coalition was quickly forming.