
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

Section 16 Base

Power is definitely something that any man dreams of. Although, Tianxiang now only has a small group of less than a hundred people.

However, he has something that no one else can have. He has knowledge that surpasses the knowledge of ancient civilizations of any hunter. He had strength and so many weapons that he could arm thousands of men. He has intelligence, a brain modified by insect cells that is developed enough to exceed that of any earth creature. These are definitely powerful advantages that no one can match.

Of course, he also has gentleness and kindness, as well as the cruelty and indifference that must be possessed in a cruel living environment. All of these are essential resources that a king must have.

But currently, the only thing Zhao Tianxiang wants to do is to reach the address obtained from the ancient diary - Base No. 2 as soon as possible. After all, this is the biggest wish that is now firmly entrenched in his mind. Moreover, Tianxiang himself also has an indescribable feeling about this strange place. He didn't know why, but he just felt that he could get more, better, and more useful things there.

Having completely lightened his equipment, he used the Tai Chi technique without any distractions. With the help of a steady supply of energy in his body, he flew through the ruins at an astonishing speed. That kind of speed was so fast that even he felt horrified. If at first he just wanted to try to see what the maximum amount of energy in his body was, then now, all he had in his mind was a malicious thought of squandering as much energy as possible.

Because, Tianxiang discovered that no matter how fast he ran, the energy running in his body did not seem to be exhausted at all. On the contrary, it becomes more prosperous.

However, the consequences of this are also quite obvious. His sore muscles and numb feet had to tell him in their own way: rest, he needed to rest now.

He randomly picked a clean-looking ground and sat down. Tianxiang casually took out a piece of roasted insect meat from his backpack, tore off a piece, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it carefully. The energy that had been running rapidly in the body also slowed down and gradually spread around the body, repairing tired muscles and bones from the inside. This is Tianxiang's latest discovery. This mass of energy seems to be becoming more and more useful, and it seems to be an inexhaustible source of energy. Of course, even if the body's fatigue level will be reduced as a result, it does not mean that one does not need to eat anymore.

Therefore, although the dried insect meat in the backpack is consumed slowly, the inventory is always gradually decreasing.

Having been searching here for two whole days, Tianxiang felt quite anxious. According to the signs on the map, Base No. 2 should be in the area where I am. But he didn't know why. He had rummaged through all the ruins nearby, but couldn't find any clues.

"Could it be underground?" This thought had been lingering in his mind for a long time. In order to confirm his idea, Tianxiang even extended his thoughts to a distance of nearly fifty meters underground. But to his disappointment, the reflected brain waves showed that there was only a thick layer of concrete. As for going further, that is beyond the scope of Tianxiang's brain power. However, it was precisely because of this that he firmly believed that Base No. 2 must be under his feet.

After all, piling up a thick layer of cement solidified material in the soft soil for no apparent reason. Such a stupid thing would never have been done by smart ancients. The only explanation is that there is a huge secret underneath that they don't want others to know.

Although this is the case, Tianxiang is still wandering around outside like a headless fly, unable to find any way into it.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Tianxiang frowned and walked anxiously around an open space paved with cement, thinking about his next plan. Now, he can't wait to find an automatic excavator that only existed in ancient legends, and dig through this damn concrete layer so that he can enter it smoothly...

A golden ray of sunlight casts down from the gap in the thick clouds, reflecting on a flat open space in front of Tianxiang. The cold and humid air was suddenly filled with a hint of warmth, making Tianxiang feel extremely comfortable. It was at this time that Tianxiang remembered that today was the time when the sun came out. I also blame myself for having been searching desperately for days and forgetting all about such an important day.

Just when a lot of inexplicable thoughts were going through Tianxiang's mind, he was suddenly surprised to find that the concrete floor in front of him suddenly opened a narrow crack in the middle. With the roar of a whole metal collision, the small cracks are gradually expanding. Finally, a black passage was formed that was spacious enough for a dozen people to pass side by side. Moreover, a strip-shaped object that slowly extended from the passage and seemed to automatically control the length of its expansion and contraction, also successfully rose from the ground to the ground with the help of two people who also seemed to be made of metal.

"Robot!" Tianxiang's mind suddenly flashed with this term he got from the book. Then another thought immediately occupied his brain.

"Passage! Yes, that is the passage leading to Base No. 2! It must be like this, yes!"

Tianxiang, who was in ecstasy, immediately stood up and ran towards the direction where the passage appeared.

