
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

Training session 31

Several thick logs were slowly dragged in from outside the base. This is the result of the hard work of the logging team led by Zhan Feng. Although doing so requires a lot of energy. But in the eyes of the clan members who already regard Tianxiang as a god-like existence, as long as it is something explained by the young clan leader, no matter how difficult it is to understand, it must have a special meaning.

The hunting party is also back, and their results are equally outstanding. A giant locust that was more than three meters tall became the prey in their hands. And there were no casualties. This was simply impossible before. However, to be happy, everyone except Tianxiang, Zhan Feng, and Liu Rui didn't understand this.

The cold storage in the base is almost full, and the tribe does not need too much meat. So, what does it mean to hunt a giant locust at this time?

"I need its tendons." This is what Tianxiang said to the two deputies before leading the hunting team to set off.

Crossbows are projectile weapons and cannot be manufactured without a suitable launching device. A giant locust that evolved from a locust into an insect beast has changed its previous physiological characteristics. The strong ligament connecting its legs to the body is the best material to use as a crossbow string.

In fact, according to Tianxiang's original idea, the material for making crossbow strings should be steel wire produced by the ancients. It's just that there aren't many of those kinds of things. Moreover, after hundreds of years of corrosion, even if it can be left behind, it will already be stained with rust. Can no longer be used.

Locusts have very strong leg muscles. Relying on them, locusts can effortlessly jump distances dozens of times their body length. Radiation left over from the war altered their bodies. In order to adapt to the new environment, locusts had to evolve again. The internal organs of the mutated giant locust have also undergone complete changes. Their forelimbs began to degenerate and their hind limbs were strengthened. The legs, which rely purely on muscle contraction to bounce, now also have ligaments connected to the body. This was originally a major manifestation of the strengthening of biological evolution capabilities. But he didn't expect that it was precisely for this reason that Tianxiang focused his search on them.

Although there are not many materials, it is enough to make a few powerful crossbows. Tianxiang synthesized all the information in his mind and finally compiled a manufacturing plan that was most suitable for the current situation.

Crossbow arm, very simple. Just cut it directly from a block of wood. Although the appearance is a bit rough due to lack of tools. But no matter what, as a body that carries weapons, it is enough.

The crossbow bow is transverse to the front section of the crossbow arm and is used to bear the force of the crossbow string. Therefore, it must be made of iron. Tianxiang has iron, lots of iron. But there was no iron bar worthy of being used as a crossbow. In desperation, we can only settle for the next best thing. A section of steel bar cut off from it served as the position of the bow.

As for the crossbow machine, it is also the most critical part of the entire crossbow, which made the young Pathfinder spend a lot of time. If you strictly follow the standard, the exquisite crossbow part should be the most critical. After all, this is the hub that controls the launch.

But the problem is, Tianxiang searched through all the available materials around him, but he didn't find anything that could be used as a crossbow. According to the original idea, the crossbow machine should be forged from smelted metal. However, smelting metal requires extremely high temperatures. The most critical fuel is precisely the reserve material that the entire group currently relies on to survive the winter.

In the end, Tianxiang, who had no choice but to hammer a small copper shell into the shape he needed, reluctantly stuffed it into the position of the crossbow.

You can imagine how rough and ugly a crossbow made in such a hurry would be. Moreover, in terms of its accuracy, it cannot be compared with similar weapons made by the ancients. Therefore, when Ye Zhanfeng and Liu Rui saw the "test crossbow" in Tianxiang's hands for the first time, their first reaction was curiosity. After taking it into their hands and playing with it carefully, they shook their heads and looked at the crossbow that was longer than Mish's "powerful weapon" is back in the hands of its maker.

"This thing cannot be aimed at all. Even if you can aim, it is impossible to hit the target accurately. It is too rough and crude. If it were me, I would rather use a throwing gun than use this kind of thing."

This is what Zhan Feng said without mercy after carefully looking at the crossbow.

Of course you know what you make better than anyone else. Tianxiang smiled bitterly and put the crossbow aside with some reluctance. It seems that the idea of imagining making new weapons can only be put aside for the time being. After all, if you make things carelessly, you still won't be able to get what you want in the end!

