
Don't touch me Mr. J

Stolen at birth, abandon by her fake family and friends, Emilia has to face everything head-on without backing down. She begged Jason the most richest man in the world to serve him in exchange for the betrayal of her family and friends.

flobabe9090 · Thành thị
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60 Chs

Chapter 52: Spirit water for the Sinclairs mansion member only

Emilia went to the flower garden in the Sinclairs estate. The garden was huge and it was what she needed to grow her medicine plants. She asked Grandpa Gavin for some plots of land for her to plant on which he gave to her without asking questions.

She asked the Bulter Mr. Abel Eden for garden tools together with shovel for her to dig a well close to the garden space Grandpa Gavin gave to her. Mr. Abel called the male servants in the estate to help her dig the well. The servants worked diligently for her because she has always been kind to everyone in the estate.

While the well was dug by the male servants, Emilia started planting her herbs on the soil she was careful not to make any mistake so she can study the soil her that is not like her usual space land that she planted the other part of her herbs, she cant afford to lose any herb because her company's products depend on it.

They finished digging the well before nightfall the next day with the design Emilia gave to them to design it like. They never found any water when they finish digging the well but Mr. Abel told them, "The water could flow out at night after all I have seen well that has water the next morning after been dug." "Ok sir".

Emilia snuck out that night to the newly dug well, she fill it with water from her space so she could always take water from her to water her herbs and the servants can fetch water from here to use in the house too since it is better for their health too. After filling the well she water her herbs she planted before going to bed.

The next day, the female servants begged Emilia to assist her with the planting of the herbs. She asked them, "Are you through with your chores? I won't want to hinder your jobs so you don't get sack from your job." "Young madam, we are less busy we won't forsake our jobs we will work in turns."

Few of the maids accompany her to the herb garden she was planting. Emilia showed them how to plant the herbs and how to water them. They worked faster then when Emilia started planting the herbs on the land, "You see more hands are better than two." "Thank you everyone." They covered the area Emilia was given to plant the herbs that very day.

"Now we wait to see the fruit of our labour."

"Yes ma"

"Everyone fetch a bucket of water from the well to carry back to the house for consumption, I discover the water helps to remove toxic from the body and don't let this know to anyone not from the house even your family members and friends."

"Yes ma right away."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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