
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

Chapter 37 - Action

According to Huang Manyun, the Liuyun tribe's camp should be two solar days away from the base, which is ten days. Although Tianxiang is really not used to this way of expressing it, there is nothing he can do about it. Hunters have become accustomed to this method of calculating distance in terms of time. The length measurement units created by the ancients were completely foreign to them. Meters, kilometers, millimeters... these terms are useless to them. Especially when it comes to the distance of the journey, you have to judge it entirely based on your own foot power and time. Although, such results often have too many errors. Two people walking at completely different speeds will almost double the difference in their description of the distance of a certain place.

Tianxiang had nothing to do about this. Although he knew very well that this was wrong. The only correct way is to refer to the length measurement units of the ancients. But in the final analysis, it is his personal idea after all and cannot be imposed on anyone. If you want this situation to change, you can only use it subtly and with actual results to let others understand and understand your approach, so that you can eventually gain widespread recognition. Finding and rescuing the remaining women is undoubtedly a major event, and it is also an urgent matter that must be carried out as soon as possible. After serious discussions with Zhan Feng, Liu Rui, and the recently joined Liuyun matriarch, Tianxiang finally decided to set out early the next morning, bringing enough cold-proof clothes and food, and after finding the remaining Liuyun clan members, he would Take it back to base.

Sixty strong men, plus myself and the matriarch leading the way. This is the number Tianxiang came up with after integrating all the information and discussing the results with everyone. It is also the necessary number of personnel involved in the rescue operation. According to Huang Manyun, more than a hundred women were left in the camp. If you want to successfully rescue them, you must bring enough things. One set of clothes for everyone is a sure thing. If the number is not enough, take it off from the tribe first. There is enough fuel and felt in the base for them to make a new set of land. As for the meat, it's as simple as prying it out in large chunks from the cold storage. Bake directly on the fire. After reducing the water content, the dried meat is not only very filling, but also light in weight. A piece of frozen Trichinella spiralis meat the size of an arm, after being completely dried, is only three-quarters of its original size.

Despite this, when all the things that had to be prepared were completely put together, they still piled up into a thick hill. Tianxiang and Zhan Feng carefully counted every item and selected defective items that did not meet the requirements. To reduce the burden on the carrier. As for the tools for shipping, that's not a problem either. In the secret warehouse in the curator's room, there are several large wooden boxes filled with rucksacks. Although its quantity cannot meet the requirement of one person for the whole clan, judging from the people participating in the rescue this time. It's enough.

Sixty-two bulging backpacks put together are like huge cloth breads. only. Their weight is obviously far greater than that of fluffy and lightweight imitations. Find women and rescue them. This is Tianxiang's plan. Of course, while rescuing them, the rescuers must also ensure their own supplies. It is not difficult to carry enough dried meat to feed yourself for twenty days. The problem is that. The food carried, at least a large part, was to be provided to the trapped women. Therefore, everyone must carry twice as much dried meat as they can eat. This adds a considerable weight to the already quite heavy backpack.

But that's not all there is to bring.

Clothing and food can only meet the physical needs of the body. Moreover, this is only for security situations where there are no external threats. If you want to survive, you have to bring something more important. Although, its weight is completely proportional to its importance. arms.

Each person has an M5G43 assault rifle. Plus four full magazines. In addition, each person is issued a dagger and four grenades. According to Tianxiang's opinion, he should have brought a few more magazines and a pistol for close combat. But there's no way, it all adds up. Apportioned to each person, it already exceeds 30 kilograms. It has almost reached the limit of what the tribe can afford. After walking out of the gate of the underground base, Tianxiang couldn't help but take a few deep breaths of the cold air mixed with wind and snow. Compared with the warm and lively atmosphere in the base, the silvery world outside is obviously much more deserted. Looking around, there is no living thing moving in the empty sky and earth. A piece of white shrouded in darkness, exuding an inexplicable dead silence in some unknown glimmers of light.