Since it's impossible to think about, then simply don't think about it. Tianxiang quickly turned his attention to other things. According to his plan, this winter will be an excellent opportunity. There was plenty of food and plenty of warm clothing. The clansmen who no longer have to worry about these things can finally sit down quietly and learn some necessary and necessary ancient knowledge.

The first snow has fallen. According to the ancient calendar, it should be late October now. The cold air sneaked into the open space where the hunters lived from the various gaps in the base, trying to cover the area with its own unique coldness. But he was surprised to find that a kind of warmth filled with joy and ease quickly defeated his simple thoughts. And, completely integrate it with yourself.

Clothes and pants made of insect felt have been distributed to everyone. Facing the thick new clothes, all the hunters wore them happily with expressions of joy on their faces. Although the feeling of wearing the felt directly on the body is not very comfortable, there are even some prickly bristles somewhere on the felt surface that are not well treated. But no matter what, compared to those previous "clothes" that could almost be called pieces or strips of cloth, such felt clothing is much better.

Best of all, they are sturdy and keep warm too.

Liu Rui, the first batch of books used to teach knowledge, has been compiled. Tianxiang re-selected three books on basic arithmetic, survival skills training, and daily tool use. This is the primary goal of the tribesmen's study this winter.

The empty base has been divided into several larger areas by the cleared items. People gathered around the blazing fire, looking with joy and admiration at the new patriarch who was writing on the dark wall with a white stone. From time to time bursts of exclamation and cheers came out of his mouth. They have never thought that there is such a wonderful thing as "knowledge" in the world. It was also the first time I knew that "knowledge" could have such a big impact on my current life.

The teaching of knowledge is currently handled by Tianxiang and his two assistants. This is partly because Tianxiang has more free time. On the other hand, it was because he really couldn't understand the dull lectures given by those old people.

The simplest example: As far as identifying things like soap locust, the elderly are of course quite familiar with its appearance and uses. But when imparting knowledge to young people, they can only take out a physical object and tell their students: "This is soap locust, it can be used to wash clothes." As for other words, they are not willing to say more. explain. If you were someone with good understanding, you might be able to understand the meaning. But if he meets some people with real eyes, he can only look for other similar items based on the soap locust in the old man's hand that is used as a model.

Some people even don't know what to do when they see two soap locusts with completely different appearances. In the end, Tianxiang, who couldn't laugh or cry, could only give him a perfect explanation, and then he suddenly understood the mystery.

"Their understanding ability is very limited, so when it comes to imparting knowledge, they must follow the principle of being simple and easy to understand. If they cannot even do this, then it will be an absolute resistance to the development of the ethnic group in the future. "

This is what Tianxiang said to Zhan Feng and Liu Rui in private. The two of them also deeply agreed with this.

From then on, the three people decided that they would temporarily teach the tribesmen in exile. After all, among the entire ethnic group, they are the only ones who can truly understand and understand ancient knowledge.

It is not difficult to learn a kind of knowledge. But if it is to be fully applied in reality, it is definitely not a simple matter. It's like although you know that 1+1 is equal to 2, you must also understand that this is only a superficial calculation method. Moreover, in many cases, such calculations are not necessarily completely correct.

The difference between theory and reality is so huge.

Therefore, what Tianxiang is doing now is to completely blend theory and reality, and use the simplest and clearest method to clearly demonstrate it to the tribesmen. Let them understand that knowledge is something that is helpful to them. In a critical moment, using them flexibly can be more effective than a hundred sharpest throwing guns.

At this time, the prestige of Zhao Tianxiang, the young clan leader, had reached its peak among the clan. Many young people who admire him even directly regard him as their most admired target. According to their words: "This is the most enjoyable winter in my life."

The living environment in the dark world is quite cruel. Bugs and weather are two of the most deadly things for hunters. "Insects can eat people, and weather can kill people." This is the most popular saying among hunters. Because of the sun, the temperature in the dark world is very low. Even in the hot summer, people often feel a little chilly. And in winter, if sufficient food and fuel are not stored in advance, what awaits hunters will be the tragic fate of freezing and starving to death.

Obviously, in Tianxiang's tribe, this kind of thing is completely impossible to happen.

