
Doors to Pandora

Before his terrible agony, a college student has his own life fucked up. The darkest night came when suddenly a mysterious person, or rather creature, entered his room and tried to kill him. Luckily surviving with a huge body casualty, he noticed her mother went missing. He now faced the endless stair of despair. Now, sequences of disasters chase him through the abstract world of darkness and terror. To escape everything, he must find and confront the Pandora. Will he find her mother in this overlapping torture? Will he be able to survive?

Kasuidasa · Kinh dị ma quái
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3 Chs

Mother’s Bedroon Door

It's a stair down to the endless pit. I hovered my eye to discover the depths of hollow beneath. "This isn't our house. Just where am I?"

But still, I'm amazed at how that one behind all of this mimics our house. He nailed it, the placement of items, the layout, all of it. I didn't realize that this isn't my home right before I do. But things like this bug me out of my mind. "How did I end up here? Like I just did nothing, rest on my bed, and now the first floor is gone. Is there no scientific explanation through all of this?"

Unexpectedly, the first floor of the house vanished and was replaced by continuous, never-ending stairs leading to the unknown. Beneath is just void, no walls, no floors, nothing. No one can see anything if a light is thrown away in a mile. In the distance, various breaths and sweeps of air disturb my ears. Pointing the flashlight towards it would give nothing but stairs and fog. The ambient feeling makes me decide to check the other rooms first before going through it, just to be ready, because this is just the start of it all, but it gave some pain I can't forget. "I can't die. I still need to find mom."

A kind thought hit through me. I decided to pack things first and get ready. I need to get only those important things I'll use. The house is a replica by the way, and my items here are usable. Confusion wraps my head, thinking if this really is the item from our home or not, or our house is sliced through the half and flew away? I don't know, but I'll make sure to discover it soon. I entered back my room with floors flooded with blood. I opened the cabinet and overlap a thick coat to my body. It would make my body safer after many ground rolls and falls. It's quite handy that it isn't eating up too much weight.

"Batteries! Luckily, I didn't forget that. The flashlight needs it. I won't be sure if I'll be staying in the dark for too long." I put the battery in the small shoulder bag I used when I'm roaming around the city. The bag is a gift from my mom last Christmas. There are only five spare batteries left in my stash. It's enough, but it won't survive too long. Another spare would make it handy. After taking the important stuff, I entered the two other rooms of my siblings. First is Kian's, the youngest; the batteries on his toys can fit through the slot of the flashlight. Four toys in total, I got an addition of ten batteries or another five rounds. Next is Rebecca's, my younger sister; I can't bring the laptop because it won't fit the bag, and it's dead weight. "That would only give me backaches." My eyes widened after formulating another guess; *I might be in another place, I'm not sure. But the only reason I know why I'm here is because of what happened before I get home. If that's true, this isn't a nightmare. This isn't if my hand's like this. *

I tried searching for her belongings but I ended up taking only the first aid pouch in her lower cabinet. It's only small, and can only help wounds and cuts. "Lucky, this is handy!" I also picked up the case of her hairpins. I picked one, bent it, and crafted a lockpick to open my mom's room. I didn't expect that I'd apply here what I've learned from the internet.

*This is the moment of truth. This might explain to me what's happening through all of here. My younger brother and sister never went home, and my mom's the only one here. I hope my mom is safe. I'll apologize for what I did before I was grounded by her.*

It worked! After three attempts, I'll be finally able to open my mom's bedroom. As the door creaks louder, a sharp aroma hits my heart, giving a petrifying transition. It was, well, dark, nothing changes, but a blood mark on the floor. This is no coincidence. The aesthetic symbolism of a red jar inside a flaming pentagram gives me creeps, like "when does this exist? It smells like ages. Just what is that. If I'm possessed by a demon, I should have woke up, but this is no nightmare. Gahh, gotta find that thing first." Time runs through me faster than expected, that's why decisions must be from my instincts. There's no time to think... yet. "Gotcha! Found it." I expected it to be hidden under the bed or somewhere undiscoverable. My phone's beside the lamp, above a sheet of paper with random characters I can't understand.

