
Doomsday: Godly System

mannatbir_singh · Quân đội
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35 Chs

Chapter 33

kanae: so what goverment are planing now

Lin: japan and india know about awakening so tey know this power is only way to survive so now they are going to change in full scale in power

Kira: so what they are going to do

Lin: japan is making big city more than 1000 km square in Shikoku where only small amont of zombies are which they will clear in two or three days and they will take control then all over shikoku and thet also brodcast survivor will comes toward this place now they starrt countructing on whole scale with creating walls all over side with width of 1km at least

Kira: I have to say for safety it good but ghost zombie can break it

Lin: yes but ghost zombie will not take fight now as they like to make teritory safe and try to eat same element zombie which they needed for nest evalution

Zoya: so dragon zombie will not appear fast enough then

Lin: it will appear in 2 days in Phase-2 zombie tiger will exploded so they will get element very easily

Zoya: how much they needed to eat

Lin: for one ghost zombir to evolve they needed 100 same element zombie at least now it is tuff geting 100 tigers in one area leave same element, so first they will create tiger gold zombie army and attack on nest area and take time to get more element

Kanae: now zombie fighting will also hapen inside which is good

Lin: yes for now power strugle will happen on large scale on both side

Kira: what other countries doing

Lin: india also start to make bases very bigger than japan and now there plan is to make ten bases on all the north states as there water and food is fast enought to get two bases are chosen in panjab one in hyrana, one in himachal as a main base all over all states also getting small basses

Kira: so they leave all the big area

Lin: not exactily they are making in three places one in north like this one in mahrasta hilly area and other is on side of anurachal pardesh all the citizen need to go this place, they are doing on large scale now work than other country

Zoya: I have to say this good for india if all the population go that areas and they are big enought to handle this area they will slow down polulation

Lin: yes t will new zombies will slow if no bitten one is gone there

Zoya; this is ggod for citizen but goverment will not d something like this fast descision

Lin: yes it's not from goverment it's from army they have take control of country in thier hand

Zoya; that why descision come fast enough

Lin: yes all the survivors are going to train and army also take all resources all over country to thease bases even from religion places are not left

Jasmine: that good temple have a lot resource and they waste a lot of it also

Lin: they are crating like country boundry area wall of 2 km with and 1 km hight in three set's

Basima: they are sing all the resources now

lin: they have give work to citizen and companies to transport all material into thease bases

Zoya: this is good but about pakistan