This is the earth, the earth that once gave birth to all things, and is also the home for human beings to survive. But now, it is just a planet with scars all over its body that has survived the battle of destruction. "Let's go!" With a simple command full of power, a heavily armed team suddenly emerged from a hidden entrance on the ground. They meandered in the snow. From a distance, it looked like A neat and orderly group of bugs are working hard to find their target covered by the heavy snow according to a certain pattern. The heavy backpack and weapons are not a big burden for Tianxiang at all. The Tai Chi running in the body The mental method is like a machine that can continuously provide energy, making it almost impossible to feel the fatigue caused by strenuous physical exercise. It is precisely because of this that Tianxiang carries more than twice as much as his tribe. Although , this kind of behavior seemed normal to him. But in the eyes of a group of tribesmen who were struggling hard, it completely changed into something with another meaning. Tianxiang, who was striding in front of the team, did not notice at all that the tribesmen behind him The eyes cast on him were obviously filled with more admiration and respect than before. It was very difficult to walk in the snow that reached the legs. And carrying a lot of supplies on his body has become the biggest burden for everyone at this time. Fortunately, these tribesmen are all strong men carefully selected by Tianxiang, and their weight-bearing abilities are far beyond those of ordinary people. What's more, during this period of time, Tianxiang's series of trainings in order to increase the physical fitness of his tribe also improved their abilities in this area. Although it is a little difficult to walk, it does not feel very strenuous. In contrast, Huang Manyun's situation was much worse. Although Tianxiang had taken careful care of him before departure and reduced nearly half of the weight in his backpack. But it was of no use. He only walked for less than half a day, and his body was extremely strong. The strong matriarch was already out of breath and sweating all over her face. Of course, this was not without its benefits. At least, the threat of the cold seemed to be gone. After wiping the sweat from her head, the matriarch looked quite a bit joking. Di said helplessly, wanting to take off his carpet clothes. Because, wearing it, he was too hot, so hot that he could hardly breathe. He got up in the morning and stayed overnight. A few days later, the rescue team had walked out of the original ruins of the city. Begin to enter a more desolate world. Compared with the city, there are not so many steel and concrete here, but there are many more plants standing in the snow. However, these plants wrapped in frost were obviously dead long ago. Only the withered yellow stems exposed on the ground silently told the silently passing humans about their once green lives and their desire for sunshine. "We are not far from the camp. Calculating from here. If we keep the current speed, we will only need three days to reach our destination."

On a huge dead tree, Huang Manyun found the mark he made when he came. It was a gray-white mark revealed after the dead skin was cut off from the middle of the tree. According to her, this was a mark made to prevent getting lost. Obviously, the rescue team's progress has far exceeded when the Liuyun tribe came. Thinking of this, Tianxiang couldn't help but feel helpless. If you know the exact distance in advance, you don't have to carry such a heavy backpack. The supplies needed may be reduced accordingly.

However, such regret did not last long. Two days later, the rescue team arrived at an abandoned ruins in Leyi. Judging from the few broken walls left behind, it seemed that this was once a village where ancient people lived. The crumbling reverse roof was covered with thick snow. Several badly damaged houses had already been crushed by this huge weight. Only the broken roof beams and the walls without roofs were left standing there alone, sadly and silently looking at all these things that they could not stop at all. Although there was no space like an underground base that could shelter from the wind and snow, the hunters relied on the low remaining walls to build piles of warm bonfires. Compared with the endless wilderness, these broken earth walls are much better. At the very least, they can block the strong wind and provide a relatively warm place to rest for people after a tiring day. The dead branches of plants collected from the snow became the only source of fuel. Some combustion-supporting ingredients added to them also made the flames burn longer. Before setting off, Tianxiang had already foreseen the difficulty of collecting fuel. Therefore, in addition to bringing their own backpacks and weapons, each rescue team member must also bring an additional ten pieces of dried Trichinella spiralis shells. Because they found that this kind of thing burns well and is very resistant to burning. Generally speaking, a piece of dry insect shell is enough to be worth ten times the same volume of fuel. The dried insect meat is very hard to chew in the mouth, and the climate is cold. After freezing, the dried meat is as hard as steel bars. When roasted on fire, a lot of water will leak out. Correspondingly, the dried meat will become somewhat softer. It's not that troublesome to eat. If the roasting time is longer, the crispy areas on the surface will also emit a special aroma. Coupled with the boiling snow water in the earthenware bowl, such a simple food tastes special. Rest is always accompanied by pleasure. Despite the cold weather, laughter and hope always envelope people's hearts. Soon, after satisfying the requirements of their stomach bags, everyone tightened their felt clothes and moved their bodies closer to the fire. With the help of bursts of warmth coming from the nearby ground, they huddled together and quickly fell asleep. Unlike them, the sentinels responsible for vigilance could not enjoy this comfortable sleep peacefully. Before camping, Tianxiang had already dispatched four security personnel to the surrounding area. Although it is really difficult to see things in the distance clearly when the wind and snow are filled and the field of vision is extremely poor. But for the campers who have no precautions at all, it is really an extremely necessary and necessary thing. In winter, it is safe for hunters. It's also a far more dangerous season than usual. The cold weather and the snow and ice in the sky are enough to prevent all creatures from going out. In order to preserve that little bit of hard-won warmth, the usually ferocious bugs could only endure their hunger and choose to hide in their nests and sleep. Therefore, when hunters go out in the winter, they will hardly see any trace of bugs at all.

