
Don't touch me Mr. J

Stolen at birth, abandon by her fake family and friends, Emilia has to face everything head-on without backing down. She begged Jason the most richest man in the world to serve him in exchange for the betrayal of her family and friends.

flobabe9090 · Thành thị
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60 Chs

Chapter 37: The Wilson's downfall

"Emilia will know hell by the time I'm through with her. " Susan vowed.

The Wilsons never knew what was coming to them, they thought they won't be affected by Mr. Finn's deed.

The next day, the Wilsons found out their company was going through crisis, their stocks was going down, everyone that had business dealings with them withdrew.

Mr. Sinclair was on the phone all morning, no one wanted to help them.

An old business partner asked him, "Who did you offend? There is a warning out in the business world not to have any dealings with you or that company will suffer the same fate as yours."

"I don't know who is doing this to me."

Another friend called Mr. Wilson, "Why did you offend the Sinclairs? Are you insane? They are the ones that put your company on the blacklist."

"Oh no! Please you got to help me out I didn't do anything to the Sinclairs and we didn't have any business dealings with them."

"That isn't my problem I just wanted to inform you. Good luck friend. "

James Wilson was angry and frustrated with everything, he never knew it was because of Emilia that he was suffering. Jason and his family were taking revenge on behalf of Emilia after they heard Mr. Finn's dealings with Amanda Wilson.

"I am finish, it is over for us now"

Amanda Wilson and her daughter walked into the house at that moment with sad faces not aware of the damages they have cause for James Wilson, "Darling what is going on? People were looking at us suspiciously. We couldn't buy anything because the cards are all frozen, why?"

"Daddy I need a new shoe please unfreeze our accounts so we can buy them." Susan said.

James Wilson slapped the both of them in anger, "I regret having you as a daughter and you Amanda are the worst of them all. Pack your bags we are getting divorce immediately."

He walked out after saying those words to his wife and child. They are the ones creating problems for him.

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