
Dothraki Dragon

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Chapter 2:The red waste journey

Daenerys Targaryen was following the direction appointed by the red star, a desperate attempt for her small 'khalasar' and herself to survive, whatever other direction she went she would find nothing but enemies. So they were traveling in the red waste.

The red waste is located south of the Dothraki sea and Lhazar, the land of the Lhazareen. It is east of Slaver's Bay and its hinterlands, north of the fabled city of Qarth, and west of the Bone Mountains.

The land has low hills, barren windswept plains, and dry rivers Life is sparse in its red parched soil, stone, sand, and red clay. There is little forage, and water is found in shallow pools, bitter and stagnant. Wood is also hard to find, with the best being gnarled and tough.

Rhaego has been breastfed by his mother, which he felt awkward about at the beginning, but quickly got used to. The red waste was harsh and unforgivable. Rhaego knew how much death this terrible journey would give to his mother's people.

So he had to make his mother worry by being as unretained as Drogon, but for a better reason. He knew that his 'brothers' got their growth delayed because Daenerys was unsuccessfully trying to feed them with raw meat.

So Rhaego turned into a dragon, hunted some snakes burned them, and feed his three 'brothers'. With his demonstrations, his mother quickly learned how to feed the dragons.

He also used his nose to look for food, as a dragon, he burned the animals he hunted to charcoal and ate them.

He did not know much about surviving in a desert, but he knew a bit about the subject, from an article he read in his last life.

He, of course, did not remember every single detail, but he would make it with the scrabs of knowledge he possessed.

The most important thing was obviously water. In the books, the only water mentioned is the one found in the soil, which has a terrible taste, which may indicate that this water is sort of contaminated.

But with his dragon nose, he was able to smell another much more reliable water source, cactus.

He was very happy to find those because in the books the red waste is portrayed as a complete dead zone.

He thought that sadly the Dothraki may have avoided the cactus they found because the plant seems too threatening, and they may have feared it was poisonous.

He found a Saguaro Cactus, one of the few species of cactus he could remember the name of. It was not blossoming its edible flowers. But the fibrous interior was edible. So he end up forcing people to eat it, as it was a good food source. To make his point clear he ate the cactus. Dragons were carnivorous not omnivores, so he had diarrhea. He flew far so that no one saw his unsightful moment.

He avoided feeding them with plants with milky saps, red beans, any bitter or soapy taste(though he deducted it by the smell), spines, fine hairs, or thorns, dill, carrot, parsnip, or parsley-like foliage, "almond" scent in woody parts and leaves, grain heads with pink, purplish, or black spurs, three-leaved growth pattern.

Whenever he saw someone trying to eat something that seems poisonous he burned it, gaining the ire of some, whom he tried to reconcile with by giving them cactus, which with no choice they started eating.

Becoming a dragon was a very interesting experience, he have an increased smelling sense and a vision like a lizard, which allowed him to see much farther and focus on objects, and perceive much more color, some that were in the UV spectrum inclusive.

All cactus fruits are safe to eat. So he hunted for cactus fruits, to feed his mother's khalasar. Lizards and snakes are usually eatable. Poisonous snakes must have their head removed as where poison can be found.

Both of these types of animals must be cooked thoroughly due to salmonella. Some snakes may not be worth the risk of confronting, even for a little dragon like Rhaego. The risk of one bitting him before he was able to burn it was not low.

Rhaego considered that he would not be able to cook them properly with his flames, only if he burned them to charcoal, which would be toxic for humans.

If he tried to not burn the meat he may just leave one part burned and the other nearly raw.

So he avoided hunting these animals because as he could not instruct the people, he feared they would cook the meat half-heartedly and get themselves sick.

Sadly they were not close to the shore yet, so he did not find any desert turtles to feed the people.

As the desert was very dry he was unable to find any small mammals. He also avoided hunting insects because of his difficulty in differentiating a poisonous one from a nonpoisonous one.

He supposed that maybe it was a death zone for those that did not know how to survive in the desert.

The strange child that could turn himself into a dragon, was at the beginning very feared by the khalazar, even more considering how much the Dothraki feared and felt disgusted with magic.

But as the little dragon started to show strange wisdom and solidarity, and work for several men to give them food.

It was quite obvious that the fruit that the dragon cashed and gave to people where not for him, as which dragon eats fruits.

The people started to gradually change their opinion of Rhaego. Rhaego also gained a new title, which was the Great Stallion incarnation. Rhaego's small action allowed the dragon to start growing a bit faster and being able to hunt on their sooner. They also have reduced the death rate of the journey sharply. It was much safer for him that could fly to hunt, than for the people.

They eventually arrive in an abandoned city, which Daenerys dubs Vaes Tolorro. While her khalasar recovers from the journey through the desert, Daenerys sends out her bloodriders to scout in every direction.

Aggo and Rakharo return without hopeful news, and Daenerys begins to fortify Vaes Tolorro, in case of enemies.

After a long time, Jhogo returns accompanied by three citizens from the city Qarth: the merchant Xaro Xhoan Daxos, the warlock Pyat Pree, and the shadow-binder Quaithe of Asshai. Daenerys was able to hide Rhaego as a fourth dragon, as Rhaego sort of understood her intention.

If people knew, Daenerys was raising a son, he would surely be used as a hostage against her. Daenerys' mother instincts were making her much more worried and careful.

Although she loves all her dragons and treated them as her children, maybe in the beginning to fill up the emptiness in her heart, with Rhaego it was different, he was her own son, and he seems to be able to understand her much more than any of her dragons.

They escort Daenerys and her khalasar to Qarth, where Daenerys people would find out how many poisonous things Rhaego has avoided them from eating.