
Don't lose your smile (Danmachi x bloodborn)

After the death of his family in an accident, a lonely teenager in search of strength and a new friends goes to the labyrinth city of Orario. After a series of unfortunate events and stupid decisions, Crowley finds himself in a completely unfamiliar and frightening world. Oh yes, and something also damaged his hunter's mark, so his path will be much more difficult than expected. _______________________________________ English is my second language, and in my native language I have never written anything resembling a complete work. I write fanfiction to improve my English and writing skills in general. Please be understanding. (I am still open to constructive criticism on any points). _______________________________________ And of course, I do not own danmachi or bloodborn, as well as the original characters for the works.(Found the cover on Google images, if this causes any problems please contact me). I consider only the plot of this particular fanfic and OC to be mine.

Justlucky · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

Return. Even gods need help.

*Orario, Daedalus Street. Night*

In one of the alleys, a teenager rose from the ground. Long dark brown hair, completely bright green eyes except for the cat-like pupil, an unnaturally large and toothy smile. The clothes he was wearing were: a thick leather jacket, leather pants and high-quality boots. On his head hung a three-cornered hat and a bandana, which Crowley pulled over the lower part of his face, hiding a frightening smile.

In his right hand was a strange-looking cane.

On his shoulders lay an expensive cape, embroidered by the queen of vilebloods herself.

The teenager's stomach was covered in blood, and it seemed as if worms were squirming under his clothes in this place. The power of old blood healed a long-received wound like never before.

The atmosphere around the hunter was threatening. The unusually gloomy style of clothing and the aura accumulated from killing millions of living beings frightened anyone who had the curiosity to come closer.

- Shall we continue where we left off?

With a slow step, the young Great One walked out of the alley.

{For begging... A place to stay for the night? I haven't slept for so long.}

Finding an empty house in the slums, he went inside. Crowley leaned his back against the wall, his gaze directed at the front door before going to sleep.


*Early morning*

The sun's rays made their way through the leaky roof of the building. When the first of them fell on the hunter's face, covered with a bandana, he jumped up and disappeared from his place in the fog. He appeared already in the doorway, holding his weapon at the ready.

Looking around, Crowley realized that the surroundings were safe. { *Sigh* I don't think I can go back to that life. }

The path of the young Great One lay in the dungeon. As it turned out, hunting became an integral part of his life, without which he began to get very nervous.


*Bete Loga POV*

Bete Loga - first class adventurer of Loki familia. He has gray hair, orange eyes, grey wolf ears, and a grey wolf tail. He also has a blue tattoo on the left side of his face and a muscular physique. His features are described to be handsome, and he appears cool to others.

{Damn monstrophilia! Why am I even forced to help Ganesha family this early, when all the team members are preparing for a raid in the dungeon!}

Young werewolf was returning home from the Amphitheatron, after fulfilling a request with preparations for the festival.

Suddenly, the beastman's sensitive nose caught a thick, unpleasant odor. The smell of blood. Looking up from a road, a strange teenager appeared in front of the adventurer, whom those around him preferred to avoid.

Dark leather clothing covering all parts of the body and a lowered head with a hat pulled over the forehead, covering the eyes.

Something about him evoked instinctive fear in the adventurer. But true to his bad character, fear awakened a fit of anger in the werewolf.

- Hey, you! Guy with a cane! Who are you? And why is there such a strong smell of blood coming from you?

Boy in front of him raised his head and their eyes met. Bete froze in place. His soul trembled.

- I'm just going about my business, as for a smell, I'm a hunter.

Hunter, again hiding his eyes, continued walking.

{ What was it.. }


*Cheshire POV. Dungeon, 1 floor*

Whip chased the goblins around, killing each one with a precise blow. Crowley sat to the side, pointing the weapon with one hand.

- Boring. These are not monsters. These "things" are no stronger than a human child. If I remember correctly, there should be more dangerous creatures on the floors below.

Time passed, Crowley went down the floors. None of the varieties of monsters encountered forced the hunter to use even a small part of his capabilities.

At a certain moment, while killing bull umanoid creature, the novice adventurer got tired of it.

{ If you go deeper, then only with company. If I go downstairs alone, I might go crazy from boredom. I'll eat first and then go to the library.}



The silhouette slowly entered a guild doors and headed towards the exchange counters.

At the moment, the half-elf Eina Tulle was in charge of the exchange office. Without raising her head, she served customers in line.

- Good afternoon, put your crystals here. After verification you will receive valis according to your merits.

