
Don't touch me Mr. J

Stolen at birth, abandon by her fake family and friends, Emilia has to face everything head-on without backing down. She begged Jason the most richest man in the world to serve him in exchange for the betrayal of her family and friends.

flobabe9090 · Thành thị
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60 Chs

Chapter 56: They are mine friends so they can be here

All eyes where on Emilia and Jason when they walk hand in hand towards the guest that have arrived at the moment.

"You look stunning love I never knew you could be more beautiful than you were." Jason said to Emilia as everyone as looking at him with envy because of the beautiful lady walking side by side with him.

"You know you should stop complementing me on my looks because I'm more than it. Besides you have seen me at my worst moment so don't act like I am a different person entirely." Emilia replied Jason with a grumpy face.

"Well I'm glad you are mine so lets go and welcome the guest together with grandpa at the door." Jason smiled at Emilia.

Emilia former classmates and friends were outside looking at the security at the door thinking they won't be allowed into the house since they were not rich enough to make friends with the Sinclairs.

"What do we do if they send us out from the party because it looks like a lot of businessmen and women are here in this party." Anna Wayne asked the other members of their class.

"Let's just try, Emilia gave us an invite to the party so we can't be kicked out." Cindy Walker said with assurance.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. What are these lowlifes doing here in the Sinclairs mansion? You aren't from the wealthy class and I know that your family doesn't have any business dealings with the Sinclairs, then what are you doing here?" Kyla and Kylie Mashal, the twins from Class A said to the students from Class D when they saw them at the entrance of the party.

"Oh is the annoying followers of Susan Wilson. We are here as guest so stop bugging us." Anna Wayne answered them.

"Security, these people are imposters. Kick them out of here before they ruin the party." Kyla Mashal said to one of the security.

"Well people do you have an invite?" the security asked the Class D members.

"Sir, we are friends with the celebrant, please if you could please call her you can confirm we are here on invite from her." Cindy Walker told the security in fear.

"Liar! She is lying. How can the birthday girl who is the new madam of the Sinclair be friends with this lowlife." Kylie Mashal said to Security while drawing crowds entering the house with her loud voice. She wants to disgrace these set of people because they are jealous of them being her when their classmates can't get an invite to be.

Just then Jason and Emilia arrived at the door, Emilia heard the voice of Cindy, "Why are they out there not inside or is someone stopping them from entering the house?"

"Let's go and find out what is going on there."

As they walk closer to the noise, they heard the security saying to Kylie, "Young lady we don't look down on people here and you don't tell me how to do me job. You are this young and you are already saying hurtful words to hurt another of your mate, just who do you think you are?"

"You are just a security why are you talking to guest like that? I will report you to your boss and you will get fired just you wait." Kyla spoke angrily.

"Yes, how did the Sinclairs get to hired this kind of guard that doesn't know the difference between class. Don't you see that they are poor people who shouldn't be here?" Kylie told the security.

"Wow! I have never seen people throw their way in other people's home like they own the place. Who do you think you are to speak for the Sinclairs? Speak up let me know and talking back at the security guard that was doing his job nicely. I have to applaud you." Emilia said as soon as she heard what happened from the security guard's speech.

"You cheap slut, what are you doing here? Dressed like that, do you want to hook up with more sugar daddy is that's why you are here?" Kyla said.

Jason was so angry as soon as he heard what the girl just called his wife.

"I have the right to be here and you don't. I wonder who gave you invites to be here in the first place." Emilia answered the annoying twins.

"No no no, you are friends with those trash over there and besides we know you are a bastard child that was picked from the dump site. You think we don't know about that incident. Susan spoke a lot about you when we were in school. Besides our father is partnering with the Sinclair Empire with our designs on clothes." Kyla said out loud so the crowd could hear out Emilia's background. She was jealous when se saw the gown Emilia was putting on and how beautiful she looked. 'I have been looking for a way for me to take you down I don't want you to take Jason Sinclair from me since he is very rich and I want to be the madam of the Sinclair household.'

"Very funny but for your information those people you look down on are my friends so they have to be here since I invited them here but the both of you just doomed you family. Love are just standing there while these brats insults your wife right here." Emilia spoke to Jason as soon as she read the thoughts of Kyla.

"You call my wife a slut and that wasn't enough for you and you have to bring up that matter I told people to stop talking about. Security bring Mr. Mashal here this minute."

"Yes sir."

"Sir, he is here."

"Mr. Jason here I am sir."

"From this moment on the Sinclairs has no dealings with the Mashals, throw them out."

"No sir I have done nothing wrong why are you terminating our contract like this?"

"Ask your lovely daughters they will explain everything."

The twins were shaking as soon as they heard everything, "No sir please it is our fault not our dad. Please forgive us."

"Its too late get them out of here."

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