
Door-kun isekai

A typical save-the-world fantasy where Zion the male lead isekai by a door instead of a truck-kun. Along their journey, they experience a variety of environments and cultures, from the dark and dangerous dungeons, towers, pits, and portals of ancient civilization to the high-tech floating cities of humans. As time progresses, they also encounter a wide range of creatures and characters, from the powerful dragon to the mischievous imps. They encounter many obstacles that require the use of their newly found technology, ultimately leading them to the demon Lord's fortress and his generals. With the help of the dwarf kingdom, they are able to launch a full-scale assault on the demon's castle. As they get closer to their goal, Zion and Xiao form a strong bond. This leads to marriage and children. It all started with a door and an academy of magic.

DonJarbjorn · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 2- They are suspicious of me!

Alina- You will know when the time comes. Bye~~ and stop calling me a goddess. Please refer to me by my name instead of calling me a goddess.

Zion- Due to your power, I have to respect you since you're older than me and you're so powerful.

Alina- Just do it or I will take the gifts away.

Zion - Fine!! "sigh" takes care A-Alina.

Then the world came out of the time freeze. As they approached the door, they opened it and greeted their commander with respect.

Soldiers - We salute the commander.

I was then held down to the ground and reported to the commander that I was unable to understand their language. However, thanks to the goddess Alina I was able to do so.

"System pop-up"

Alina-drop the goddess part even in your head

Zion- Fine sorry Alina

The elf commander introduced herself.

Evalyn- I am the commander of Archi City. Where are you from?

Because I wanted to make a safe choice, I said I had lost mine memorized, just in case I couldn't find it.

Zion- I do not remember where I came from, but I do remember my name.

My name is Zion. I do not remember my family name or if I even have one.

Evalyn- We need to search his pockets.

The soldiers said yes ma'am. I need to comply or else I will be suspicious. So, they searched my entire body and did not find anything on me. "Since I got an inventory like in a game, thanks to God- I mean Alina."

After searching me the commander considered me nonhostile, but they have me close watch just in case, which I understand so the commander commanded them to take me to the registration office to know if I'm lying since they also have a database of everyone in every city since if there were born their names are put into the database with a picture and a number ID.

We headed towards the gate to the registration center. We were greeted as soon as we opened the door.

Registration worker- Hey, Xeen, Gon. What do we have here? A new face I see?

Talking inside my head. "So, their names are Xeen and Gon."

Gram- Hi my name is Gram as you can see where I work, so please put your hand on this orb for me.

I placed my hand on the orb and, with his eyes so intense, the orb glowed so brightly with a golden hue. Gram was surprised that my potential exceeded his expectations, but I was confused. Since it is rare for a young celestial god to see their potential, he looked at me with fear but excitement at the same time.

When you work hard enough, even the lowest level can be broken, provided you know your limit or potential.

There are twelve ranks with the F rank being the lowest and the Celestial rank being the most, which is higher than the S rank. So, the ranks follow, from highest to lowest.

A celestial being represents the color gold in the orb, which means you can be one.

The color of the god's orb is midnight purple, which means black purple.

· Transcendence, orb color- Azure

· Demi-god, orb color - Cian

· Saint, orb color- Violet

· S rank, orb color- yellow

· A rank, orb color- Red Orange

· B rank, orb color- Orange

· C rank, orb Color- Purple

· D rank, orb rank- Blue

· E rank, or Rank - Green

· F rank- White

These are the ranks and their color coordination. It is also based on the rank and color of the items in your inventory. There are also Levels 1-5000 depending on the potential you get like if your F rank potential gives you a max level of 250 and the highest gold the max level is 5000 the 5th chapter will give a more detailed explanation.

The statistics we have

Straight, Mana, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charm, Speed, Stamina, Attack Power, Defense, Evasion, Accuracy, Luck, Crit Damage, Crit Chance, Crit Evasion, Healing, and Weight are all attributes that contribute to this. There is also Karma. Karma is based on the people you help. The maximum amount of positive and negative karma is five hundred thousand. It may seem like a lot, but it all adds up at the end of the day. It's just that your opportunities are shifted to the evil faction when you get the wrong karma.

The stat points given per level are ninety-nine except for one hundred to max out the stats at the max level. Think about it: the maximum forever stat is 100, but you cannot just max out on one stat. Instead, the base stat is added, and you can level each point since the stats of the monster are stronger. As a result, we can fight back and win.

The evil sects and guilds are not just evil. In some cases, they have allied with benevolent factions such as the Justice faction and the Yorgan Gorgan guild that helps people in need. They take in people who are in need of shelter or who are homeless or poor. There are some sects and guilds that are actually corrupt and just trying to fit in so they don't get destroyed but of course, there is also corruption. There are some demon followers who are trying to summon someone with a strong miasma aura and the intent to kill people.

The next chapter may take some time longer. I will at least post 1 chapter per week. Sorry I have school! Thanks for reading :). I just fixed this chapter.

I'm still a new writer I would love it if people suggests if there's any problem or writing style.

DonJarbjorncreators' thoughts