But there are always exceptions to everything. The evolution of living things is really an interesting and incomprehensible thing. According to the habits of bugs, sleeping in winter should be an extremely normal behavior. However. Those insect beasts that have broken through their own limitations and evolved to a higher level of existence. Although they have inherited the hibernation habit from their ancestors, it is not complete. They can still feel hungry during sleep. After waking up after being comatose for several months, the rumbling stomach and the body in extreme need of nutritional supplements together make a crazy protest to the brain. It is required as the control center to lead itself to obtain things as soon as possible. To satisfy the most primitive and basic desires. Therefore, hunters who go out in winter may occasionally encounter some insect beasts looking for food. Their temperament will be more ferocious than usual. The attack power is also more powerful. And, the creatures they encounter. There was almost no chance of survival at all.

In order to obtain a piece of meat that can satisfy their hunger, human beings will do the craziest and most horrific acts. Not to mention insects. Although, the probability of such a situation happening is not high. There are only a few insect beasts who have enough courage to leave their warm nests and come out in search of food.

However, this situation still exists. Since yesterday. Tianxiang began to feel an inexplicable uneasiness. It is a fear and resistance to the unknown. This feeling has been permeating my mind for a long time and cannot be dissipated. Moreover, as the rescue team got closer and closer to the location mentioned by Huang Manyun, this uneasiness, obviously tinged with fear, shrouded his heart like an increasingly heavy cloud. "What went wrong" or what is wrong? "For two days, Tianxiang has been thinking about it over and over again, but he has not gotten any answers. He has also spread his thoughts to the replacement members as much as possible, hoping to get some extra gains in this way. But the result disappointed him. Wherever his thoughts affected him, apart from the cold snow, all that was left were the silent broken walls and the withered and dead plants.

"It's safe, at least it's safe now." Every step. Tianxiang's thoughts can be extended one step forward, and the detection distance will naturally be further. At times like this, he always hopes to find something from it, so as to relieve the inexplicable fear in his heart. After all, it's not pleasant to be surrounded by negative emotions all the time. Although Tianxiang's mental endurance is far beyond that of ordinary people, in the final analysis, he is still a human being. An ordinary person.

Although, many of his abilities are more powerful than ordinary people. But he is human after all. Before camping, Tianxiang once again let go of his thoughts and carefully searched every area nearby. Except for hundreds of bugs hiding in caves more than ten meters deep under the frozen soil, huddled together comfortably and sleeping with their heads covered, no trace of any biological existence was found. This somewhat reassured him. Judging from Sigan's detection range, one thousand meters is definitely an inaccessible distance. Especially in snow where movement is difficult. With the sentry's vigilance and the thoughts released by oneself, as long as there is any abnormality, everyone can immediately enter a state of full alert. However, the uneasy feeling hanging over my heart became even stronger. It was so intrusive that Tianxiang could not sleep peacefully at all, and could only toss and turn in front of the fire anxiously.

The insect brain's ability to predict things once again showed its mysterious ability to perceive unknown things at this moment. Although I don't know what it is and where that inexplicable threat comes from. However, it can still detect the presence of danger.

Although, until now, there has been no sign of danger at all. The flying snow scattered all over the sky, and the burning bonfire made a crackling sound. The warmth brought by the burning flame makes people sleep more soundly. Between the dim sky and the earth, a few restless winds blew from time to time. All of this shows a rare peace and tranquility.