Dozens of crystals from level 2 monsters and hundreds of level 1 monsters fell into the exchanger.

- Very good, Mister...

The guild worker finally looked up at her client. In front of her stood an unknown person in full uniform, covered in blood. Eyes were hidden behind the hat

- I haven't seen you before. I'm Eina, judging by your clothes, you are a foreigner, perhaps an aristocrat? It doesn't matter, many people start a new life in this place. And let me give you some advice: you shouldn't walk down the street covered in blood.

- *Laughter* It's amazing how accurately you marked everything. Yes, I'am truly an aristocrat from distant lands. Believe me, much more distant than you think. My name is Cheshire Crowley.

As for clothes, at the moment I don't have a place to stop and put myself in order. I think this situation will change once I receive money. And let me trouble you with my request. Can I visit the guild library?

Eina's gaze filled with professional enthusiasm.

- Yes! I mean, of course you can. Everyone has free access to the library. Recently, more and more novice adventurers rush into the dungeon without properly studying the theory, which leads to their death.

- Perhaps the main danger is not monsters at all. When confronted with them, you always know their intentions. If you encounter people, you throw a coin every time. And sometimes the result leads to painful consequences. Let's not talk about human nature. How much did I get?

- Ah? Yes, according to my calculations, you earned 80,000 valis. Cash or transfer to your account?

The teenager seemed embarrassed.

- I...don't have a guild card.

- How so?! Then I'll go get your personal file and we'll arrange everything. Which familia are you a member of?

- I'm afraid, none. The one who helped me gain strength does not live in this world.

{ Is his god dead? What a horror, perhaps he came to Orario with the goal of finding a new family.}

- Then I can offer you a list of families recruiting into their ranks. I am sure that an adventurer of your level is a desirable acquisition for the gods.

- No need, I'll take the money in cash and go about my business, thank you.

Taking the bag of coins, the hunter went out, but before disappearing from sight, he left the words.

- Miss Eina, perhaps there will come a time in your life when it seems that everything is lost. At such a moment you can call me, person like me always answer, it's in my nature.


* Freia POV, One of the main roads of Orario*

The white-haired goddess watched the passing people with interest. At a certain moment, a figure different from the others came into her field of vision; in the unique vision of the goddess, this creature's soul was not visible; it seemed that something was blocking her ability.

{ What's happening? I think I can use some Arcana to get a better look. }

In the goddess's vision, the soul of the creature began to slowly appear, gray and red colors... Very saturated, and then...

- If you don't want to lose your mind, you should stop now. A boy appeared from the green fog in front of the goddess, covering her bleeding eyes with his hands. Those around were shocked, to put it mildly, the unknown man grabbed the face of the goddess of strongest familia in the world with dirty hands. After which blood flowed from under his palms.

Those present drew their weapons and prepared to save Freya, but her cry cooled their ardor.

- Enough! He's not dangerous.

- Turn off your ability, after which I will open your eyes.

Guy in black whispered.

- Okay....

The goddess's pupils returned to her usual silver color.

- Good, now let me ask you what you do? As far as I know, gods are prohibited from using Arcana, with rare exceptions.

- *U fu-fu-fu* I'm Freya, what's your name, young man?

{I'm in trouble. }

- Cheshire Crowley, dear goddess.

- I know this may seem unexpected, but Mr. Cheshire, will you join my family?


On this day, Orario became unusually noisy. The most beautiful woman in the world was attacked by a madman who damaged her eyes. In response, she invited him to join her familia. Pure madness, however, now this did not concern the two creatures left alone.

-Are you offering me a deal? In exchange for communicating with me, will you provide me with protection and money? No matter how you look at it, these are terrible conditions for you. What is the real reason?

The goddess's face took on a mocking expression. - This is the only reason.

The surrounding landscape began to change. Trees, flowers and graves began to grow from the floor. The light of the lamps took on a green tint, wooden headless men began to appear from the air, missing heads were flying under the ceiling with candles in their mouths. The young Great One's nightmare revealed itself.

- Don't lie to me, Freya! If there is even a drop of hope left in your head, tell the truth. I promise I will help you.

The goddess's eyes filled with tears, her shoulders trembled, and sighs were heard.

- *Sob* Save me...

Nightmare retreated. - So be it.

Today is one chapter, I have urgent matters. Tomorrow I will try to return to my usual schedule. Thanks for reading and powerstones!

Justluckycreators' thoughts