

As Dean drove through the night, you cuddled against Sam, resting a protective hand on your belly. That fall had been scary, the thought of losing this baby upsetting you more than you expected. You wanted to have this baby. To have a chance at some normal resemblance of a life with Sam.

Secretly, you wished this baby was completely normal. That it would take mainly after it's father, leaving the special powers to you. It didn't need to grow up, hunted by hunters and the supernatural alike. You wanted her to grow up, knowing she was loved by her two parents.

"Y/N, everything okay? You've been pretty quiet." Sam whispered before pressing his lips to your temple.

"No, everything's not okay." Meg muttered from her backseat. "Cas is MIA, we've got a freaked-out prophet, and we're hiding from Angels and Demons alike."

"He's not talking to you." Dean sassed back.

"I'm okay." You assured Sam, smiling as his hand rubbed soothingly against your arm.

The next couple of hours in the car passed silently. Meg staring out the window, a dark frown on her face. Kevin curled into the far corner, holding the tablet tight to his chest, fear tensing his entire body up. Dean had a frown on his face, his fingers tight on the steering wheel. Sam kept his arm around you, holding you as tight against him as he could, his hand resting on top of yours on your slight bump.

There was complete silence in the car. Not even the radio was on, leaving the car eerie and still, as the trees blurred past. It lulled you into a sense of security, a sense that your small group was all alone in this big world.

As quiet as the car was, the unmistakable pop as Castiel appeared in the car had all three of you moving fast. Dean swerved the car, grateful there was no oncoming traffic. Kevin cuddled even tighter against the car door, his hand reaching for the handle. Sam gently pushed you away, so he could turn and see the new threat, all the while making sure you stayed safe behind him. And Meg? She didn't move, didn't flinch. Just smiled as the familiar Angel plopped into the seat beside her.

"Cas!" You exclaimed, grateful to see that your friend had made it back unharmed.

"You okay man?" Dean asked him, his eyes using the rear-view mirror to glance back at his friend.

"I am." Cas answered, reaching over and bopping Kevin's nose, which frightened the poor kid even more.

It was only about an hour later Dean was pulling in front of a rustic cabin, shutting the engine off. No one made a move to climb out, and you were seriously wondering how it was going to hold all of you. Sighing, Dean climbed out of the car, heading to the porch where he knocked over the old wooden statue sitting on the side. Pulling the key from its hiding spot, he opened the door and went inside, not even waiting for the rest of you. "Let's head on in." Sam muttered, gently pulling you out of the car.

Kevin followed close behind, with Meg staying by Cas' side. Stepping into the small cabin, your nose wrinkled at the smell of dust and mildew. "Well this place could use a cleaning." You muttered, raising an eyebrow at the lumpy couch placed in front of an old TV. The kitchen was small, the Formica counters peeling at the corners. Opening a cupboard, you frowned at the small can of beans covered in cobwebs at the back. "And a supply run."

"There's a bedroom in the back, a basement down below." Dean explained, coming through the back door with a pile of wood in his hands. "Y/N, why don't you stay here with Kevin and Cas, while Sam and I go on a supply run?"

Nodding, you grabbed a strip of paper off the counter, wanting to make sure they picked up the right things. "What am I, chopped liver?" Meg complained, her arms crossed as she stood at the door.

"Meg, I know you helped out Cas, but now I really don't care what you are." Dean grumbled. "You can leave anytime."

"I'm coming with you." She argued, making Dean roll his eyes.

"Make sure you get all of this." You insisted, handing Sam the list.

"Pickles and ice cream?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey!" You argued. "I can't help my cravings."

"Might as well buy the whole store." Dean muttered. "Who knows what she'll be craving next."

Slapping his shoulder, you watched as the three left the cabin, leaving you with a freaked-out prophet and a clueless Angel. Sighing, you finished the task of starting a fire, needing to ward off the chill of the cabin. As soon as it had started warming up the small space, you turned to Sam and Kevin. "Okay, this place is a mess. I need your help cleaning."

Ordering Cas down the stairs to see what items were in the basement, you put Kevin in charge of sweeping. The easy household chore seemed to calm the younger man, and he started humming as he worked. You turned to the kitchen, cleaning the counter top and the cabinets, trying to search for anything that was salvageable.

The time passed, and the sun filtered through the windows Cas was currently attempting to clean. You had made your way to the little bathroom stall, which consisted of a tiny shower, a toilet and a chipped sink. Getting down on your hands and knees, you began scrubbing everything you could reach. As you reached into the shower, you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen, making you double over and cry out.

"Y/N?" Cas called out, as you took deep breaths, trying to relax. Another sharp jab made you cry out again, letting go of the rag to hold tight to your belly. With tears in your eyes, you saw Cas race into the bathroom, Kevin close behind him. "What is it?"

"I don't know. A pain, right here." You mumbled as another sharp pain wracked your system.

Helping you to your feet, Cas guided you to the bedroom, where a large antique frame bed stood in the middle. "Kevin, pull off the quilt." Cas ordered, seeming partly back to himself. Kevin complied, dust flying everywhere before Cas gently laid you down. Frowning, he noticed where your hand pressed, right against the side of your belly.

"Y/N, is the pain still there?" He asked, his hand coming to rest beside yours.

"Not as bad. Maybe I overdid it." You wondered out loud, missing the worried glance in the Angel's eyes.

"That could be." He answered, but you could tell he wasn't buying it.

Just then you could hear the Impala pulling up out front, Sam and Dean's voice carrying through the wall. "Let's not tell...." You tried saying when another pain hit you, making you fold in on yourself.

"I don't like this." Cas muttered, wringing his hands together, before disappearing all together.

"Y/N, what do I do?" Kevin started freaking, just as Sam's voice echoed through the hall. "I'm going to go get Sam!"

Before you could gather the strength to speak, Kevin was gone, yelling for Sam. Closing your eyes, you wished you had some sort of manual for this. Wondering if a Reaper's pregnancy was meant to be so painful. Knowing that as soon as Sam stepped through that door, his worry would be on you, and not on stopping the Leviathan. Or figuring out how to keep Kevin safe.