Although the fuel collected was not sufficient, it was enough to last until the next spring. Several trees that were cut down and should have been used as materials for making crossbows have also been chopped into small pieces for use as fuel. However, whenever he sees them, Tianxiang always feels an indescribable awkwardness in his heart. His first invention actually ended in a joke. If I had known this, I might as well have Zhan Feng and the others come back with more firewood.

There is no need to worry about food. In several overflowing cold storages, pieces of insect meat covered with frost are the best proof. According to the standards of the ancients, Tianxiang changed the original two or one meals a day used by his tribe to the current three meals a day. Doing so is more in line with dietary rules and can better supplement the nutrients needed by the body. The most important thing is that the tribesmen also have a fixed concept of time.

Hunters' timing method is mostly based on the time when the sun appears. Therefore, there is also the term "solar day". But now, what Tianxiang wants them to get used to is the twenty-four-hour day counting method passed down by the ancients. After all, the day counting method is obviously simpler and easier than the solar day counting method every hundred hours.

After all, the sun will eventually free itself. At that time, having a correct concept of time will play a huge role in the reproduction of the ethnic group.

Although learning is necessary, hunters will not have much opportunity to move throughout the cold winter. In order to maintain the health of the tribe, and also to prevent the tribe from becoming lazy after the arrival of spring. Tianxiang decided to set aside more than five hours a day for the clan members to use for physical training.

There are metal objects scattered everywhere in the base. These things are quite heavy and quite bulky. Among them, especially those scrapped tanks. To be honest, Tianxiang has long been disgusted with these piles of rusty iron lumps. Where they are is really no place. It will occupy the center of the residential area. People coming and going can only carefully walk around them.

So move these things out of the way. This has become a big thought that surrounds Tianxiang's mind all the time.

However, it's okay to think about this. Once it is put into practice, it is simply a delusion. It is simply impossible for the hundreds of people in my clan to successfully move these big things weighing dozens of tons.

Tianxiang could only shake his head at these scrap iron lumps that were in the way but helpless. He thinks about how to move them from their current location almost every day. If this idea originally came about, it was simply because they took up too much space. Well, that's not simply the case now. Because Tianxiang discovered that the location of these tanks and their postures were really weird.

There are five tanks in total, scattered around the base. Viewed from the air, it forms an extremely regular pentagon. This was the strange situation Ye Zhanfeng discovered when he led his tribe to hang the pulley used on the wooden mortar on the top of the base.

Tianxiang remembered the contents of that ancient man's diary very clearly. According to the above records, these tanks should be used to stop "invaders". Therefore, they should be out of the base to fight, instead of staying in a perfect pentagon like they are now. Of course, it could also be that the ancients had no choice but to fight here because the "invaders" had invaded the base. But no matter what, it is really hard to understand that such a powerful combat weapon would maintain such a weird posture.

"There should be something underneath the tank. Or some kind of secret that the ancients didn't want the "invaders" to discover." This was Tianxiang's idea revealed during the conversation with Zhan Feng and Liu Rui. In this regard, the two also expressed considerable agreement.

Although Tianxiang discovered the abnormality of the problem, Tianxiang still had no way to deal with it. He tried it, asking all the clansmen to push one of them together. But I was very disappointed: the heavy abandoned tank seemed to have taken root in the ground and did not move at all.

Since you can't do it, then give up temporarily and wait until you have enough strength in the future. This is Tianxiang's consistent position. Therefore, his attention quickly shifted from this aspect to the physical training of his clan members.

The training is actually very simple, just basic weight-bearing walking and running. There were many strips of cloth twisted from old clothes. They were tied with certain weights and carried on the tribesmen's backs, and they ran back and forth along the perimeter of the entire base. Twenty laps a day. Moreover, a certain speed must be maintained. This is Tianxiang's plan.

At the beginning, all the tribesmen showed great interest in this novel activity. But after a few days, no one thought it was a good game. They discovered that even though they had enough to eat, they still had strength. But carrying a heavy bag and running such a long distance is really a cruel torture.

Many people expressed their incomprehension about this. They all asked the clan leader to abolish such activities. Some people even dropped the heavy objects on their backs and stood aside, tiredly watching other people's performances.

"You are not allowed to stop. Those who run endlessly, stop without authorization, or fail to complete the task within the specified time will have their daily rations reduced by half."

This is Tianxiang's response.