
Dothraki Dragon

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 4:Unsullied

On their way to Pentos, Ser Jorah Mormont convinces Daenerys to change course to Astapor, one of the slave cities of Slaver's Bay.

Mistrustful of Illyrio's motives, he believes it wise to purchase Unsullied before traveling to Illyrio, so Daenerys has an army loyal to her.

He kisses her and professes his love for her, telling her that he could be one of the three heads of the dragon, as her husband.

Rhaego, which kept his Earth's way of viewing things and did not consider a girl that had bled as a woman, was pissed and disgusted with Jorah's pedophilic nature. Although, he considered his biological father a dead pedophile as well.

Lonely since Drogo's death, Daenerys one night takes her maid Irri as a lover. Rhaego really pitied his mother for her 'love' for his dead father, which he considered to be basically Stockholm syndrome.

He, in the beginning, considered her 'love' for Viserys, which he was thankful did not translate into her being dumb enough to defend him when he threaten her; the same in the beginning, but he still remembers that she still has some memories from before her brother become an *ssh*l* with her.

On their voyage, Rhaego learned how to speak some world in Dothraki from his mother. The first word he said was 'mother' for Daenerys to give him some brownie points..., as he was not dumb to miss such an opportunity. He also was glad to know the growth of his dragon form was not related to his body growth it was related to his magical reserves.

His Dragonoid body lead him to be able to fill magic energy much more clearly than a human so he was able to gradually absorb some energy inside his body. His magical reserves were also already growing on their own with his body's natural growth, which was higher than a human, so his dragon skin-changing was already the size of Drogon at the end of the dance of dragons.

In Astapor, Daenerys visits the Plaza of Pride has informed Daenerys about the capabilities of the Unsullied. The Plaza of Pride was a plaza in Astapor. It is an open market where the city's slavers, the Good Masters, take their customers to view their purchases.

Its ground is covered in red bricks. In the center of the plaza stands a red brick fountain with a monstrous hammered bronze harpy rearing twenty feet tall in its middle.

It has a woman's face with gilded hair, ivory eyes, and pointed ivory teeth. Yellow water gushes from her heavy breasts, and the water smells of brimstone.

In place of arms, she has the wings of a bat or a dragon. Her legs are the legs of an eagle and behind she wears a scorpion's curled and venomous tail. Dangling from her talons is a heavy chain, an open manacle at either end.

As Daenerys pretends she cannot understand High Valyrian, Kraznys's scribe Missandei translates his rude remarks into respectful statements.

Though Arstan Whitebeard, Barristan Selmy, counseled against using slaves, Daenerys informs the 'Good' Masters that she wishes to purchase all eight thousand six hundred Unsullied, as well as the five thousand boys still in training, in exchange for all her goods, ships, and Drogon.

Rhaego was sad that his mother did not include him in her plan, he deeply wanted to lacerate the d*mn slaver who dared to be disrespectful to his mother.

The slavers agreed and gave her Missandei as a gift. On their way back to the ship, Daenerys frees Missandei and gives her the option to leave her service, revealing her ability to understand and speak High Valyrian. Missandei decides to stay with Daenerys. That night, Daenerys is visited by Quaithe again, who urges her once more to go to Asshai.

The next day, Daenerys goes to purchase her Unsullied. After assuming command of the soldiers, Daenerys betrays the 'Good' Masters. She orders Drogon to attack the slavers and her Unsullied to conquer the city.

Rhaego was not blind to the truth so he knew that his mother make a lot of dumb decisions in her breaker of chains campaign. However, he considered his mother, which was never educated or raised to be a ruler, as quite a talented ruler giving her circumstances.

In his opinion, she knows she can be wrong and look for others' advice, sadly she only had good military counselors that are terrible to give good counsel to any nonmilitary thing; which makes her better than Asoaif characters like Cersei and Catelyn, which Rhaego consider as idiots that consider themselves masters in the game of thrones.

