
Dothraki Dragon

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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24 Chs

Chapter 14:Three Sisters

The three sisters had allied. They decided to make a combined stand against Daenerys army for this the cities burned a lot of gold, contracting practically every single mercenary company from the disputed lands.

The wealthy that ruled the cities were usually very stinky when it come to contributing to the city defense, usually aiming to succeed at the less cost possible, but when they felt threatened by a common enemy which may be the bane of all their wealth and power, they opened their pockets.

No matter how much they spend, they were surely lacking in good strategists. The only mercenary company that actually gave the magisters some useful military advice was the Golden Company, which suggested that they left the cities and started a guerrilla warfare on the disputed lands, trying to make the Targaryens who were hasty to return to Westeros give up on the invasion on their own.

Although, guerrilla tactics were usually done in mountainous terrain, where it was easier to hide, mountainous and plain make no difference when the enemy has a dragon. In fact, a wide terrain where it was easy to run away seems to be the best option for this tactic thinking about dragons. It was a suggestion that considered that a direct confrontation victory was very much near to impossible.

The magisters that feared for the well-being of their manors and that they could not take all their gold out of the city so fast, did not take the suggestion. It was a logical point if ones considered that they also feared the loyalty of the mercenary companies in a long-term war, after all, most mercenary companies were not as near trustworthy as the golden company.

They instead made the terrible idea of making a combined army to defend against the invaders armed with a bunch of scorpions. It was obvious that the magisters had not accepted reality. If Volantis unified forces could not take the enemy down, how would the three sister forces crack within win against them if you consider the dragons?

They may have scorpions, but the Targaryen's previous enemies have them as well, and it was not enough, which shows that the dragon may be good at avoiding them. "Mother, maybe we should thank the magisters. They are literally giving us victory on a silver plate." Rhaego said to Daenerys.

Soon the combined army of mercenaries from the three sisters of twenty-five thousand men met the Targaryen army of forty thousand Dothraki and twenty-five thousand soldiers. The three sisters' army was in a very disadvantageous position.

To avoid the mercenaries running away, the city has put the golden company behind others, besides being a trump card they have another secret function to kill however mercenary tries to run away.

They at least made a smart decision, if you ignore the dragons the front line was defended by heavy infantry, which sort of resemble a Roman legion, but with much worst experience, little training, and discipline.

At least they had good equipment, durable spears, and heavy shields. However, their back has little to no protection to ensure they did not discard their equipment and ran away. This army was made to be the antithesis of the Dothraki, with better equipment than the one the Unsullied usually use, but much worst discipline.

The magisters only want this meat shield army to stall for time, until their imaginary reinforcement came. They sent a request for reinforcement to all the other free cities, and although they got no answer in a state of denial they hope a neighbor, as a knight in shiny armor, come to rescue them.

"Maybe we should give a chance to let or forces to prove themselves. Mother, would you let me have the honor of letting me command the front line?"Rhaego said.

"No, it's dangerous" Daenerys said.

"It's always dangerous. How many battles have I already participated in? "Rhaego said.

"A lot and most without my authorization. I start to think you do not respect me as your queen Rhaego."Daenerys said.

"I do respect you, Mother. You rose from nothing to a queen. But I would like you to remember that I am one of the swords at your command, my queen. I am also a Khal only old and weak Khals shy away from the front line."Rhaego said, kneeling in front of his mother.

Rhaego was happy that his mother was still single, he felt none of the men she ever have a relationship with were worthy of her certain ally his father of this life, that mercenary and that cuck Meereen lord she would marry in the original story, that may even be connected to the now unexistent Sons of the Harpy.

"So be it. I am talking with my heart, but I think I am being foolish. You going to war is probably more dangerous to the enemy than anything." Daenerys said.

So Rhaego commanded his Khalasar and attacked the army, with brute force he opened a pathway through the shield formation. As he charged in the front killed and killed, it was like a wall being broken by a meteor.

Rhaego focused on killing the enemies he considered strong, so several knight captains die in the end. When he was deep inside, the cannon fodder started to try to run, but they were quickly eliminated by the Dothraki in the front or the Golden Company behind them.

Soon after, when they reached the Golden Company, they did not seem to plan on fighting, they quickly bend their knee and expressed their will of joining Daenerys in her campaign to Westeros in other to recover their supposed ancestral lands.

"Interesting. I have only a question that you must answer me. Where is the Blackfrye?"Rhaego asked.

"Black...Blackfyre? What are you talking about their history is connected with our company I can't deny but their lineage is no more.." Harry Strickland said.

"Indeed their male lineage is indeed no more, but what about the female lineage?" Rhaego said.

"Find you little Blackfrye" Rhaego said looking at Young Griff

"How dare you call Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar Targaryen, the legitimate heir to the iron throne a Blackfrye!"Jon Connington shouted. His adopted son supposed origin was meant to be a secret, but he could not control himself hearing that the one he saw as the son of Rhaegar was called a Blackfrye.

"Man, I know you were in one-sided love with Rhaegar, but could you please be less delusional? Do you believe a manipulative bastard like Varys, would put himself at risk just to rescue Rhaegar's son? Without proof what is the difference between a true son of Rhaegar and a boy with Valyrian looks which you claim to be him? None.

Varys is obsessed with creating a perfect king, for him who was raised in Essos, and roused as a mummer to a master of whispers does blood legitimacy hold any value, no! His perfect king needs to be a good ruler and appear legitimate to shut up the nobility, nothing more nothing less." Rhaego said.

Jon stood there thinking of what Rhaego said, he could not accept it, but he could not deny it either.

"Said the young man nearly as old as his supposed blood mother. No one believes the bullshit of your mad whore mother, that said you are her son with the barbarian, you are only two years younger than her, aren't you? Westeros will not tolerate a fraud like you as an heir!"

"At the start I was seriously forgiving the slight of a man blinded by love, maybe even reaching a compromise with house Blackfrye, but you swear at my mother. I will show you a real dragon."Rhaego said turning into a dragon, so he burned Jon, the high ranks of the golden company, and Aegon Blackfrye. He would never spare Jon and he knew that Aegon would surely try to take revenge on his 'father's' death.

"What a pity, he surely has the potential to be a better ruler than most of Westeros nobles, but our conflict of interest is irreconcilable."Rhaego said to himself.

After this, Rhaego and his forces eliminated all of the three sisters' forces. Soon after, Rhaego and his mother quickly took control of the disputed land, and Myr. They sent their ships and eliminated the local forces of Lys and Tyrosh, taking the two cities. They ended slavery and turned the magister families into history.

They were updated about the remaining major Khalasar current movements. Khal Zekko had already charged gifts from Saath and was already near Morosh to do the same. Khal Motho was currently raiding the Braavosian Coastland in Essos. Meanwhile, Khal Pono, who has given up pursuing the weaker Khalasars, was threatening to start a war with Norvos.