"Stop! Please identify yourself. Otherwise we will shoot!" A strange voice came from the robot's head. Tianxiang could tell that this was basically the two robots speaking together, but because the phonemes were so perfectly combined, it sounded like the same person was speaking. Of course, what surprised him the most was what the two expressionless robots were holding.

It was obvious that they were two guns, two black murder weapons with their muzzles pointed at him.

"Identity? What identity? How can I show my identity?" Tianxiang, who suddenly turned from joy to shock in an instant, could not understand what was happening in front of him. He could only stand there blankly, his throat felt dry for a while, and it took him a long time to choke out such a question and answer from his mouth that he almost didn't know where to start.

"Beep--Beep--the cell detection was successful. The target--human being--is not an intruder." After a burst of dazzling red light, Tianxiang finally heard something he could understand coming from the indifferent robot's mouth.

"Stranger, please extend your left hand!"

Tianxiang followed the instructions in a daze and stretched out his left hand, but he didn't notice that the robot opposite suddenly stretched out a small probe and suddenly pierced the unsuspecting palm.

"Sampling is over. The DNA analysis results are exactly the same as those of Pathfinder. The data is consistent. Entry is allowed." Just when Tianxiang withdrew his palm in pain from the sudden injury and pressed the wound heavily, he heard two The unintelligible words coming from the cold robot's mouth. Then, they made way for the blocked road. The scene was like honoring one's master.

"Permission to enter? Then I went in?" Tianxiang looked at the robot in front of him with no reaction at all, and carefully stepped up the black passage. But he never thought that the moment he stood firm, the passage made of unknown materials suddenly started to move, almost causing Tianxiang, whose center of gravity was unstable, to fall from it. It is precisely because of this that the curious Tianxiang no longer dares to move. Because at that moment, his mind suddenly remembered an ancient term: "elevator". Legend has it that this kind of thing can allow you to reach another place with no effort.

The interior of the base is dark, with almost no light. The occasional places that shine with red and yellow light seem to be quite far away from Tianxiang's location. Boundless darkness completely enveloped the entire base. From the speed and direction of the elevator's movement, Tianxiang could feel that the base was huge, terrifyingly big. Especially when the elevator is descending rapidly, the fear caused by the absence of any light and being completely replaced by darkness that cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye can drive a normal person crazy.

However, for some reason, Tianxiang felt an inexplicable warmth suddenly arise in his heart. It is a kind of warmth that a family gives to a wanderer who has returned from abroad. At this time, a strange picture seemed to appear in Tianxiang's mind. It was a picture composed of many squares and circles. What was even more incredible was that Tianxiang felt that he was walking through the picture. The speed and position of the elevator could be clearly shown in the picture. come out.

I don't know how much time passed, but Tianxiang finally discovered happily: the elevator stopped. Facing him directly was the outline of a seemingly huge prototype object.

"It's really too dark and I can't see anything clearly. It would be nice if there was some light!" Tianxiang muttered.

As if he had heard his request, the moment he finished speaking, several bright white rays of light shot down from the ceiling, making Tianxiang couldn't help but use his hands to cover his eyes, which were almost pierced by the light.

"Welcome, Pathfinder! It has been 600 years, and you are the first Pathfinder to come back!" A soft female voice came from the huge metal ball in front of Tianxiang, which echoed throughout the room and could not be dispersed for a long time. It was at this time that Tianxiang discovered that the room he was in was itself a huge round sphere, and the huge metal ball in front of him was basically like concentric rings connected together.

"Who are you? Why do you call me Pathfinder? And the two robots outside, why do they also say that?" For a while, a series of questions surged in Tianxiang's mind. Of course, being sober, he first chose what he most urgently wanted to know and asked.

"I am the central computer here - "Zhilong 2" (please refer to "The Legend of Xianglong"). As for you, you are my master, a carefully selected pathfinder!" The surface is shining with five colors of light. The metal ball responded.

"Am I a carefully selected pathfinder?" Tianxiang said in astonishment: "What on earth is going on?"

"Please lie down on it, and I will tell you everything." As the melodious female voice sounded, an object that looked like a single bed, with the assistance of several mechanical arms connected to it, moved from the room. The top stretched out and was brought to Tianxiang's face. On top of the "bed" is a translucent helmet. Several thick metal tubes extend from the bottom of the "bed" and connect to the center of the helmet. It's like a huge octopus is squatting there.