Daenerys frees all slaves, she would leave a council to rule the city. After his contributions to the red waste, although Rhaego is still seen as a toddler, people have already seen that he seems to have much above-age wisdom, thankfully. So he said to his mother:

"Protect... woman... child" Rhaego said, making an obvious point that no one had paid attention to, the hatred between slaves and master would not magically disappear because his mother had freed the slaves in the city, as the saying goes the oppress went are set free may tent to become the oppressors. Even more, when it's considered that slavery there was the only thing people knew about, and his mother's abolition would not change this perspective instantly.

He guess how sad and guilty his mother may have felt, when that butcher, which he had already forgotten the name of, had turned the children of the now-dead master into his own version of the Unsullied.

With these words, he also put the point that without an army to keep the city order the situation will deteriorate sharply.

"Your majesty, the child may be right. If we leave the city unprotected, it will become chaotic... If we also leave the children with no protection, the freedman may kill them..." Jorah Mormont said showing wisdom and usefulness, that completely were not fit his character at all. He clearly remembered how vengeful people could be by thinking about the Lannisters and what they did to Daenerys relatives. It was one of his rare moments of wisdom.

Maybe he was just trying to get some point with the caring mother saying her child is smart, or with her Kos, that seems to have a high opinion about the child and despised him... Considering that the old man usually thing with his head below, it was probably the first option...

Why do the Dothraki even consider the opinion of a toddler, when they usually only hear strength? It was because of his evolved bloodline and the stallion-who-mounts-the-world title that makes them subconsciously regard him as a leader, which was strengthened by his support in the Red Waste.

"Council...Liers...Bad...People."Rhaego said about the decision Daenerys made after much consideration to keep the city stable after she was gone.

Although Rhaego thinks that butcher was an opportunist, he did not doubt a bit that the council that Daenerys installed had tried to restart slavery in Astapor.

These people were not ex-slaves, to begin with, they were not 'good' masters either. In a city that survives by trading slaves, a lot of free and learned men can safely enjoy this status because of having some direct or indirect connection with the influential people in the city.

Viewing this it can be guessed that these people would probably sympathize more with their 'good' masters, that may have been their friends, neighbors, bosses, and even relatives; them with mere slaves.

The region has relied on the slave trade for who knows how long, so he thinks the easiest solution for a ruler would be to just restart, and the council with little sympathy for slaves would probably do it. Even if the council made on the run was filled with saints; a group that did not represent most of the people, as it was not chosen by them; and did not have the centralized power necessary to deal with the radical reforms needed after abolishing slavery in a city completely depended in selling slaves.

To make the transition better an enlightened despot would surely be much more efficient, that's how Rhaego's thoughts went. Daenerys replanned how to deal with Astapor. She decided to appoint a lord like it's done in Westeros. She left two thousand Unsullied defending the city with a division leader recommended by Grey Worm, the Unsullied commander which the Unsullied have self-appointed for themselves.

She lacked a capable ruler for the city, the closest option she has was Missandei that was only a child. Her second option would be Arstan Whitebeard, which she did not trust much because of his connection with Illyrio and because her instincts told her that he was hiding something. So left with no choice she decided to ask the simp pedophile to occupy this position.

The old drool, Jorah Mormont, did not want to leave Daenerys so he kept denying her request, when she said she could only trust him and asked for his help he relented to be the temporary ruler of the city.

Some may think that the egoistical and useless man that bankrupted his own house would be a terrible choice for a ruler. Indeed it was, but because of the lack of a better choice, they would have to swallow this terrible result.

Rhaego hoped that the same simpness that made the man to bankrupt his house for his ex-wife's scary lavish expending, would make him work the hardest to govern Astapor for Daenerys. He was glad that this result would end with a clumsy, but still useful division of governing power and military power, even more, when you consider that the Unsullied serves no one, but his mother.

'I am sorry, mother, but there is something I need to do.' Rhaego thought.