
chapter 1

"Luke please you cannot do this to me" Minnie said this with an unstable voice as she was trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall at anytime.

"Im sorry to have to do this to you Minnie but I just cant do this anymore" he let out a frustrated breath and continued "you are too loud , stubborn,got no respect for me, you...." she didnt let him finish and said "ok ok baby I will change I promise please don't leave me"her eyes shinning showing a glint of hope but that didnt last long as Luke said "Thats the problem Minnie we've been here before so many times I dont have the energy anymore. I think it its best for you to just move on with your life and forget about me."

Minnie felt like they were not in their class anymore..like she was on this planet where there was nobody else but Luke and her ...Luke was slowly drifting away to space she tried reaching out to him but he was so further away she could nothing but watch him go.She was left alone in that dark...cold planet.With this thoughts in mind she was facing one direction not moving ."Are you asking me to die " she said with a cold voice no hint of emotions and looked straight into Luke's eyes.

"Youh Luke are you coming or what " Bryan Ruiz one of Luke's friends entered the classroom." Im coming just give me a minute Ry" said Luke looking straight into Minnie's eyes.Bryan saw the tension between them then he said in a low awkward voice "ooookay bro me and them boiz will wait for you in your car" then he quickly went out .

Minnie wore a smile, stood up from the chair leaned slowly over to Luke when her face was close Luke wanted to protest but Minnie put her finger on his lips signalling him to keep shut and then resumed moving her face towards his ,never losing eye contant .When they were an inch apart she said "you've broken my heart into a hundred pieces but that was not enough for you...you went on crushed them into a million pieces making sure that you leave me with no heart "she paused and let out a breath and that made Luke lose his mind as she was so close .He closed his eyes trying to suppress the desire that Minnie was evoking in him with her warm breath.Minnie smiled as she watched him and continued

" well congratulations you've succeeded...I watched you play my heart like a grand piano coz I was hoping that U'll finally grow tired of being a manwhore and wanna settle down but boy was I wrong? too bad I realise that now." she then brushed her lips ontop of Luke's and when Luke touched her nape to deepen the kiss she moved back and said "ah ah ah you just lost that privilege "

She took her school bag and said "bye Luke I hope you find what U lookin for" and she started to walk towards the door and just like that she went out of his life .He looked at the door for minutes and rubbed his face aggressively with both hands and went out of the classroom sighing helplessly. 'If only she new my reason... Im just trying to protect her' thought Luke as he was walking towards his car.

Minnie went to her dorm room and threw herself on her bed facing the ceiling.She held her chest trying to stabilise her breathing but it became worse then she sat up gripping her uniform as if she wanted to tear it apart tears were falling like a dam that has been just opened.She let let out a loud piercing scream.

Liz who was in the bathroom ran out to find out what was happening only to find her bestfriend lying on the floor hands holding her chest tightly and weeping.

"oh my God Minnie what happened to you ...why are you like this tell me?" Liz was shocked and her heart ached seeing her friend like for the first time she didnt know what to do. Liz sat down next to Minnie and put Minnie's head on her lap. "I .....ca...nt breathe Liz... it hurts..... make it stop.....make it...s.t.o.p " Minnie said between her sobs"I cant do this .....I wanna ...die please...lemme die"

To say Liz was shocked by what her friend said would be an understatement "no no no Minnie you are not gonna die...whats wrong baby tell me "

"L...uk...e" thats all Minnie managed to utter while sobbing. When Liz heard that she quickly reached for her phone and dailed Luke's number.