
Door-kun isekai

A typical save-the-world fantasy where Zion the male lead isekai by a door instead of a truck-kun. Along their journey, they experience a variety of environments and cultures, from the dark and dangerous dungeons, towers, pits, and portals of ancient civilization to the high-tech floating cities of humans. As time progresses, they also encounter a wide range of creatures and characters, from the powerful dragon to the mischievous imps. They encounter many obstacles that require the use of their newly found technology, ultimately leading them to the demon Lord's fortress and his generals. With the help of the dwarf kingdom, they are able to launch a full-scale assault on the demon's castle. As they get closer to their goal, Zion and Xiao form a strong bond. This leads to marriage and children. It all started with a door and an academy of magic.

DonJarbjorn · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 3- Finally, I'm at the academy!

Gram- What's your name, kid?

Zion - My name is Zion.

Why are you so shocked by the results?

So, Gran embarked on a rant about this

And that is from the last chapter. He also explained levels, ranks, and colors corresponding to ranks and equipment.

Zion, Xeen, and Gon are now shocked as a result, the two soldiers already know but they are still amazed at what happened.

It is possible to become a celestial god.

Now we can head to the Academy.

Get your class and understand your skills and classes, how to fight against

Monsters' strengths and weaknesses and the history of each city.

We headed out of the registration

The identification card was given to me before we left the office. Then we headed

Towards the college, we passed by the central market and then the commander post and training field. We also passed by a pleasant restaurant. The smell from outside is strong and delicious since I can cook, and I know the mixture. I know where to eat if I want to eat and it is close to the academy.

When we walked to the gate, the Academy guard let us in at once. When we got there, there were lots of students and teachers.

There are different buildings. We need to head to the registration office for the Academy and then assign a dorm for me. We passed the training area, and the Dining Hall smelled delicious but not as good as the restaurant outside according to the guards.

Then we proceeded to the registration office and a lot of students saluted the guards when passing by them.

It seems like they are high-ranking soldiers. It also seems like I am someone of importance from the looks of it. They keep on staring; it appears like they are thinking

that I am a prince of a country with elegant clothing.

So, I showed my ID card to them and when the receptionist saw my ID, she was surprised because she saw my potential. She stands up and leads the way toward the back for me to get to my class.

Receptionist- Hello my name is Jenna

While walking towards the back to meet the teacher in charge of the courses, Professor Lena.

Jenna- There are four types of class: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Super rare. There are thirty-two classes for the common, twenty for the uncommon, fifteen for the rare, and ten for the super rare. You have a chance to get two classes, but it is common, it's rare at least. It is possible to get three classes, but there are only five cases in 15000 years. You will learn about the ancient ones in class since they lived 130000 years ago and had super-advanced technologies then. As you know there are dungeons and towers.

There are portals too but some of them are too strong so the Mages guild made a device to close it instantly since it is a wave of monsters. Therefore, they decided to put the portal closing device in every city, city port, village, and floating island. You will learn more in class. Prof. Lena- Please place your hand on the orb. This will decide your class.

Zion- in my mind "I already have

Three classes; I know it is rare to have two, but I have three and they are

Necromancer, Space Magic, and the Dark Knight. So, I need to hide the Necromancer since

I have 2 Super Rare and 1 Uncommon. Necromancer and Space Magic are Super Rare, with a Dark Knight uncommon class.

So, I placed my hand on the orb and suppressed my Necromancy, so it only showed Dark Knight and strong Space magic.

It could even stand up to atomic manipulation.

The two soldiers were waiting outside the room, catching Prof. Lena and Jenna by surprise. They were wondering what the commotion was when they picked it up. They saw I had a super rare class.

They were so surprised. I snapped my fingers and the teacher snapped out of it and wrote up my room and class. So Lena led the way

In my room, there are 18000 rooms with 10 people in each because there are 1-12 classes and there are 3 years in total so I was 1st-year room 495 since there are 6000 rooms for 1st year alone and there are 500 rooms for 1 school, for example for year 1 class 12 has 500 rooms and it's all week with no rest because you will get some rest in the winter.

Then I walked in and saw that it was almost full. There was only one bed left, and one of the guards called two cadets into the room to keep an eye on me. They introduced themselves to me. Their names are Shilo and Courage. They introduced themselves and I introduced myself as well.

Then I became a student at an academy. After putting on our uniforms, we headed down to tour the entire academy and we started the

History of the school.

Shilo- This academy is incredible. It is old, but it is well maintained by magic and daily checks. This school is around eight thousand years old since the time of the Great Wizard. This city has been constantly attacked by monsters of all sorts since its adventures. We are stronger than ever before thanks to schools around the world. The base of every human is strong enough to at least run away from C-rank monsters but fighting it will be more difficult for them but at least days them instead of killing them. The war lasted for two hundred years until a team of elites defeated the queen making her army lose morale and stop attacking the wizard that killed the queen of monsters, Ishak, it was a Grandmaster, but the Grandmaster is very old since his nine, and fifty thousand years old and the limit of adventures are around 10000 years old but you can still die from monsters or other people like the Evil Sects or Guild. They will tell you more about that in classes later on. We headed to registration first since I already walked through it, and we walked past the girls' dorms.

Shilo- Look to your left for that lady at the front desk who is strict and very strong. Her name is Helga. She was called a war goddess back in her golden days but even though she is still she is about 1500 years old, and she is strong.

My eyes widened and Zion asked

Zion-Shilo, why does she look so young?

Shilo- Huh? I thought your parents told you that all of us die at the age of ten thousand or from monsters, bandits, sect or guild battles, or deep wounds.

"Wow!" Zion said to himself, "Wow!" since the goddess gave me powers, I also grew to 29 feet. As a result, I asked how tall I could be.

Shilo- we can grow up to 30 ft, if you are a half-giant you can reach up to 40~50 ft, and then the titans. Titans are a super tall race, twice the size of a half-giant. They grow up to 150~160. That is why the hallways were so tall because of the Titans. They do have a specific room since they are so tall.

Shilo- Zion, look to your left.

Look to the left, eyes wide open.

Zion - That is a Titan, huh?

Shilo- Yes. We also know someone who is a titan and there is also a titan class, but they can turn into humans. They are stronger since their atoms are more compressed.

Zion- Huh, you know about atoms?

Shilo- yes, that is also a class. Atom manipulation.

Zion- wow they must be super strong huh?

Courage - Yes, our vice principal has that class with Divine mage. Her name is Aquilina. It is a mouthful.

Zion- Yeah, I can tell. Let us head to the library so you can meet the teacher in charge. We are standing in front of the library, which is enormous. I go inside, and it is super long and magnificent. There are some very tall tables imbued with magic to make them tough and computer-looking devices but they are powered with cores and that's the time limit since you have to buy seats or bring your own but it can also cost you cores if you don't return the book on time since other people may need it.

Zion-Wow this place is massive, and that titan is so tall

Titans in this world are the same as humans with the same skin and hair. It is just that they're taller.

Courage - What do you expect? They are called titans for a reason; besides, they are not as tall as the ancient ones.

Next week I might not have a chapter, but I'm also fixing the other ones. I forgot that the format for Wattpad is a little smaller. Sorry.

Suggestions would help and will love reading them!

DonJarbjorncreators' thoughts