
Doomslayer System in another world

My profile glitched out so now there is two of these out there. ----------------------------- A teen just finished playing doom eternal the old gods.After defeating the boss, the dark lord, A bright fash of light sends our protagonists to another world. "Wha...where am I?" [UPDATING.....COMPLETE....Hello, I am VEGA, Your personal assistant for the Doomslayer System.] " Eh.....Eeeeeeeeeh!?" ---------------------------------- Will post chapters when I feel like it. No schedule.

Juan_Mercado_4902 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Darius Quinn

My name is Darius Quinn, I am on a sacred mission from the church to hunt and purge an unholy child and those who have remained in her influence. I am followed by three knights of the Crown and was granted control of an army of 20,000.

A few months back, the pope received a vision from God. A vision of our destruction at the hands of a witch with silver hair and deep red eyes. The Pope appointed me personally with the blessings of our God, a ring of pure golden bone with a blood red ruby.

Rings like this are only granted during a purge and grant the user a servant of God.

I guided our army to the Province of Resgold, Where the baron of Resgold governs. The witch is a child of Resgold. A girl 16 of age, by name of Tanya Resgold.

(witch is what they call a heretical mage/ not blessed by the church and the academy owned by the church)

We entered Resgold and began our purge. No one from this province is to be left alive for we fear the chance of her influence to escape this place. The Men who guard this place is few in number and not a problem for my men. We eventually reach the manor of the province and burn it to the ground.

But not before receiving news that the witch had escaped not long before we began our purge. We then continue our march and give chase to this witch to the mountains in the Northwest into the Barren lands.

That place, of course she would head there. The entire region is covered in beasts and the land is dead, a witch would love the place. It's actually a surprise that any trees even grow there. Sure there are luscious green forests in the Barren lands but those Flora are only those that can survive in the harshest of environments. I had heard that some had tried settling there but they are probably long dead.

We followed their trail for weeks and only recently made it beyond the mountains. This disgusting place is truly a curse, even the very ground we walk on is devoid of all mana.

If not for the fact that I must be sure of her death then I would have left her to whatever beasts lie within this forest. Unfortunately I couldn't bring my entire army due to the mountains that we had to navigate, but 5,000 should due for a measly 1,000 soldiers and a couple hundred peasants.


After another few hours of marching we are halted by a man wearing strange green armor, and holding a large Great sword. Behind the man is a knight on horseback wearing the colors of Resgold, A redish gold. An emblem of a golden rose on his chest.

I order my men to capture them so that I may gain more on where the witch has gone. But what came next...