Tianxiang didn't hesitate, raised his feet and lay down on this thin "bed". As soon as he put his head into the center of the helmet and fixed it, he heard a seemingly familiar voice in his mind, guiding him gradually towards sleep...

"Hypnosis Mode - Data Input -"

"Fifty percent of the data has been input - the estimated upper limit of capacity has been reached -"

"The recipient's brain space capacity can be satisfied - continue input - second stage - 60% -"

"Sixty percent of the data has been entered - the recipient's brain space is sufficient - continue to enter -"

"Seventy percent of the data has been entered—"

"Eighty percent of the data has been entered—"

"The data input is 100% completed - the recipient's brain space is sufficient - the input of additional data begins -"

I don't know how long it took before Tianxiang finally woke up from his drowsiness. However, when he woke up at this moment, he felt that everything around him was so familiar and kind.

"Zhilong 2, long time no see!" Tianxiang waved casually to the metal ball in the void.

"Pathfinder, you are finally awake!" A female voice with obvious surprise sounded again.

"Yes! Finally woke up!" Tianxiang laughed self-deprecatingly. The large amount of information he just received has filled his entire brain. If he doesn't digest these things quickly, I'm afraid he will definitely be like the bloated beetle controlled by mental power, due to the collapse and explosion of his central nervous system. Die!

Thinking of this, Tianxiang had no time to continue joking with the computer. Instead, immediately sit cross-legged and do it, while using the Tai Chi mental method, while sorting out everything in your mind...

This is Base No. 2, a defense fortification built by mankind with all its strength before the end of the world. However, despite this, mankind has not escaped the fate of destruction. Just before death came, several genetic scientists improved the strongest sperm they could find and created a batch of powerful organisms that could take on the responsibility of re-continuing the human bloodline. Some of them are the people called "Pathfinders" by "Zhilong 2".

Tianxiang himself is one of them.

"So, how many people are there in the "Pathfinder"? Has no one ever come back except me?" Tianxiang, who was meditating, couldn't help but use his brain waves to inquire about the "Zhilong 2". He has no doubt that the computer will definitely respond to such contact information.

Sure enough, a faint message wrapped in energy floated out from the central processor of "Zhilong 2" and merged with Tianxiang's thoughts flying in the air.

"No one has ever come back except you. There were three hundred and sixty "Pathfinders" in total, and no one has ever come back."

Tianxiang's heart sank: "So, is there any news about them?"

"Yes! But not many. So far, I have observed only twenty-six "Pathfinders" that were successfully born. There are 312 "Pathfinder" embryos that have not hatched at all. It has been destroyed. As for the others, there is currently no whereabouts."

"Why is this happening? Who is it? What caused today's results? Why is the earth destroyed? Why is the world like this?" Tianxiang said angrily.

"...I don't know either, the information is incomplete." After hesitating for a long time, the computer helplessly answered the question that Tianxiang wanted to know most.

"Incomplete information? Were there no records at that time?"

"No, the detection robot released at that time did not return at all. Therefore, there is no record of this part of the data."

Tianxiang was dumbfounded for a while. Such a result was probably something he had never expected. The reason for the destruction of the earth is the one he most urgently wants to know among all the questions. But I didn't expect that the computer's answer would be such a result. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh with a sense of loneliness: "The world has become like this, and the cause of the destruction cannot be found. What can I do?"

"Develop, reproduce, and lead mankind back to civilization. This is your mission and the only purpose of your birth into this world." This time, the computer did not hesitate and gave the answer quite simply.

Tianxiang was completely speechless. In many of the books I have read before, there are many arrogant people who dream of dominating the world, and their conspiracies are as cliche as ever - either destroy the world or rule the world. Unexpectedly, such conspiracy and plan would fall on a mere nobody like me.

"This is not a fantasy, but a reality. You have this ability, and this is the reason why you were created." Sensing the changes in Tianxiang's brain waves, the computer faithfully answered questions that could not be called questions at all.

"Let me think about it! My mind is in chaos right now, give me some time..." Tianxiang couldn't help but sigh.

(Struggle for hegemony is necessary, but many book friends have also wisely said that it is extremely unwise to put a little girl together with a bunch of old men who are too old to chew bones. Haha! However, if you continue to pay attention, I believe Everyone will be able to discover the conspiracy soon... No more nonsense! The votes are coming!)