"Damn, even the signal's from the '40s. Why didn't she charged this? 38% is only one MOBA game for me." Electricity might be back never. At the same moment, stacks of messages from my childhood friend popped out the lock screen. Before looking at it, I opened the camera and saved an image of the symbol. Suddenly, the earth massively shakes, making me fall to the floor. Behind me, the ground is being eaten by darkness, crawling slowly directly to me. Air was run through my open mouth quickly back and forth. My eyes popped out of shock. Fear covered my feet, unable to move. Pieces of Furniture start falling to the void, and I might be next. After realization, my brows knitted, arms strengthened, and teeth grinning, venting my rage to whoever did this, "NO! I still need to find mom!"

My feet pulled me up, ignoring the numbness it gives. RUN! I ran out of the bedroom, across the hallway, and ended up going down the stairs. Now I know what'll happen, there's no time to think of this. I don't know what's down there, but there's no other choice. I raced as I thought my life will end today or is it the reality? There are infinite steps to take, and the disaster's synchronously following through me. It feels like I'm on my way to hell. *Everything that happened today is hell!! *I'm nearly out of my breath, and my light only points forward. With just a blink, I didn't notice the end of the line. "Is this my dead end?" Doubts and Regrets mixed through my brain like they're fighting between life and death. *What would I do here? Walk through the air? I don't know if there's something or someone that'll catch me. That's too much fantasy. But if this is my end, I will regret it. If I go to heaven, I will make rain by peeing.*

I jumped. My light still points forward but nothing's in the vicinity. The path behind me vanished. I'm only awaiting my death this time. My hopes were pulled lower than the earth's core, but beyond any more regrets, I felt a step. My foot touched a part of the ground, but I didn't land as expected. It was the continuation of the stairs. I tripped and ended up having vertical marks on my whole body while falling by more than a hundred steps. I can't stop. Forcing it to would just make it worse. At the very bottom where the stairs ended, I continue to roll toward a big boulder with horizontal metal bars in front of it. So this is my end.

"ARGH!!" The three bars stroke through my shoulder, chest, and stomach. The world heard the loudest scream of agony. Every breath I do, it would just hurt more. It is much painful than being hit by hundreds of knives. I can't stop feeling the pain even if I want to. After my vision starts to blur from my watery eyes and numbness, the shy moon appeared behind the darkest clouds, giving me light. Beyond me are huge boulders and a ruined temple. The center is so dark and unfocused, but it looks like that thing keeps getting larger, or nearer? Yeah, it's a woman, and I can't recognize her until she came close to my pitiful body. She sat down to my level in front of me, opened my bag, and get my cellphone. She knows how to open it. Another dark resemblance contrast with her skin, like she's wearing some gothic clothing.

"You never came, Charles," she said, putting the phone in my face where my focus is clear. She shows me a message on the phone from her. At that point, I knew that my decision is wrong. What's happening today is just the price of what happened earlier this day. Just before my consciousness fell off, words of regret come out of my mouth.


*I'm tired.*

*I just have enough of this pain. I just want to rest. This peace feels so good. No interruptions, no problems, just peace. Everything is dark, but I don't feel anything cozy at all. If I knew this early, I would have wished for this. The numbness slowly enveloping my body, removing the pain from every part of my body. I can still feel the breathing. One deep breath feels like I'm floating.*

"Charles," a girl's echo said away said.

*Huh? Who's that?*

"Charles!" The girl continued calling repeatedly, louder than earlier.

*Don't interrupt my sleep, please. I'm resting, don't shake my bod... wait. I must be dead! Why am I feeling this?* Confused about what's happening, I forced myself to wake up.

"Charles. You're safe no..." I opened my eyes and revived the dead by sitting straight. What comes up made my body stiff. I kissed a girl accidentally, ten years younger than me. Rather than confusion, embarrassment wraps me. She's stiff too, and she's reacting! I shuffled back a step to stop. Wait, she's familiar.

Blond hair, blue round eyes of kindness, and the perfect young face, "Cherry?" *Why she looks young and wears our elementary uniform?*

"Ch... Kyaaaaaa!!" She squealed, "Charles, you pervert."

"Wh... what?" I didn't completely grasp the situation I'm in. I kneeled in front of her and said, "I'm sorry!! I really didn't mean to..." *Hey, is this real? I'm wearing my elementary uniform. And... Cherry's still young. And this place, green grass, and an acacia tree. There's no denying it.*

*It's the past.*